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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. I'm tired of that line of shit. That is exactly what establishment Dems want and, wait, isn't that what they were saying about HRC, that there's no way she could lose to Trump? How did that work out? Voting for someone who's not really your first choice, but just there to keep the status quo and keep the party line going is the worst waste of a vote ever.
  2. Sorry if it was unclear, but by "they" I meant the DNC establishment. I am all for helping as many people as possible, but I also believe that keeping up this charade that the Dems have become will bring more hurt than good. I did what I did because I felt that the only way for the Dems to really change is for me and enough people to no longer buy into their bullshit. Your other point is spot-on, I am very lucky (and unlucky, it's a long story) to be in a position where I would probably be relatively insulated from bad policy ramifications (up to a point of course, who knows what these crazy policy changes will really do), but my vote was given from my perspective, and I believe that it would ultimately help those less fortunate for the Dems to quit their BS and actually focus on getting back to doing things that can actually help those less fortunate people. It is unlikely that it will happen, IMO, but I'm just doing what I think is best from my point of view. I'm sure my attitude would be different if I wasn't in such a position.
  3. I don't have numbers to back me up here, but the problem I see is that many of the so-called "swing voters" don't vote in primaries, and then complain that they're having to pick between the lesser of two evils. I wonder how many people voting in primaries are just hard-line left or right and are just voting for the most recognizable name in their party. I would like to see numbers of total voter turnout in primaries vs. general elections; I'm sure they're out there I just can't be arsed to look them up. IMO, the primaries are more important than the general election. I voted Dem in 2016 but not for HRC (wrote-in Sanders). I wanted to give the DNC a "fuck you" for what they were doing and still continue to do in terms of keeping the status quo and satisfying the corporate donors over their actual constituents. They got what they deserved, although I think they didn't learn their lesson or, more likely, they don't care and are being more careful about keeping the status quo while trying to not lose again. At least the Republicans actually serve their constituency (the wealthy ones, they've managed to trick many of the poor into voting Republican). I do not regret my vote, and I will do the same in 2020. I refuse to perpetuate the status quo for the Dems just to get Trump out; in my eyes that's just as bad as if Trump wins again (which I think he will). It's been said in this thread, but the Republicans have basically tilted things in their favor due to gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement etc., while Dems are just not willing to play that dirty, or don't know how to. We'll have to reach a tipping point at some point in time, I just hope it's soon.
  4. It really depends on your region and how the power is generated there. Somewhere in WV or rural PA, it might actually be worse, although it is much easier to capture / scrub emissions from a few power plants compared to a million point sources (ICE cars). In states which use a lot of hydro, solar, wind, etc. it can be substantially better. Of course, when you take into account what to do with the heavy metals in the battery once it's dead, you open a whole other can of worms. I own an electric car (Chevy Bolt) and I absolutely love it. Didn't really buy it for the environment, just thought it was a cool, fun car to drive. Going to take it on vacation this year and test out the fast charging infrastructure along the mid-Atlantic.
  5. Just biked in here to post this but was beaten to it. I wish I understood this stuff but it really seems logical that a math that describes everything should really be more simple than complex...
  6. It's definitely one of my favorites of all time. Now that it's truly summer, I've been getting into my go-to summer beers, victory kirsch gose, rodenbach, and rodenbach fruitage.
  7. i also love the geuze boon, and i wasn't so sure about orval the first time i had it but i am really coming around on it. i've seen it more down here (in grocery stores even) than i've seen up in the states. the sierra nevada is there because i wanted to try their geuze and i guess i had to go to brazil to try an american geuze lol.
  8. I have one of them Rochefortes, my latest haul: Nice. Rochefort 8 might be my favorite beer of all time... I am going to try some Brazilian IPAs while I'm down here. I'm not really a fan of IPAs, but that's what they're going crazy making down here right now and I don't want to miss the opportunity.
  9. i'm down in Brazil for a 3-month work assignment. 1 month in and i'm missing my beer stash at home. found an awesome little beer store about 1 km away and took a walk there this afternoon. can you tell that i like Belgian beer??
  10. This is true, see my earlier post about trying an Orval that was 3 years old. Expanding my Trappist adventures with some Achel blonde. Was really surprised, the aroma and taste were both exceptional:
  11. Got a promotion today, the Mrs was offered a full-time position at her current job, and I'm about to go to Brazil for work for a 90-day assignment.
  12. nice, i love ambient / drone like this. for those who like that, try this out. hakobune is one of my favorite ambient / drone artists: https://hiddenvibes.bandcamp.com/album/betelgeuse
  13. I'm a big fan of Rodenbach when I feel like I want something light and refreshing, and I saw this in my local beer shop today and had to get it. The "red fruit" added is a blend of cherries and elderberries. It's a lot like plain old Rodenbach, but a little sweeter and deeper. Very good.
  14. this duo had a song on my spotify "discovery" playlist - saw this on the page and was like "no, no I don't think I'm ready for this yet" have a listen, it's pretty good, imo
  15. i took all of that to just be a "slice of life" in twin peaks. perhaps lynch and frost took the extra space of the new season to just give us a glimpse into other residents of twin peaks, ancillary to the "storyline(s)". i enjoy that sort of thing, so the undeveloped characters really didn't bother me.
  16. looks tasty! i need to get more into my local beer scene...
  17. the mrs. also got me this book for xmas. it's an interesting read so far, really amazing how few monks there are at each of these monasteries...
  18. got some nice gifts this xmas... i'm a few steps closer to my goal of trying all of the Trappist beers available, thanks to the Mrs. can't wait to try them.
  19. some friends of ours got us a cookbook dedicated to cooking with Belgian beer. over 100 recipes from appetizers to dessert, even one using Westvleteren 12 (who would ever cook with this instead of drinking it?!). we had them over and tried out two dishes from the cookbook, a pork with Westmalle dubbel, and pears with Kriek. loved it.
  20. never had the barrel aged Chimay blue, can't wait to enjoy this with my family over the holidays.
  21. damn, that website doesn't ship to the US. was gonna ask the Mrs. to get me one for Christmas :( couldn't find one elsewhere on the internet either
  22. that's pretty awesome! are they sanctioned by the monastery, or made by a 3rd party?
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