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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. LOL that's true. Lucas is fucking naff. Hopefully for you lot Hodgson spends some of that dosh on a decent midfielder.
  2. Losing Xavi Alonso was way worse than losing Mascherano. I'm still not quite sure why everyone is all up on his nuts. He's a good footballer, but way overrated in my opinion.
  3. Busquets is a dirty bastard, but he has much more attacking capability than Mascherano. I guess they'll use Mascherano for games against the bottom half of La Liga...
  4. Mascherano to Barcelona for 17 million pounds? Jesus fuck, no way is Mascherano worth that much to that club. Where the fuck is that hack going to get a match in the Barca side? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/8948564.stm lol: Edit: If Mascherano got the most cards in the Premiership last season, what the fuck is he going to do in La Liga?
  5. LOL that's fucking class. Vinnie Jones is in good company though. Well fuck I can't find the gif of Drogba squeezing some other lad's balls so here's this instead.
  6. You should be like this regardless of what league your team is in. If your team is playing shit, let them know.
  7. wicked. real fan. port fucking vale!!
  8. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    Thanks, robert moses. I'll try and pick that up for some good fiction. Current reading: The Lexus and the Olive Tree (it's funny reading it with 10 years hindsight to see how overhyped the internet was). The Political Economy of Japan
  9. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    How does that compare with Eco's other works? I've read "The Name of the Rose" and "Foucault's Pendulum" (i think I preferred "Foucault's Pendulum, but it's a tough choice...). Currently reading for the chen: Barrington Moore: "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World"
  10. who said anything about physical violence? could just be a heated confrontation followed by a severe verbal dressing-down. in fact, most of the similar situations i've seen have ended like that. you'd be surprised what shame does to people. No one, but it's assumed these days that a black guy will rough you over for sayin such things in his presence, and was essentially what chengod was getting at (can you hear him already preparing his contrarian post?), and it irritates me that people will censor themselves for fear of offending those who can hurt them. It's one thing to hold your tongue out of politeness, respect, but another to refrain because of some linguistic territorial bullshit. that is in fact exactly what i meant - and the point was not to censor out of fear, rather to show that the word still causes offense to black people - I'll let Murs illustrate it for me:
  11. yeah, see, your buddy is a hypocrite and an asshole. he says comments like that in order to make you feel ashamed about the way you were born. your little brother is just immature. his use of the word nigger was not to marginalize, it was slang. who's really the bad person in this bunch? who is really the bigot here? it's really not fair. Words have meaning - if they didn't they would be useless. This word has a particular meaning, which implies that the person it is directed toward is sub-human. Ignorance of the meaning of the word is acceptable - once. To be frank, it's pretty hard to see how a person in America cold not know of the meaning of this word. I think you're stereotyping. I really don't think all people find "the ni word" offensive. 50CENT and his ballers have made this word totally acceptable, as long as its being used as casually as "dude," because then there's no like "omg" energy behind it. Do you live in the US? Then go up to any black guy and say "What's up nigger." Please youtube for extra lulz.
  12. babar - what you describe is commonly referred to as ethnic violence or ethnic discrimination. prior to the idea of ethnicity (which is a modern concept itself) I suppose the difference would be based on tribal/religious affiliation.
  13. the word nigger comes from niger which I don't think makes a value judgment...? Being French is not a race. if being French were a race, you wouldn't have issues between french people with black skin and white skin. When i say racism, I mean racism, not xenophobia. Just to be clear we understand each other - Xenophobia means fear of something foreign to your social group - that can be of people of the same race, but from outside your social group. racism refers to the 4 classical "races" (African, Asian, Caucasian, Indian) (is that right? I feel as if I'm missing a race).
  14. What? I don't think gaarg is a racist. i do think your understanding of what racism actually is needs to be looked at strongly. Racism is not just another way of distinguishing things: it is the belief that "races" have certain characteristics which can be applied universally, and that because of the universal characteristics one can rank the "races". if you say "most drug dealers in france are arabic" then i would assume you have some statistical evidence. if you couldn't produce any, then I would have to assume that you are prejudiced. I still have a hard time dealing with the fact that so many people here think the word is acceptable to use, and that it doesn't have any social meaning.
  15. George Bush is a Cunt. (i'll be dead this time tomorrow) hey now hey now....don't besmirch the cunt by conflating that evil blood sucker with it. Cunts are beautiful.
  16. Context is important of course. Here's some context - ricky's little bro has never had the word "nigger" thrown at him as a epitaph insinuating that he is a worthless piece of crack-smoking shit. He's never been denied a job cause he's a nigger. He's never been spat on cause he's a nigger. people are always on about how "oh them darkies should just man up and forgive and forget". Fine. How about we stop reminding of it then?
  17. yeah, see, your buddy is a hypocrite and an asshole. he says comments like that in order to make you feel ashamed about the way you were born. your little brother is just immature. his use of the word nigger was not to marginalize, it was slang. who's really the bad person in this bunch? who is really the bigot here? it's really not fair. Words have meaning - if they didn't they would be useless. This word has a particular meaning, which implies that the person it is directed toward is sub-human. Ignorance of the meaning of the word is acceptable - once. To be frank, it's pretty hard to see how a person in America cold not know of the meaning of this word.
  18. so much fail. and yet: So much win.
  19. What about using your goddamned rational mind to understand that your experiences with "those people" cannot possibly represent what all experiences with "those people" could be like. For example: i have no experience with Slovenian people except you. Am I to believe you are all a bunch of racist inbreds who can draw well? Or should I perhaps rationalize based on my experiences with other humans that not everyone in a particular social system is the same?
  20. But not in the amounts you think....
  21. of course it's different. Spiders have eight legs, humans only have two! as to globalization here's a short article which explains its real impact simply and quickly. http://blogs.hbr.org/ghemawat/2007/09/globalization_myths_versus_rea_1.html
  22. You can believe what you'd like about globalization, but globalization has not even come close to taking over the world.
  23. Umm if you're in germany, hate speech against the jews is illegal I believe. Although Jewish isn't a race at all. Diversity is excellent and don't stress over globaliztion - it's much less serious than you think.
  24. Well of course, I'm married to a Korean. And I lived in Korea for 10 years as a minority - not an oppressed minority mind you, but I suppose i did encounter mild forms of discrimination. Now I live in Vancouver, which is a pretty multi-cultural city, though not so much as a place like Singapore or certain places in the middle east from what I can gather. People are people though, when it comes down to it. Racism is stupidity, and has really been one of the worst things to come out of colonialism. Don't confuse race with ethnicity. While ethnicity is a little more difficult to define, at least it has some groundings in real world observations. Race is just made up. Also, not being attracted to japanese or latinas doesn't make you racist - lol.
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