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Posts posted by gaarg

  1. In case of Star Trek it might be the other way around really. The series is pretty tight (as far as I know) story and character-wise whilst the films get goofier the longer they were making them.


    Also the first movie introduces everything quite ok, so you wouldn't need to know anything.


    Still, if you're into sf, you should watch everything in said order!

  2. could someone summarize and post imdb links to "must watch" star trek films cos im getting kinda lost in all this terminology.. next gen/ different iterations of kirk/whatever..

    I'd say start at the beginning and move further up. It's more logical that way, the first movies are the best and you can then stop when it gets too silly for you. That's exactly what I'm gonna do too (watching the fifth today).

  3. The new Star Trek movie made me want to watch the first ones. I just watched Star trek, the motion picture and I thought it was a brilliant sf film. Wrath of Khan was also great and the third, Search for Spock was if not so great, very entertaining.


    In what circles of hell the makers of the new movies will burn is beyond me, but they'll have to pay big time.

  4. watched Wrath of Khan as well right after seeing Into Darkness. Makes the movie seem somehow better than i originally remember. Have you seen the directors cut? If not I recommend it, they make Khan seem more evil and the spock / kirk scene at the very end is longer. Makes Spock seem like a crazy mother fucker even more so than in the theatrical cut.

    Maybe i watched just that. Anyway, I love Spock.

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