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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by 747Music


    The Order: 1886 looks great. Which is a massive understatement. Check out this video which is running completely real-time on the PS4:


    It's interesting, since they are going for a 'cinematic' approach (odd aspect ratio that puts black bars on the top and bottom of the screen, and locking the framerate at 30fps so it's closer to film (so they say). XBone purists are crying about how The Order devs intentionally locked it at 30fps and that's OK, but the recent crop of XBone games are all 30fps (because of the lack of developer skill in hitting 60fps) and the PS4 nuts are LOLing at their inferior competitor.


    That being said, PS4 has sold 5.3 million units to date, ahead of their fiscal year target - and it doesn't come out in Japan until Monday. They'll easily hit 6 million sold by then.


    Unless Microsoft can turn things around quickly, this generation might belong to Sony.



    I was reading that the PS4 is outselling XBone by a ratio of 1.5:1 in North America and 2.5:1 in Europe. I'll try to find the article and report back. But yeah, even the new Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes comparison video shows the PS4 version being the superior version. That, plus, MGSV will be 1080p on PS4 and 720p on XBone, Xbox 360, and PS3. Thief follows suit.




    Watch full screen in 1080p and you can spot the difference in certain aspects from the PS4 version to the XBone version. Notice the sky on PS4 uses a different shader/lighting technique than the other versions, including Xbone. The detail of objects far away in the draw distance is noticeably better on PS4.


    The Xbone is a decent system, and I'm sure the people who buy it will be just fine with their purchase. But clearly the winner here, in terms of strength and numbers, is PS4.


    It's rumoured that Amazon might be buying out the Xbox. If true, perhaps they can do a better job than Microsoft... who knows?

  2. I made it to the last season of Star Trek: TNG. I'm quite enjoying myself with this series, which is no surprise as I grew up watching it when it first came out on TV. I was quite young at the time so I only remember bits and pieces of episodes. Good stuff.


    I'm also watching the anime Rurouni Kenshin, which is quite good. I'm excited to watch the live action movies that came out for this series. But I have to finish the episodes up until episode 60 I think. It seems to be the recommendation to get there first before watching the movies. I'm on episode 56 I believe so not long to go.

  3. I just got my copy of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition in the mail today. I'll be turning off the lights once it gets dark tonight and starting a play-through. I hear nothing but great things about this game and I'm glad I waited to buy it. Now I can enjoy the game enhanced with better graphics on my PS4. Unfortunate to those that already played the game on previous gen, there is no new content added. It's just the same game, but with improved visuals at 1080p and 60fps (PS4 version).


    bioshock infinite is boring the shit out of me so i'm reinstalling borderlands 2. thinking of starting a new game as a siren.

    Siren's my fav class. I'm at lev 26 right now. Yeah Infinite's pretty and all but it's got nothin' on BL2 gameplay-wise. Might as well be reading an Ayn Rand novel or something.



    I played that game to death when it first came out. I have characters of every class at level 50. It's the most fun if you play it with a friend like I did. What a blast I had getting the platinum trophy.


    Too bad you're bored of Bioshock: Infinite. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.


    I finally started a game in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD. I aim to finish it before Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes comes out mid-March, so I have lots of time. It's really cool so far. I really like the comic book style art interactive cutscenes:



  5. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag on PS4 is lots of fun. I have my ship almost fully upgraded and can take down Man O' War battleships now. The pirate life is great. Other than the awesome sea battles and loads of areas to explore, the rest of the game is good old AC fun. For a series that releases a game per year, it's holding up pretty decently. I am, after all, having a great time with it. I wonder what they'll do for the next one... Maybe world war 1 or something.


    My PS4 arrived and its running very smoothly. I'm quite impressed with the GUI. Doesn't look like you can customize it just yet though. But that's not much of a problem cause it's really quite nice. The new controller is fantastic.


    Now I just have to wait for the games to arrive in the mail. I'll just have to play Resogun until then.

    Resogun will give you plenty of challenge!



    Yeah, I played the first level in arcade on Experienced difficulty and died quite a few times before making it to level 2. When some of the stuff explodes there's perhaps multiple thousands of pieces of debris on screen. It looks fantastic, and is satisfying when you beat the level and everything blows up like crazy. Definitely a challenge.

  7. My PS4 arrived and its running very smoothly. I'm quite impressed with the GUI. Doesn't look like you can customize it just yet though. But that's not much of a problem cause it's really quite nice. The new controller is fantastic.


    Now I just have to wait for the games to arrive in the mail. I'll just have to play Resogun until then.

  8. I have to finish Assassin's Creed 3, as I never ended up doing so, in order to play Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which is coming out soon. I'll be ordering the PS4 edition as I have my PS4 pre-ordered and am itching to play a game on it once it comes. The videos for Black Flag are doing a good job convincing me that it will be amazing.


    Less than a month to go!

  9. I just got given a PS2.


    Don't have a tv so am in the process of securing a 2nd hand monitor.


    Recommend me some decent/classic PS2 games WATMM.



    Get Okami, The Prince of Persia games, Final Fantasy X, Soul Calibur 2 or 3, Champions of Norrath and Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms, Killzone, Black, Suikoden 3 and Suikoden 5. To name a few.

  10. I've been giving Joyrex a big chance to catch up with my trophy level because I've been playing a lot of WoW. However, I have been playing The Last of Us here and there. Fantastic game so far. I ought to be close to the end of the game. Congratulations on the plat Joyrex! I'll be going for it for sure.... u know... if I get my WoW addiction under control...

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