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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. yeah my eyesight has been bad since i was in 3rd grade but i didnt get my first migraine until i was 23 or so. i just wonder if having contacts in every day with vision as bad as mine (-8.0) fucks with my brain. glasses are no better because they have to be like coke bottles.
  2. this sounds like my sister-in-law, almost spot on. she went through the MS testing and everything. they even found lesions on her brain, but ultimately said no to the MS. her worst episode involved her being at home watching the kids (young kids) and having a very bad episode, finally managing to call my brother and mumbling into the phone trying to communicate until he figured out something was wrong... :/ edit: i dunno if it is related or not but my eyesight is really bad and sometimes i wonder if my contacts have something to do with it or something, because i often get regular headaches that feel like they are in the back of my eyeballs. i also might have keratoconus, which is something that can cause high pressure in the eyes, so i am sure that doesn't help.
  3. the size and location of my auras have been varied, but they are pretty colorful, like some of you have said. mine seem to be triggered by lack of sleep, stress, and/or looking at a computer screen for too long. thats all i did today at work, was work on things on the computer. i need to remind myself to take breaks every once in a while. the aura this time was fucking huge and pulsating very fast, much larger than any other time. it was even to the point where i considered going to the hospital because i had almost no peripheral vision on my left side. but luckily the pain has not been too bad so far, this may just be a minor one, thank god.
  4. for the past 5 or 6 years, i've had intermittent migraine headaches, probably about one every 6 - 8 months or so. every time they are preceded by a visual "aura" that lasts about 30 mins each time, then the aura stops and the pain comes, usually to one side of the head only. my auras look remarkably like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLJ00o-vmh0 i just started seeing the aura about 10 minutes ago so i quickly ate something and took an aleve. now i am getting ready to go for a pretty shitty ride...
  5. EdamAnchorman


  6. love the show. didnt get into it until syndication, then proceeded to tape (yes, VHS) every single episode. then the dvds came out. :/ sometimes when i am talking to the wife on the phone and she is watching, i'll have her give me whatever line is said and i will try to come up with the next one.
  7. lol i also use these regularly. my copa outdoor cleats have lasted 10 years.
  8. the chairman of my dept. in grad school wears these and he rolls around the halls guido... its summertime where's encey's flipflop thread
  9. http://www.astronomycast.com/
  10. If it's not hip-hop is it the opposite? Rap is scary, perhaps I'll go pop a zit, Or bust a capillary.
  11. normalized viscosities vs. shear stress (Pa) drop% % compat. mlinear (Pa*s) 480 240 120 60 30 0 20 0 56.444 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 56.546 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 56.648 1.151496964 1.417172716 1.554335546 1.638363226 1.736160147 2.047733371 50 0 56.75 1.194361233 1.79030837 2.068722467 2.119823789 2.278414097 3.524229075 60 0 56.852 1.287553648 1.657989165 1.783578414 1.915499894 2.103707873 2.286638992
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