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Posts posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. 1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    I wasn't being a troll I was stating a fact.  America is detached from reality and statements made as if they're true and normal just because they're in a US context should be fact-checked.  The democratic party of the US is also far right

    America is not detached from reality, there is just a different standard here compared to the European standard.  Is that OK for you?  Sure in America as a whole, the "center" of politics is probably far more conservative compared to Europe, but within the American political landscape, NBC is more "left-leaning" compared to our center.  Dunno how many times I have to say that.

  2. 11 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    NBC is a far right capitalist network, there are no left-leaning shows on it

    Ok, tovarishch, while you're not wrong from a global standpoint I meant left-leaning for the US or Democratic party-leaning, but I think you already knew that and were just being a troll.  Imagine that.

  3. 24 minutes ago, luke viia said:

    Honestly, more people like the concerned folks in this thread need to be running for office. I know, I know, it's a clown show. But who else is gonna do it, if not us? More crusty old folks? If gun-toting moon-faced racist tradwives can gather political steam, so can vinyl-hoarding, p-locking, lol-rolling big brains. 

    The media has to change, too.  I was watching some congressman being interviewed by NBC (left-leaning show).  He was something like the only R member of the house to be openly critical of Trump or something. He was making valid criticisms of the left and right and saying stuff like we need to get back to civil discourse in Congress instead of escalating, but the host was just hammering him to try and get him to say bad things about Trump and the right in general so that they could get a juicy soundbite.

    • Like 2
  4. 32 minutes ago, zero said:

    the fact that all these R politicians are trying to downplay and defend the event is sickening. it is a sad reflection on the state of society in general. traits that have historically applied to those in positions of leadership, and humans in general, such as showing accountability, leading with dignity, humbleness...these are slowly being written out of the script and replaced with trump-like behavior. finger pointing, immaturity, messaging with racist undertones. tantrums are being rewarded, wasn't my fault, etc...I just don't know how we reign this in? the R party seemingly will not disavow this type of behavior, seeing as large chunks of their constituents all act and think the same way, and vote accordingly!

    social media, as has been brought up time and time again on here, IMO is the catalyst for this behavioral change we see throughout society. lol culture. creating and weaponizing false information posted online, resulting in people doubting straight up facts, was probably not what the social media godfathers intended. but it is what it is now, and whether or not them banning certain bad actors and deleting outright false content helps, is yet to be seen. gonna sound like an old man here, but I just don't remember "it" being this bad before FB, twitter, etc. started. 

    This shift in traits displayed by leadership is certainly sickening, but it us up to us to stop it.

    These morons who are supporting Trump didn't just appear out of nowhere, they've been living in our neighborhoods all along.  It is my read on the situation that they haven't participated in politics in the past for whatever reason (anti-gov., lack of trust in gov., general apathy, etc.).  But Trump and his ilk have awakened them, and the internet and social media have allowed them to coalesce and organize and have a somewhat common and deafening voice.

    In the US, leaders are elected by the people who participate in government, and often who participate the loudest.  These morons have come out of the woodwork and have solidified themselves as a powerful voting bloc.  It's no wonder there are leaders who are catering to them.  The only way to beat them in the short term is for all of us reasonable people to stand up and participate in government and try to be "louder" than they are.  We can't be quiet.  Demand that our leaders be reasonable.  Long term, I dunno, maybe implement critical thinking education at young ages.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, usagi said:

    Novax Djocovid

    I love how that whole situation played out.

    Tournament admins supposedly "blinded" on exemption cases lets him in because of $$$, gov't lets him fly all the way there and then gives him the finger.

    • Haha 2
  6. 53 minutes ago, Nebraska said:


    a little dramatic with the flame thrower and truck running over the MAGA hat, but i can appreciate the shots being fired here. 

    That's an interesting thing about the type of hold that Trump has on a lot of his followers.  Sure, there are the die-hards, but I think that there are many more that are less hardcore; and they're the type of people who would snap against Trump and grandstand like this for their own egos if they sense a slight change in the direction that the wind is blowing.  If they start to gain momentum I think it could lead to a mass (but not complete) exodus from Trump to some other leader, which may or may not be a better outcome for the rest of us reasonable people.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, scumtron said:

    I have a few Cantillons in my beer callar, but they are hard to get by.


    4 hours ago, d-a-m-o said:

    Try this one (you probably know it but just in case...) fav belgian beer by far !


    I wasn't sure about Orval the first time I had it, but it's really grown on me and has become my favorite Trappist beer. There's nothing else like it IMO.  My wife calls it the "foot beer" because sometimes the young ones can be a bit funky, but not like geuze funky, its own brand of funky.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, beerwolf said:

    I’m sure I’ve had Lindeman’s as well. It’s funny back in the day before craft ale took off and before the internet made buying foreign beers a doddle, making lists of beers and rating them was kind of laughed at, similar to like a trainspotter is a super nerd. At the beer festivals you would have a crowd of people all sat round a table, looking serious with their notebooks, like librarians. Whereas for most it was all about having an adventure and a laugh. Now of course I wish I’d kept a log book of all the beers I’ve drunk. Nowadays I’d be left well behind and it would mean nothing but back in the 90’s and early 2000s I could go to any beer festival and know probably 80% or higher of every single beer being sold. Kind of wish I had a reference to that. But that’s nostalgic emotions tricking my brain, because if I did have that logbook it would just be gathering dust.


    I came into beer kind of late in life, and by no means consider myself an expert in any aspect of it (plus my palate sucks).  In grad school (early 2000s) I became really interested in Trappist beers which led me to Belgian beers overall.  That's probably where most of my knowledge lies.  I've been trying to cross all Trappist beers of my list, but the Westvleterens are obv. really hard to get in the US, although I have had a Wesvleteren 12 that a friend brought back from Belgium for me.  It's interesting how my tastes have changed over the years; I used to hate IPAs (when IPAs were 3/4 of any beer menu in the US), but now I've come around to them and have absolutely lost my taste for stouts & porters.

    Few years back I really got into lambics & other sours and I think they may have surpassed Belgian strong dark ales as my favorite style.  For the past few years I've been trying to explore lambics & geuzes more.  Cantillon is supposedly one of the highest rated producers of lambics & geuzes, and one of the only places in the US where you can get one is only 45 minutes from me in Philly.  Looking forward to that!

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    Holy wow. I’ve had Boon geuze before. And enjoyed it.

    Apparently it's a blend of seven batches of varying age, which makes it scarce and therefore expensive.

    Boon is great.  My go-to everyday geuze is Lindeman's oude geuze.

    • Like 1
  10. Few days back the wife was exposed to someone who tested positive yesterday.  She's getting tested today and I will get tested Monday.  Both fully jabbed and boosted (her with m-RNA and me with 2 JnJ).  Hopefully we come out negative so I can see my family next week for the holidays.

    Omicron is not messing around.  Tons of people at my workplace are testing positive.

  11. Because of my path in school / university, I've been pretty lucky to have never had a job that paid hourly (except one for a few summers and it was fine), and my salaried jobs have been pretty sweet thus far.

    Guess that makes me the bourgeois and ur all beneath me.  :nelson:

    • Haha 1
  12. Maybe we're overdue for a "dummy" revolution like this.  I mean, if you think about it, if you take a sample size as large as the population of a large country and assume any personality or intelligence trait follows a Gaussian distribution across the population (which is a pretty good assumption), there's going to be 50% of the people below average on that trait.  We've had a good, long run of the competent people being in charge (perhaps they were selfish or exhibited other negative traits, but they were at least competent in building and running a country).

    I think in the past, the dummies never rose to power because they lacked the ability to rise to the top of the social structure, and that was really the only way to really effect change.  Seems that the internet has provided a means for the dummies to band together (or be manipulated by more intelligent people into banding together) to effect change of their own.

    Seems like they might start to get seats at the table and turns at the wheel.  :crazy:

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    If someone like Tucker incites someone to violence, even unintentionally, that could open them up to lawsuits if the felon said they were driven or inspired by him.

    That's my point.  A mob was incited to storm a full session of Congress; members of Congress narrowly escaped and one person was shot dead on the scene.  Nobody who was truly responsible has been taken to task for it.  With this precedent, what greater violence could FN "incite" that such a big company could be successfully sued?  The individual actors will always take the fall, and probably do so "bravely" as self-proclaimed "patriots".

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    I’m hoping sooner or layer FN gets sued for the results of its hate speech.

    They'd have to say / publish something pretty egregious.  I mean, if the president can incite an insurrection and get away scot free, there's no way anything FN is doing now can stick to them.

  15. It would be interesting to study how susceptible people are to the kind of misinformation that brought about this army of Q-nuts, as a function of developed vs. underdeveloped countries.

    Of course there's the factor of access to information, internet, etc., but I'm guessing that a lot of the people in the underdeveloped world are too busy thinking about sustaining food and shelter or worrying about their unstable government / social systems that they have no time for these BS conspiracy theories.  1st world problems.

  16. 8 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    i'm an idiot but.. the mRNA aren't a piece of the active virus. you can't get the virus from the mRNA vaccines. whereas the non-mRna vaccines are a slice of the actual virus but modified. i probably explained this using the wrong terms and only added to confusion but you can google the differences and find a good source that isn't a mom's group on facebook for the data/details. all kinds of results pop up when searching on google. 

    antibiotics and mRna technology are way different. 

    cdc is a good source for how they work


    mRNA info

    https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mRNA.html?s_cid=11347:%2BmRNA %2Bvaccines:sem.b:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21

    traditional "virus vector" vaccines


    Pretty sure the J&J is a different (inactive) virus (adenovirus) that's been modified to have the COVID spike proteins on the surface.

    There's some pretty good info in the article I linked a page or two earlier in the thread.

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