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Posts posted by Adamovich

  1. 31 minutes ago, zero said:

    dunno if you were here back in '03, but that's not saying much. it was mostly the wild west of immaturity back then. ms paint drawings of feces, tranny dicks, ye-ye pumpkins and the like...

    Yeah I don't get that quote either

    I see no discrepancy between listening to downtempo music like K&D since 90s and being a watmmer at the same time...


  2. 2 hours ago, dcom said:

    Why are you getting all riled up by some YouTube rando normie nobody and going U WOT MATE THAT'S OOT OF ORDER YA HOOR in our farthest corner of the universe where he can't even hear you let alone know that you even exist?

    Yeahh...can't be arsed to even play this ignoranus vid, if this was supposed to trigger some watmmers then it's probably winrar...

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  3. 25 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    First person to post screenshot beating Leve 60 gets a free WATMM Subscription/Renewal

    LOL challenge accepted! :emotawesomepm9:

    I can't beat lvl 31 rn, obvious tetris blocks smh

  4. 27 minutes ago, hijexx said:

    Solved level one and the sound effects are annoying, is it someone's voice every time?

    You can mute the sounds at the bottom bar.

    You can resume the game at the level you stopped yay!

    26lvl out of 60 here we goo :emotawesomepm9:


  5. 4 minutes ago, jules said:

    This gem always gets lost in the shuffle. If it were part of NTS - it would get so much more love. Fantastic track...



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