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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Workplace democracy. That’s how he (or anyone with “socialist” points in their platform) should be branding it.
  2. That's exactly what I got out of it as well lol
  3. I expect colder, but you can use my basement as cold storage. Also on colder days here the furnace will run but never actually move the thermostat. Hopefully just the filter but fuck I don’t like the looks of things. Just knowing in general how most contractors are out here.
  4. Go for a brand new furnace - make sure it's got good EnerStar ratings, save money on heating bills. Related - pretty sure the house we just bought, the renos were done quick and dirty and I have a feeling they did a shite job on the downstairs insulation.
  5. Deaths per year from the flu in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html
  6. Just biked in to say it was bread, not milk. Canada doesn't need any help in fixing the price of milk.
  7. What comment about gender? Do you want the actual studies (they deal with biological sex, not gender)? I'll get them for you when I get home from work. Her veteran fraud prevention legislation is not substantial. Look at the summary: So essentially, she's telling DVA to work with various bodies to create standards to prevent fraud. Fraud is already a criminal offence, all this act does is add a layer of bureaucracy. Then the GAO has to tell these bodies what standards are acceptable, and do a study. Wheeee such prevention!
  8. Sure, but other studies also show that stress impacts women two to three times more than men, especially as age increases (and being pres of the US is almost as stressful as being a moderator here). I don't think the difference is that significant. Per the enacted bills - both of them have enacted no bills of real substance - but I'm impressed by Bernie's ability to get it done as an independent. The CFPB is a good initiative - but Warren didn't build it by herself, lets be clear. I like these articles on the differences between the two. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/10/bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-differences-2020-presidential-campaign https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/23/bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-democratic-party-2020-differences https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/18/18678000/elizabeth-warren-bernie-sanders-2020-similarities-differences Also, as many others have pointed out - Warren is, at heart, still a proponent of laissez faire capitalism.
  9. warren. she is more accomplished and she is younger. More accomplished in what way? Real question - no snark. She's also only 8 years younger, not a huge difference at that age. To me I see Sanders as pres, with Warren maintaining her excellent role in the Senate as the dream team. Their policies are very similar (I think Sanders' Estate Tax is better than Warren's Wealth Tax, but prefer Warren's approach to regulating the banking sector rather than Sanders' approach to breaking up the top 6 banks in the country), and I think together they could drive significant change for the better.
  10. I think those two criteria are fundamentally opposed to each other. I'm not sure if you are referring to Buttigieg (who is certainly not more accomplished than Sanders, but is younger) or Warren (who may be more accomplished - though that is up for debate, but is hardly much younger) - regardless, I wouldn't say either of them are much sharper. And if you're living in a world of "if only", if only Americans weren't so scared of the word socialism, you guys wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. But here you are. Thought this was an interesting article on the "leftist" critique of Buttigeig: https://www.vox.com/2020/2/11/21129665/pete-buttigieg-2020-democratic-primary-millennials
  11. You need to check your ears Richie. Maybe the sombrero is on too tight?
  12. is that another way of phrasing 'not an authoritarian dictatorship apologist'? or 'not a fan of forced labour and re-education camps'? or 'not a supporter of genocide'? The black and white of both your guys' attitude is really sporty. Go team!
  13. Oh yeah I should have warned people not google it....
  14. Nah, you should definitely enjoy. Lots of throwbacks to HND and DYKS, as well as some of the good shit from Ultravisitor. Vortrack, Terminal Slam, Mekrev Bass have some fantastic acid lines going through them. Like a reworking to some of his Venus No.17 era shit. Proper. Yes it has some of the digital cleanliness from Ufabulum and Damogen Furies, but it's miles better than either of those two albums.
  15. I want to qualify what I'm going to say here by stating upfront that I fully believe Alberta should have been looking at ways to diversify their economy at least two decades ago, if not earlier. However - the Wet'suwet'en here are representing their own point of view, which doesn't necessarily represent all of the indigenous positions in BC. https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/wet-suwet-en-coastal-gaslink-pipeline-1.5448363
  16. Oh man, my neighbours are from Eritrea, they make some bomb ass injera. Got invited over to one of their coffee ceremonies - goddamn that is some good coffee. FWP - the other day I learned that sounding is a thing. Can't unsee.
  17. If you'll allow me to be oddly pedantic - it's only a part of Canada you hoser. sorry.
  18. I mean...to be fair, it's Alberta, which is like the whitest place on earth (along with Saskatchewan and Manitoba). So everything is basically white culture.
  19. White trash? Maybe BMX but the other two in Alberta are almost exclusively the domain of middle class white kids. Especially snowboarding, lift tickets aren’t cheap. I do associate snowboarding with “white culture”, but that’s mostly cause the majority of black kids I knew growing up were poor.
  20. It’s a banger. Best effort in years from Tom
  21. he's supposedly going to add a couple of countries to the travel ban soon so "hold onto your butts" Wow, the balls to state the following: Yeah cause all those Burmese are planning to do harm to the US. Fucking nonsense.
  22. Quite possible. I remember some Aussie bloke had some mental issues around the size of his biceps and injected too much of that shit and blew out his biceps basically.
  23. Fixed for humorous effect. and fully agree on the complete and utter wankfest this software’s quoting function is.
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