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Posts posted by patternoverlap

  1. I draw'd ona wall:





    Also (sung to the hook in Avril Lavigne's Sk8er Boi):


    He was dleetr boi, backhanded comment, boy

    He didn't reeealize what he wrote

    Claiming no disrespect, but he was not wearing specs

    So couldn't seehee what he wrote

    He was dleetr boi, WATMM moderator boi

    Posted an insult in the art thread

    But he is dleetr boi, and so we forgive him, boy

    We all just need to chiiihihihiiiill. . .



    Ornaments Indians of North America and Mesoamerica



    Beautiful work you guys.


    <3 XOXO :beer:





    awesome stuff as always. what kind of pencils do you use?

    got a new batch of 3D prints in


    Just good old Prismacolors.



    Delete you just can't resist the little digs at people. So petty.


    I will keep things positive and say that I love the variety of work posted in this thread and encourage everyone to keep posting your work, no matter how unprofessional delete may think it looks.



    what are you talking about man. Her artwork is really professional. The stuff i've posted here is fucking terriblol (and people have been quite happy to point that out to me), and the medium stuff is also not ready for prime time, which is the case with a lot of sketches and whatever (not specifically talking about you) rather than a finished artwork. That doesn't mean the posters can't show their friends here what they're doing or that it can't be appreciated for what it is. I was just complimenting yegg for doing something that i thought was really good/skilled (and art is subjective yes, but i should be allowed to praise people without fearing that others then might be offended by this), surely you can be self effacing enough to not care even if you happened to accidently then link my comment with your work. Are you drunk ? If so that can lead to a little defensive self pity, heh.


    dleetr - 101 which i have to keep restating, mostly for americans, cause they don't seem to have that self analysis, self effacing thing going on, everything has to be bold colours. Everything i say is out of love for everyone here, i am not the type of person that is petty or tries to score points, why on earth would you think that about me after all this time, come on man. What's actually happening is the opposite, people are looking for yet another way to put me down, ergo unsurprised at ff and spanish ready to pile right on. It's more of that 'triggered bullying' that i have been moaning on of late. (lol you two)


    edit - that said, my comment was probably on the face of it a bit negative looking, i'm sorry artists of watmm. ;-p :cat::flower:



    Totally sober dude. You provided nothing to indicate any kind of context of a jest or dig at yourself. I'm one of the biggest self-rudes out there and don't personally care if you take jabs at my work, your comment (which again provided nothing in the way of a clue toward your tone or context) just came across as a cunty put-down of others.


    Also, nice to throw in another dig, chalking it up to Americans vs. you. As if people's inability to comprehend your vague and lazily constructed posts has something to do with geography or culture. Your post was poorly constructed and vague. If you meant it as a joke, you need to try harder.

  3. awesome stuff as always. what kind of pencils do you use?

    got a new batch of 3D prints in


    Just good old Prismacolors.



    Delete you just can't resist the little digs at people. So petty.


    I will keep things positive and say that I love the variety of work posted in this thread and encourage everyone to keep posting your work, no matter how unprofessional delete may think it looks.

  4. Fruits of My Labor


    Channing Tatum is a simple guy living an isolated existence in a cabin in the woods, trying out the survivalist lifestyle. Having run out of his usual food staples, he goes out foraging and picks many varieties of plants and fruit that he finds to eat. He makes a nice salad out of them and enjoys eating it. Hours later he begins to feel sick. Having no means to contact the outside world, he tries to remember what he picked and attempts to look up each plant in his encyclopedia to see if it's harmful to eat. He doesn't turn up anything harmful in his search but that's when the uncontrollable diarrhea begins. Having no proper sanitation facilities, he's forced to do his business out in the surrounding woods. The foul stench of his excrement attracts all manner of animals from the area and he soon finds himself fending off wolves and bears while sifting through his shits to see if he can find any clue to what is ailing him. Will he die? Will he be eaten? Only time will tell.

  5. There's absolutely nothing they could do in an Exorcist remake that would make it worth doing, and even in the unlikely event that the remake is good, it will fall flat with horror fans simply from the massive glut of mediocre exorcism movies that have come out since it was originally released.




    it's like fucking Inception in 'ere.

    I had some inception fucking once. I met a girl at a club a few months ago, and due to her being a hobag, we went to a love hotel (which is where you go in Tokyo to sexing). Anyway, after doing some lines of near-pure charly from IDM hookupz, my member is all of a sudden knee deep in her vagiznaz (took awhile to get it up, but I poked at it like checking meters in a jet). As I'm pumping her furiously with coke sweat splatting on the walls, I put her ankles by her head to get in deeper. And then I realized...... What the fuck. "Is that..... Is that another vagina?!" "...Yes."


    TLDR: I fucked a girl who had a vagina in her vagina, and in that vagina was another vagina.


    It was the first time I've been in 3 vaginas simultaneously, and I'm now humbled and find myself watching sunsets with can beer, crying, remembering the Native Americans. Sidenote: After the fucking, she queef'd with all 3 vaginas, which made a G major chord. So now every time I hear G major I remember her.

    Good thing it wasn't G Minor. You would have gotten 3 nested life sentences.



    Some people think that G Major is the sacred chord, that David played and it pleased the Lord. But it isn't it's F minor, as found in Chopin's Nocturne.







    Stupid fucking cunts.





    it's like fucking Inception in 'ere.

    I had some inception fucking once. I met a girl at a club a few months ago, and due to her being a hobag, we went to a love hotel (which is where you go in Tokyo to sexing). Anyway, after doing some lines of near-pure charly from IDM hookupz, my member is all of a sudden knee deep in her vagiznaz (took awhile to get it up, but I poked at it like checking meters in a jet). As I'm pumping her furiously with coke sweat splatting on the walls, I put her ankles by her head to get in deeper. And then I realized...... What the fuck. "Is that..... Is that another vagina?!" "...Yes."


    TLDR: I fucked a girl who had a vagina in her vagina, and in that vagina was another vagina.


    It was the first time I've been in 3 vaginas simultaneously, and I'm now humbled and find myself watching sunsets with can beer, crying, remembering the Native Americans. Sidenote: After the fucking, she queef'd with all 3 vaginas, which made a G major chord. So now every time I hear G major I remember her.

    Good thing it wasn't G Minor. You would have gotten 3 nested life sentences.

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