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Posts posted by Kavinsky

  1. correct me if I'm wrong but studio recordings and live shows are two completely different contexts and I don't see how not enjoying one would make you not enjoy the other

    i turn your statement around. I saw an artist last week and was deeply impressed by his live show and now his last LP is my fav. of the year so far, before that i couldn't really get into it. 



    so i suppose this can happen the other way too


  2. i've been only half-kinda-following this thread so i dont know if this has been pointed out before, but:



    is it just me, or does the start of The Station remind anyone else of Metallica?

    funny that you say that because  Ezra from GoD at 0:24 has that riff that reminds me everytime of Metallica

  3. so much opn in this post


    It should include mental feelings and ideas related to minerals secrets in the depths, a second invisible moon, a striper girl that does hypnotism and rules wall street secretly, a discouraging moment in Pitagoras life that accidentally led him into the source behind the source, a legendary talking Gekko, an immortal individual from Saturn that is made of a rare crystal, the idea of transhumanism being destroyed and forbidden by a mysterious individual that wears a hat, a skycrapper full of replicas of robotic greek ancient philosophers walking around and thinking, a blood pact made of artificial blood from a femenine robot with blood of her masculine human lover, a plasma child, internet massive and final breakdown due to a child mastermind sabotage, a clan of women that can transform themselves into birds, a rare latino cop that sabotages the ultimate nanoweapon system from Russia, the autumn season being modified by an unpredicted plasma cataclism inside the earth, a legendary ancient motorbike..



    People, let's just face it. Star Wars is completely retarded. Star Trek is a brilliant series overall that has brought hundreds of thought-provoking stories to a mass audience. ENd oF STorey

    What is this, a post from 1982?



    i think it's a Haiku.


    haha but srsly i would say that star trek is more intellectual & philosophical while star wars is more fun

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