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Posts posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. 1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

    My family in Florida says padlocks showed up on the public mailboxes this week.  The postman had no idea.  WTF

    Are we so far gone that we can't come back from this?  If Biden wins, will this stuff continue to escalate, or will these people shuffle back into their homes and settle back into their shitty lives?  Were they just quietly wishing they could wreck this country but not doing anything about it before?

    If Trump wins, will they continue this path of destruction, eventually refusing to leave the white house after two terms?  Will they cause so much damage and division that cannot be repaired in a generation?

  2. 1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Is IKEA really worth all of this?  Meatball fanatics?  Maybe it’s like McRib ?


    Fuck no, but that's the American attitude.  I went to a brewery yesterday in Hershey, PA to pick up some limited edition beer, but I had to park at the outlet stores next door because they had free chargers for my car.  The outlets were fucking packed, people waiting in lines (not 6 feet apart) to get into Bath & Body works.  I would say about 20 - 25% of the people were not wearing masks.  Fuck this country.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, ignatius said:


    When it was pointed out that he actually can’t win in 2020—that he won’t be on enough ballots to yield 270 electoral votes, and that a write-in campaign isn’t feasible—and thus was serving as a spoiler, West replied: “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”

  4. 7 hours ago, dcom said:

    I'm not an artist and I'm really not trying to be a dick, but isn't the whole point of "working" for compensation creating something that others in the community need / want?  If any worker, even an artist, is creating something that people in general don't want or need in significant quantity, should they be compensated for it?

    Of course this is beside the discussion of artists who make art that people want being ripped off by middle men who are distributing the art.

  5. 4 hours ago, qualitycontrol said:

    Free market capitalism brought us here folks-

    It's true.

    *We* are all a bit skewed because we all love music here. 

    But the largely uneducated, non-critical thinking masses have decided that music is something you drive to, fuck to, make narcissistic  video clips with, and it should just magically float thru the air with yr cell phone subscription.

    Just support the underground with money as much as you can. Enjoy it. That's the real shit.




    edit:  stupid youtube won't embed

  6. 59 minutes ago, ghsotword said:

    It seems to me that the current state of things is that people whose main output is hot air (middlemen, managers, marketers, speculators, frauds, politicians) tend to get paid well and people who actually produce anything don't usually get paid as much

    Agree.  It's the same when you take a step back and look at corporations in general.  Financial corporations can make tons of money with very little overhead, and contribute very little to the betterment of society as a whole, whereas manufacturing takes real investment (capital and human), time, and volume to make a modest profit.  In today's world where every business is so focused on the short-term and on shareholder returns, nobody wants to take the time to invest in long-term anymore even if it betters society as a whole.

    • Like 7
  7. 1 hour ago, dingformung said:

    Sure, that's pragmatic under the current system though I think that everyone should receive a minimum of resources not only if they work but simply because they exist. A universal basic income is affordable when there is a financial transaction tax. Such a tax would fix other problems, too, but that's for a different topic. If anyone, like the great majority of people, wants more than their basic needs covered (food, shelter, access to healthcare and social/cultural participation), then a daytime job would be required.. Anyway, the amount and quality of art would change, also the willingness to pay for art.

    I agree in principle, but is a universal basic income sustainable in our current society?

    I am an altruist by nature but I'm also a realist, and I'm not sure if it's sustainable not from a monetary point of view, but I feel like if we had a UBI we'd have a hard time filling a lot of the low-tier jobs that still need to be done.  I admit that I'm severely uneducated on these things, and I'd love to be proven wrong.

  8. Kind of off topic because I think this thread is about the shitty systems that we have for compensation for art going to the wrong people...


    I'm not an artist in any sense of the word and I don't have any artistic talent at all (wish I did), so maybe I have a different view on the larger aspect here of artists getting paid for art.

    I'm an engineer, so my views are very pragmatic.  People should be paid for what they contribute to a society, and it seems like art always comes near the end of the list after more "essential" needs are met.  Art to some is essential, but it seems that is not the majority and as such it has always been relegated to a place where most people see it as a "nice to have" and "I'll pay what I want for it."  For people who love and need to make art, that sucks, but it's the reality.

    However, it seems that some artists feel that they are entitled to be paid for their work regardless of whether or not a lot of people want to consume that art.  Obviously, I don't know what the best system is to distribute art and compensate artists fairly, it seems like we've never had a good system for that (maybe that's the biggest problem here), but it seems that a pragmatic approach would be for artists to find jobs tangentially related to what interests them and do art in their free time.  Then they could contribute to the well being of our society and if their art takes off and they start making enough money to live off of that, they can count themselves among the lucky few to get paid for what they love doing.

    I love to build Lego, I'd do it in my sleep, but if nobody wants to pay to watch me build Lego I'm not going to demand that they do.  I'll get a job where I build "other stuff", not as satisfying but somewhat satisfying, and build Lego in my free time.  

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  9. 3 hours ago, Squee said:

    Nah, I was thinking, would he still be saying that it's inaccurate if he wins?

    Anyway, he thinks businesses, schools. international borders etc. should reopen, but also thinks that it's unsafe to go out and vote?

    Two things.  First, he was laying similar groundwork before the 2016 election and once he won, he and his base of course forgot all of the noise that was made regarding the "fairness" of the election.

    Second, don't try to apply logic to Trump and his followers. They are the way they are because they don't apply logic and reason to their lives, they only apply selfishness. This is the biggest mistake reasonable people make when analyzing or debating with these yahoos.

  10. 9 hours ago, Candiru said:

    But on the other hand, my mom’s neighbor had a house that was supposed to be a duplex but had 17 people. It completely burned down and the owner got investigated for human trafficking. 

    Exactly, this is what my neighbor had in mind but it would be nice to make him realize that, like everything in life, there are examples from both extremes and everything in between.  Perhaps a bridge too far for today's Trump supporters.

  11. Classy.  Was talking with a neighbor who's selling his house the other day (he's got a Trump sticker on his pickup).  He was telling me that he won't sell it to certain "minorities" (he danced around that word) because they always stuff multiple families in houses and drive down the property values.  My wife then told a nice story about how she spent her life from birth to 4 in a small house with her extended family living there also after they emigrated from El Salvador, and how her aunt is now a millionaire and retired at 50.  He quickly changed the subject.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, very honest said:

    the media is allied with ratings. they helped trump win. they're in love with the revenue coming from his perpetual controversy, even if they think they hate him. it's actually really sad to see these institutions struggle with the ethics of the choices they have to make.

    there was a lot of pressure on the networks to stop covering trumps' covid press conferences, because he was using them as a free platform to pump lying rhetoric into voter ears, under the guise of epidemic info. easy ratings for the networks. viewers of msnbc and cnn were pissed at the networks and were letting them know that, and the networks were trying to pry themselves free from trump's fake covid pageant ratings teat. sometimes starting coverage late, sometimes ending coverage early, sometimes breaking away from the covid press conference and then returning, and sometimes just not covering it. some networks said they would try to fact-check them in real time, but they didn't end up really doing that, though some anchors would comment on them in their own ways. 

    it was around the disinfectant injection episode that the white house covid press conferences kind of went away. they stopped being daily. at first they moved to earlier in the day for like a week but then they just went away. the networks were already struggling with their choice of offering the megaphone to the biggest liar causing the most deaths. cnn and msnbc were already on the brink of just stopping coverage. i think word got from the networks to the white house that they couldn't keep displacing their primetime shows to cover trump's shit shows anymore. especially if they lost birx and fauci, who were openly bristling at the nature of the pressers.

    so it's not idle speculation. you can witness the craven addiction of the media outlets to ratings. they air what is likely to get and keep the highest number of viewers. their agenda is not anti-trump. their agenda is pro-ratings. and actually that worked to get trump elected and it continues to amplify his messaging.

    Exactly this.

    Journalism (at least in the US) isn't true impartial journalism anymore, the focus is on ratings and making money instead of impartially reporting facts and uncovering stories.  I don't see anything in the near future that will make this change.  Everyone here loves watching their "team's" news and reveling in the spin presented to them of their team winning and the other team losing.

    What's the situation in the EU, is it as bad as it has become in the US?

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  13. 6 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

    science is as political and ideological as anything.  look at eugenics experiments, atomic bomb experiments, and the lack of scientific research into various areas where it's clearly needed, like education and optimal governmental structures.  it's a tool that can be pointed anywhere, and both who is doing that pointing and where they're pointing it are completely political and ideological

    What you're talking about isn't science, it's the application of scientific discoveries (nuclear power vs. the nuclear bomb), or the appropriation of funds.  The actual research itself (if done by the scientific method with no other motives) and the knowledge it uncovers doesn't care how you use it or who funded it.  It's simply hard facts that we uncover.



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  14. 44 minutes ago, very honest said:

    the intel was high confidence. they had the bank accounts on both sides, and they had a guy delivering cash from one party to another. bolton briefed trump in person on this in february of 2019. trump is trying to weasel out. he's playing with the word "brief." it was in the presidential daily brief. he just doesn't read the pdb. 2 or 3 times a week he lets the intel team give him a verbal brief. he seems to be claiming that this information was excluded from those briefs. but there is no disputing that it was in the PDB, which he is supposed to read every day, but doesn't. 

    remember this guy, from the house hearings?

    Despite Opposition, John Ratcliffe Confirmed For Top Intelligence ...

    ratcliffe. he was recently confirmed by the senate to be trump's Director of National Intelligence. he was one of those house members like Jim Jordan of Ohio and Doug Collins of Georgia who have no shame in their anatomy and so are used as designated attack dogs, willing to go into sleazy lawyer mode and lay trash arguments with faux outrage in order to mislead the public.

    trump is now saying "intel told me the intelligence wasn't confirmed so that's why they didn't brief me." he's almost certainly talking about ratcliffe, who he apparently has named "intel." but "intel" literally just stepped into the job. and a guy like ratcliffe, you don't have to wonder if he would contribute to a cooked up narrative by using his own ignorance to allow him to say things that could then be misconstrued by the president.

    the big take-away is the president doesn't read his PDB. he spends hours a day retweeting shit like white supremecist credos, instead. we've known this has been the case for a long time. 

    and i don't believe that the information wasn't forced into his attention. like i said, bolton now claims to have briefed the president in person about this matter early last year. and i wouldn't doubt that briefers would highlight this in the verbal briefings, and i wouldn't doubt that ratcliffe would fail to assess the situation accurately, in order to supply djt with an excuse.


    Thanks for the full story, I'm all in.

  15. 19 minutes ago, bendish said:

    If anything Covid has shown us that 'the science' can be interpreted quite widely.

    There really should be no "interpretation" of science.  It's just that we don't have a complete dataset and as such we have to extrapolate.  That's where biases can skew extrapolations and it's why the peer-review process for publication is so important.  This situation is moving so quickly that we don't have time for that process and thus you get everybody giving their opinion based on a small view of the whole picture.

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