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Posts posted by apriorion

  1. I'm sure I'll get put through the ringer for this, but...

    Why in the hell is there not an official OPN subforum? Surely by now he's established himself as a genuinely weird electronic guy in the vein that this site is dedicated to? I mean, perhaps he doesn't want there to be a subforum dedicated to the discourse of his work, and that would be fine, to respect his wishes, but I mean come on. 


    • Like 6
  2. Oh, it's a fair point. The problem is, I've seen media analysts say things in 2015 like "You know, by giving him this attention, we're probably increasing his likelihood of getting elected", and yet they go on to talk about him at length, giving him airtime. If he was so laughable and dangerous, they should have done their duty and focus on what's in the public's interest, not in what the public is interested in. It's the fundamental problem of a press that cares about making money in the first place. Part of the reason that public media (NPR and PBS, e.g.) is somewhat better, though not too much better. 

    • Like 2
  3. Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump: The Book that No One Really Asked for but is Clearly Motivated to Make Money for the Author because He's Mad About Being Publicly Shamed for Being the Shitty Person Who Worked for Other Shitty People: The Book: The Book with Too Many Fucking Subtitles: The Duh: The Why Do we Need to Read This: Or, How I Learned to Stop Caring about this Shit Because My Neighbors in Rural America Are Still Posting Their TRUMP/PENCE Signs All Over the Fucking Place and America Is Totally Going to Violently Tear Itself to Pieces if Trump is Reelected (90% Probability) or Isn't

    By Michael Cohen

    • Like 2
  4. Well, my box arrived today too, and I love it. It's a beautiful artifact. I'm a little bummed about not having a digital copy to go along with it, but I guess that's Sony/Universal dicking warp/Pritchard&Middleton around. And that bums me out a bit, but it's not the end of the world. Push comes to shove, I could make a recording of my records, which I kind of appreciate anyway, as it makes my imperfect digital copies a little more personal, anyway. I'll probably do that this weekend.

    I was a bit worried when I saw the state of the shipping packaging, because it was beat to hell and the tape holding the whole thing together was ripped. There was a huge gouge in the front of the box, but luckily it didn't penetrate to the actual item in the packaging. Everything on my end is pretty wonderful, and I'm so glad that they made this really nice version, and I didn't have to settle for a MOV edition. It's a beautiful capstone to this album that meant a lot to me when I was in a pretty isolate (which isn't to say "lonely") period of my life. As I mentioned, this and the Reload "Collection of Short Stories" albums were really key for getting me through some big moments, and revisiting this material with all the extra content makes is even more special. 

    • Like 5
  5. 14 minutes ago, very honest said:

    like a week ago in the "2 new albums announcedish" thread someone reported word from a manufacturing plant. later confirmed by the cover of sign

    Right. When I saw the announcement, my first thought was "well, that's almost exactly what that dude's friend at the printer said about one of the albums; now let's see if it holds up for the other." If I recall correctly they said the other one was green-on-grey, right? 


  6. 14 hours ago, ignatius said:

    it just so happens.... 


    He explains the argument pretty well. He downplays the significance of the bland indifference principle and the substrate independence hypotheses, though. Neither of these are strictly “logical” nor strictly “mathematical”. They are substantive philosophical premises in Bostrom’s argument. Thus, the argument isn’t as airtight as being pure logic and math.

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  7. Perhaps they are neither evolved humans nor aliens, but are instead our perception of the programmers of the simulation we all live in: it's how they occasionally manifest themselves in the simulated universe so they can poke around and observe. 

    Untethered speculation can be fun. 

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    • Farnsworth 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Joyrex said:

    Probably why they live on expansive property in the Scottish countryside, to keep said weirdos at bay...

    Oh, I get that, regardless of one's public status. I moved out to a small town in the country and I still feel too close to people. I need much more isolation (working on it for my next home), and I'm nobody! People just suck. 

  9. Yeah, I've been thinking the past couple days that those pranks were fun when we didn't live in a world where machine-gun carrying morons actually showed up places because of some shit they made up when they were connecting the dots in their broken minds, or when they listened to roid-rage toads with megaphones. The world's too scary for that shit right now. 

    I've always wondered: do BOC get scary attention from freaks who think that they're part of the illuminati and stuff like that? They were clearly making jokes about the 1980s controversy of back-masking in heavy metal music, but I wonder if some people actually think that BOC are satanists. I guess the answer is "yes", but I just wonder how often it results in real whackos fucking with them. Dry humor doesn't really register with some of those people, you know, and BOC are just well-known enough to scare some of those people. 


  10. Yes, I am aware of his bandcamp. It's how I got a cool red vinyl edition of "Distance lends..." years ago, and have chatted with him a bit, too. But I was asking about whether anyone knew of any news. He used to post updates on Facebook years ago, and I haven't heard anything lately, but then again, I've been staying off social media. I was wondering if someone connected to him (via social media or friends or whatever) knew of his plans, not just about his back-catalogue. 

  11. 4 hours ago, ignatius said:

    i think that trend will continue. the people all up in the ass of Qanon and conspiracies will just dive deeper, hold on tighter if trump isn't re-elected. it will validate some of their crazy ideas in some way. 

    I "liked" your post, but we all know that none of us likes that this is the fucking asinine reality we're in. Ugh.

  12. See, the problem I've been worried about is the sort of thing in the following story. Trump is only a symptom of an underlying disease in this country, and I only see signs of it getting worse, not better. So long as the sizable (admittedly minority, but not insignificant) base keeps indulging in their bigoted, irrational views, we're going to keep getting morons in positions of power. 



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  13. 1 minute ago, azatoth said:

    I think I got irreparable brain damage watching that interview. Like how in the wild fuck does millions of people think that man is any way fit to be president.  

    Aye, and that's the real problem, isn't it? Trump is a symptom of a far more disturbing underlying problem. That problem is caused, in part, by a failing public educational system, which contributes to rampant relativism where people think they're entitled to their stupid bullshit beliefs. This guy is embarrassing himself, but that is only recognized by people who either (a) aren't blinded by a commitment to relativism and "conservativism" or (b) are just as relativistic but committed to the other tribe. This problem is likely to not go away anytime soon, and I suspect is going to get worse. Let's see if he contests the results of the election in November, for starters. 

  14. Sorry, this is burning my ass pretty raw right now. One more thought for the moment: this fucking needy idea that fans deserve "constant dialogue" with their beloved artists is so fucking whack. Must have been rough for fans of Carravagio or Mozart or whatever. Life was so rough for John-Q-Member-of-the-Music-Loving-Public or Sally Creams-for-Sculpture. What a wonderful new "future landscape" these benevolent capital Gods like Ek are able to do for us. It's not like they saw a vulnerable market and were able to exploit it for the sake of profits: oh no, they are helping to make this future landscape so much better by dictating the terms for what it takes to be an artist in this beautiful new landscape. Oh, thank you Capitan Ek! Thank you! You command those musicians so that they know what it takes to be an artist in today's world. So much for laboring over your craft, oh no--you must be in "constant fucking dialogue" with your fans. 


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  15. When will we stop saying "changing the landscape" as though it's always for the FUCKING better? Not all change is good! Some fucking asshole who has the weight to throw around can demolish a beautiful landscape and then claim it's been changed forever as though that means the same thing as "changed for the better". 

    While we shouldn't get nostalgic for a time that never was--it's not like musicians had it great before these streaming platforms came along--we shouldn't pretend that these changes that this douchebag is touting are the changes that were needed! 

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  16. I feel the same as my fellow WATMMers here. I tried a spotify account long ago, and hated it so much. Always strongly prefer to give money to the artists and get a physical artifact as a memento/thing I can play in my 3x300 disc CD changers or turntables, anyway. I will admit to using Youtube Premium to help me decide if I'm on the fence about purchasing an album, but it's not my go-to, and probably never will be. 


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