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Posts posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. 12 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:


    IMO that's the perfect response for him to have about any question regarding Trump.  It's so obvious that these kinds of questions are designed to stir the pot and create clickbait headlines, and it's sad that journalists do that kind of stuff.  It's part of the reason why we are so polarized right now.

    • Like 3
  2. 55 minutes ago, YELLOW said:

    I've been thinking about biting the bullet and re-buying the dvd box set. I had all the individual seasons but then did a physical media purge a few years ago, and now the Netflix aspect ratio drives me crazy

    Go for it.  As you know, there are tons of extras on the DVDs besides the commentary like deleted scenes, an hour-long doc on how the show got started, "inside look" on most episodes (5 - 10 minute interviews explaining where the storylines for that show came from, etc.)...

  3. Been watching the DVDs recently with the commentary and notes.  There's some great commentary from the actors & writers that's worth checking out if you're into that kinda stuff.

  4. 9 hours ago, Squee said:

    I realise that the US has bigger problems than what I'm about to mention, but I'm listening to a podcast and my oh my... only Americans can butcher a foreign language like they do.

    I'll start by saying that I really wish I spoke another language, but I don't. I, and a lot of other Americans, grew up in a very rural area thousands of miles from any country that speaks another language.  We had to take foreign language in high school, but only for 4 years.

    It's just not prioritized here for a lot of reasons (not as necessary, ego, you can get by with english in a lot of other countries, etc.), but I wish it was.

  5. Ok fine but I thought all the "patriots" were against cancel culture.

    And these yahoos calling themselves "patriots" is such a great marketing move and such bullshit. I do love how they capitalized "Patriots" in their sign, though. 

  6. Man, that sucks.  I am kind of glad that I don't live in a red area.  NJ is doing decently right now, thankfully.  My area is 75% vaccinated (18 and older, 62% total).  At my workplace, they're bringing everybody back to work on Monday and even making masks optional for people who are fully vaccinated.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, very honest said:

    dark thoughts. homicide is not the answer.

    Oh I agree, I don't like having those thoughts but I have a personality type that is very empathetic but tends to rationalize destructive behavior under stress.  Whenever I think of all the harm he's caused and all the people's lives he's ruined or changed for the worse, all the families he's fractured, I just can't help it.

    I think if he was killed I would feel bad and guilty in the end, I think ideally I would want it to happen that way without my knowledge, I guess.

  8. 1 hour ago, very honest said:

    violence is the wrong thing. trust me.

    the correct conclusion to this embarassing chapter would be garland doj indicting for obstruction of justice, and maybe some other stuff like incitement of insurrection, conspiracy to commit sedition, perjury, unlawfully blocking congressionally allocated funds, solicitation of a bribe, and whatever else is completely appropriate. personally, i think treason may be tennable, if they had the balls to do it. maybe state charges on interfering with elections, in tandem. 

    the way we fumble this is as a country is by not making an example out of him and those who unwisely joined him. he committed some of the most egregious offenses against the country in its history. he is the greatest threat the country faced since the nazis. of course he was not alone, and he is best understood as a growth on the ass of the modern rightist scene. nonetheless, he decided to be the guy.


    I'm not advocating a violent end for him, I would like it to appear as if he passed from some natural causes.  Splitting hairs maybe, but we can't make him a martyr of course.

    And of course I would like to see him publicly held accountable for all of the shit he pulled, but can anyone really do that in a way that the people who need to get that message won't write it off as a "witch hunt"?  Sure, he'll be held accountable in the court of history once we have decades of perspective and temporal distance, but I'm hoping we can have both.  He passes on of "natural causes", Garland and SDNY release all the stuff that he would've been charged with, R public officials are no longer afraid of being bullied by him and are perhaps slightly more inclined to try and turn the R party back to possessing some semblance of decorum.

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