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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. You can be honest but strategically smart. Attacking the leadership of the Democratic Party while trying to court votes from people who have voted for said leaders throughout their lives is not a smart strategy. Ask yourself this, why do you think Trump is pushing for Sanders to be the nominee?
  2. Sure the DNC has problems. Is his strategy a smart one? I don’t think so. Therein lies the rub for Sanders: youth are the ones he can offer the most to, but because they don’t give a shit about politics (in enough numbers to make the crucial difference) he won’t get elected by focusing on them. It’s really a shame, because I do think he and warren could have made a significant, positive difference in the direction of your country. I fully agree that Biden offers little in the way do progressive policies. But the results of the primaries beg the question: why so much success? im very surprised that Biden has that much more pull with black voters, given that the Black Panthers were largely a Marxist movement, and MLK jr was a socialist. I just hope that if it is in fact Biden who emerges, that all democrats get behind him. He will be better for the country than another four years of Trump.
  3. ^^ sure but how is what happened four years again relevant to the fact that Sanders continues to attack the Democrat Party, and young voters aren’t getting out like they needed to? See points 2 and 3: https://www.npr.org/2020/03/04/811868704/5-takeaways-from-super-tuesday-and-joe-bidens-big-night
  4. Sanders apparently can’t even get them out for the primary, let alone the general...
  5. International or just domestic?
  6. Look at zeff’s blather in this thread. All he talks about is “seizing the means of production”.
  7. They were Marxist, now they’re not. What’s so hard to understand about that? the other post was your claims about creating poverty.
  8. Marx never foresaw communism arising from peasant agrarian societies, but in virtually all places where communism was undertaken, those are precisely the situations of the workers at the time. It did not occur in any of the industrialized nations where Marx thought it likely to occur, likely due to the simple fact that capitalism and industrialization increased the quality of life for many. Marx didn’t foresee a lot of things, and to latch onto solely Marx’s ideas for a progressive movement is not enough to sustain that movement. As I’ve said elsewhere on WATMM Marx provides good value for his economic analysis, but lacks in a lot of other areas. Please respond to my other post. You made a lot of claims, please back them up. Fore the record, I am not American. I also think that a Sanders/Warren ticket would be great for average Americans. Warren can provide that necessary regulation on markets, Sanders can temper the idea of Warren’s wealth tax, and then you guys can work on your foreign policy.
  9. They definitely are not communist now. You are correct. They definitely were under Mao.
  10. Funny how they went from communist to authoritarian state capitalist and in doing so dragged three-quarters of a billion people out of poverty. unless you want to argue that China wasn’t communist under Mao...
  11. Police create poverty in poor areas? Wtf does that even mean? The area is poor already so how are the police creating poverty? what austerity measures do the state and federal governments impose on minority areas that create poverty? Be specific. You’re the one making these claims.
  12. Did you read the line “nobody is out there creating poverty”? What part of that did you have problems with? The state exists to serve society, all parts of it. yeah, all those baton wielding thugs at this protest: https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-04-02/hundreds-inhale-pot-at-surreal-white-house-protest Or this one: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/inauguration-2017/it-s-lit-legal-weed-advocates-roll-4-200-joints-n708191
  13. Redistribution == creating poverty? I ain't gonna fuck with that logic. I will totally agree though that the US is particularly fucked in executing its social compact. If they want to fix it, getting back on topic, I don't know that fracturing the democratic party is the way to go, based on what happened in the UK.
  14. Some very brief reading: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/publichealth/84759 (god i love procrastinating at work)
  15. Nobody is out there creating poverty (unless you’re a minority in one of those places, then god help you-note, some sarcasm there), there is limitless opportunity for us in these countries. Especially as a white dude, which I assume is 95% of this board.
  16. Except the vast majority of restaurants/stores are not owned by the 1%. You’ll be handcuffed to protect the property rights of society. If you’re hungry and broke, there are numerous options in most of the urban centres in Canada and America to get free food, in both the immediate term and longer term. It’s not as easy as it should be, certainly but there are options. I always understood democratic socialism to be equivalent to social democracy, however I do see that they are defined distinctly. In which case my admiration for Sanders has decreased somewhat. Markets (well-regulated) are a far better means of distributing goods and services than worker control over the same.
  17. Right, which is where the whole thing about basic human rights I mentioned comes from. Beyond that, nah not really you know? Oppression is cruel, malicious, and unjust treatment, over a long period of time. Having to work a 9-5 behind an office desk is not any of those things.
  18. Good lord. so if you're in the top 1% of the rest of the world, you're oppressed? Here's the deal - beyond some basic human rights, you're not owed anything. Not having a swimming pool doesn't make you oppressed. Breathing shitty air doesn't make you oppressed.
  19. The topic is democratic socialism you utter bellend. Also, the vast majority of workers I've ever met should be nowhere near controlling the means of production.
  20. Yeah all that is great, but that’s not branding. The idea that people have in their head when they hear the words “Bernie Sanders” is “socialism”, not “workplace democracy”. Also, give it a rest with the whole “seizing the means of production” schtick. It’s almost (not quite) as tiring as the “men are oppressed in America” ideas you fling about from time to time.
  21. Why are you concerned? 2,100 people dead, but they have a known treatment program. 2100 people dead, globally. Even if it was just in China that’s less than a drop in the bucket, population wise.
  22. China has a huge presence in Africa.
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