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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by 747Music

  1. metal gear : peace walker : was a pain in the ass to get this working on the pc. glad it worked tho this game is great maybe snakes best adventure yet (not played 4) - snaaaaaaaaake /10


    For some strange reason I haven't played Peace Walker yet. I own it on PSP and in the MGS: HD Collection. What the hell is wrong with me? I love the MGS series.

  2. The burden free dynamics of Elizabeth in Bioshock: Infinite make me even more optimistic for the dynamics between Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us, from the gameplay videos it seems simillar in that she can assist you and seemingly even jump into combat at times, without ever having to protect her. Seriously can't wait to play The Last Of Us, girlfriend pre-ordered the special edition for me as a gift months ago.


    I have strong faith that The Last of Us will be an amazing game. And yes, I see what you mean, Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth seems to add to the idea of burden free followers/lack of babysitting, quite well. I'll be purchasing this big title on day 1 for sure.


    yeah, all i hear is great things for the first one. so ill probably hit that up before playing infinite. but i heard that 2 sucks and that i really shouldnt bother with it. true?


    I've played all three. Bioshock 2 is basically an extension of the first game. The only main difference is that you play as an early Big Daddy prototype. You can walk on the ocean floor without running out of O2 in some sections though. There's also a couple of new enemy types. Aside from that, there's nothing significantly different from the original.



    I definitely enjoyed both Bioshock 1 and 2. The first one is better, but the second one is still good. And I agree completely with ambermonk.

  4. I just watched the Hideo Kojima FOX Engine conference at GDC 2013.


    The Phantom Pain is MGS: Ground Zeroes, or MGSV.


    There are no HD videos on youtube yet, so I will wait to post a video link.



    edit: The FOX Engine is amazing btw.



    edit: here is one of the videos, i just found it.



    Far Cry 3, good stuff.


    It's fantastic!



    ....apart from the ending, though.


    Agreed. Loads of fun to play. At the end of the day, that's all that matters.


    I haven't been playing games much lately. Except I started a game in the first Mass Effect for PS3. I haven't really been motivated to play anything really. Not sure why...

    I still have to go and get the platinum for Ni no Kuni. I'll do that sometime soon I'm sure.


    just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay

    I played it too... was surprised they managed to get 60fps out of it... looks really good, but felt like it was too "jumpy" - Raiden jumps way too fast, but stringing together combos was really fun. Not sure if I'll get this or not.


    The Dead Space 3 demo is basically the extended preview video they showed back in June/July and is typical Dead Space - again, not sure if I want to go into it yet again, especially since there is a PermaDeath mode (no saves, one life), and if I have to play through that to get the Platinum trophy... fuck that. Dead Space 2 gets a glare from me for it's ultimate mode where you get only 3 saves, and you restart from your last save point. I'm not gonna sit 6+ hours and get to somewhere and save, and do it two more times.


    In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.



    I'm getting pretty far in Ni no Kuni, I'm about 30 hrs in. What a great game! This may be a contender for my top 3 favourite JRPGs. Although in my books nothing will ever beat Final Fantasy 7. It can be difficult at times if your not paying attention to strategy, which tends to be a bit of a problem late at night when I'm sick with the flu. I'll definitely be going for the platinum as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my pet dragon and finish off the last stone for Mornstar. :gamer:



    edit: also DS3 will eventually make it into my hands. But not before it hits the $20 bin at WalMart. I loved the first one. The second wasn't as good but was still awesome. Something about the 3rd one turns me off. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I'm not gonna spend full price on it. I may settle for $30. Time will tell.

  7. Ni No Kuni looks amazing, but will I feel like a creepy old man channeling his inner 12 year-old girl while playing it? That's the $1M question.



    Absolutely not.......... you'll feel like a 12 year-old boy. In a good sense though.


    I'll say it's not for everyone as many people are too into a bad-ass main character. This game stars a well mannered, pure-hearted boy. The game carries a very bright atmosphere. So if that's not your cup of tea, avoid it. If it is, however, then go get it right now and start a new game.

  8. I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


    Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

    Hopefully in the mail today!


    Cool! Be sure to post your impressions sometime soon.

  9. Just got the platinum for Far Cry 3. Awesome game. To be honest, I'd give it an 8/10.


    Dishonored just finished installing. Can't wait to start a new game as I've heard many good things about it.


    My PSN account got hacked and someone bought some stuff with my credit card. Called Sony and they fixed it for me. Couldn't figure out who did it though. :dry:

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed Far Cry 3. I should have the platinum at some point today. I just have to finish the last 2 co-op missions. I'm borrowing the game from a friend so I can't play online. I've just been playing it with my brother in split-screen. They really tuned down the graphics in co-op, which isn't that important really. We are having a blast playing it.


    Next up is Dishonored.

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