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Posts posted by Alcofribas


    FICTION : 2666, Roberto Bolano. I'm at mid-point of the first part (out of 5). It's fun, but I'm searching for... something out of it



    i know exactly what you mean but bolano does not deliver that "something" you seek. i find that to be a rather compelling aspect of his books though. the whole of 2666 seems to be emerging out of that "something" or revolving around it without ever removing the veil. makes it much more eerie imo but it can be frustrating too.

  2. the thing is i have it set so every time i wake up oversteps comes on and my boyfriend gives me the biggest bj in the world and there's so much cum that i go back to sleep, exhausted. at that point the album plays (b/c the bj was only like 10 secs) while i sleep and when i wake up the bf blows me again until he is blinded with cum, slumbering afterwards in a veritable liquid-cum mattress. then i have to get up to listen to all of the autechre records i own (i own 16 copies of amber and i have to listen to each copy, which is a long time). i have to text sean booth when i finish "nil" for the 4th time and he always texts back "hey, that's a lol right there watmm ftw" which is soooo frustrating. but i have to. anyway, i always put other lps into the amber sleeves so it takes forever sorting through the joni mitchell, billy joel, speedy j, faust, etc sleeves trying to find amber again but whatever i don't care i could care less. i use technics 1204s which are really cool because they are the standard. when i'm about 6 repeats of amber in i usually ignite a spliff with weed and smoke that stuff, and then the music starts to make a lot of sense and i can see why they did this album. honestly, at this point the cover looks so cool. is that a beach? with white sand? WTF MAN? i can totally imagine them recording the music there!!! i always skip over those two tracks without beats, i mean come on this isn't a fucking eno album for fuck's sake. when i'm at like repeat 11 i always put on headphones and smoke more k and stuff which makes it seem so much more cinematic, i can just literally see the soundscapes because it's like synthasthesia (eh? eh?) and at this point rob still has long hair like me so i imagine us laughing because we have to share pony tail holders and stuff, it's like we're first meeting but we're bonding and it's cool and i just know that years later i'll be helping them paint nord micro-modulars with a sharpy, i just fucking know how sweet that day will be. sean is always kind of an ass but he's such a genius and i can get him in that way. i think he realizes this. when i'm at listen 14 it's like i'm really high and it's so much fun and i can visualize their whole career: long-haired rob reaching over the surface of the ensoniq eps, sean adjusting the knobs on a nord lead 2 while the alesis mmt8s shoot out ae midi data like magic, the both of them bathing in the glow of a g3 powerbook with its upside down logo, the elektrons of the untilted era...OMG it's getting so intense and i really don't feel like a fan boy, i honestly feel like i am kind of just like them and if i could just spend more time in the studio i could make stuff they would hear and be like "this guy, he's our favorite. we really feel like he gets the whole thing. where can we meet him?" and i'll totally like refer to them in my tracks with names like "y r u here?" and "drane too" and stuff and they'll just be like "lol man this cat is fresh" which feels really good to me. i'll totally like reference their melodies too sometimes. then i'm on the final track of the final copy of amber and i'm so stoned. this whole time i'm sleeping though and i'm listening to oversteps b/c it's so real to just play it when i'm asleep and i'm having lucid dreams.

  3. is it c/o fred fuchs? b/c that's mine dude.


    does it have the two vinyls and the oversteps blanket inside?

    YES -- Fred Fuchs!! It has the Oversteps vinyl sleeves, but inside are a pink plastic record called 'G Force FGT' and a paper plate with two-thirds of a dick drawn on it in permanent marker.


    I was sewing a Movies at Ten quilt for you, but ran out of fuckin black thread, so I'm going to just get a pen and draw the rest of teh circles, fuck it. Just don't ever wash it, or else all the circles but the inside two are going to wash out. Also, I'm cumming onto the blanket as I type, and I'm tying with my penis head.


    you know i'd never wash anything you gave me...lush

  4. crawling up a tree branch, couldn't tell if it was humongous or if i was rather small, innit. rambo was there. i get very close to the end of the branch but just before completely achieving my goal i find i am in the basement of a cafe where there is a big party. i'm very nervous that we will all get caught by the police b/c it's after hours and we broke in. rambo broke the lock for us. b/c i am so worried i keep going further down more stairs until i am in a huge room with dirt floors and a massive clear blue pool in the middle. it's majestic, awesome. rambo is swimming in the pool. the cops show up and pretty much every one just runs away but i am so far down that i feel like i have time to explore before they reach me. i find a coffin. rambo is inside. lol. my dead grandfather makes an appearance and tells me of a secret wallet inside the floor of his bedroom. suddenly i'm there and checking it out. i lift the carpet and find an odd wood panel. i lift it. i find the secret wallet. rambo is inside.

  5. but guys we've already had this thread, cf my post:


    i was the cool guy who wore robes, capes, sweaters, regalia, crowns, serpents (dried into necklaces), pharaoh costumes, jade jewelry, furs, and other cloths and garments and coverings. i was know by most people as a scholar of the renaissance, a holder of many prestigious trophies, a guru (Guru), people knew me as Handsome Prince, Cameron, Morgan, Ophelia, Agamemnon, A-kill-EZ, i was always dominating the classes with my personality and charisma, always drinking champagne during lunch hour (much to the consternation of the authorities, who were helpless to deter me), i was always scoring the most points in sports, scoring many points with girls and women.


    in the final years of high school i was commonly covered in gold and carried through the halls by people on stilts. afterwards we would all have a giant roast in the gymnasium and colored our faces with organic pigments, chasing each other until only one was left standing (me, of course). when grades were given, my report card was always blank since the teachers considered me utterly incomprehensible, distinctly ineffable. i obtained 17 degrees while in my senior year, all the while hanging out with long-hairs, drop outs, jocks and cheerleaders (who blew me always), student teachers, medical examiners. my GPA was 15,000 -- a world record.


    i was told by the dean of american schools that universities considered closing before i graduated in order to avoid the tremendously frightening honor of housing me in their institutional umbrage. instead of attending college i wrote every book published in 2001 and received many honors, none of them suitable to my noble ideals.


    in 2007 i was awarded best of high schools and my name became synonymous with spiritual attainment, orgasm, wonder and awe, enlightenment, best with chicks, winner, etc.


    at least, this is how i remember it.

    • Haha 1
  6. this one's from an italian magazine called "soundini" -- sorry for the bad translation"



    In a world where home computers are becoming the norm and everyone and their grandmother creates algorythmic musical compositions in programs like Max and Facebook autechre struggle to maintain an edge by creating edgey music that not only walks the line between noise and music but takes that line, puts it through a comb filter, adds a break beat and puts it out on a little label called WARP (grizzly bear, battles, etc). i met up with rob brown, 1/3 of autechre, to talk about just what does it take to surrvive in today's economy.


    please tells us all abouts Overtep, your new CD.


    well, sean and i use Digital Performer for all our tracks so this time around we loaded it up with VSTs and took all these field recordings, from like, family vacations and stuff and just went super nuts mangling the samples...


    mangles them how?


    we used some wicked effects, like Reverse and changing the pitch. so like, the first track on the album ["Envane"] starts off with this low pitched barking sound -- that's actually a sample of a dog barking, pitched down. also reverb is on it, we LOVE reverb, especially the one's Alesis makes; he's a great reverb creator.


    yes, A;esis is my brother


    anyway, i do most of the computer stuff while sean booth handles the acoustic stuff and we have another dude who writes the music. we all just have a laugh, cum our pants, silk our sisters and annoint our membranes


    sounds wicked


    it is wicked yeah.


    so, when are you going to release new albums?




    do you ever think of getting into producing? songs?


    yes we have already done that, like, for some pretty famous people. i'm not going to name names but bustah rymes is one and j dilla, we did most of his beats. i have a new computer so i can finally expand my skills via email. hotmail is excellent for this




    in the past we were very competetive, usually we used our bmx bikes, screenshots from SOS magazine, old boss delay units, etc. but now that we're older there's a lot more stuff we can do, like for exampling we are too fast for our computers so everything we think about requires two computers each and brian eno


    is he involved in a lot of your production?


    yeah, he did several of our first albums":: "Discreet lOOPS" "Ambein" "live at Appolo" so we're indebted to him. when we first played our first video game ("little red hood") we were always already like, "yes, we've got to get into this business" and the music was a soo inspiring to me and him, sean.


    what do you think of the apples ipad?


    it's ace, we have got it to run max, msp, and so on. on our label, 12k, we have an album entirely done on ipad, it's called "IPOD" and it's released by Guescom -- which is us mostly.


    is rob hall a dj?




    what's for the future?

    eden. i know a lot of people are cynical because the big bosses and fat men are running the world to a halt and the ground but if you just buy the newest equipment from such sites as harmony central, best buy, eBay, etc it shouldn't be a problme. people have gotta man tracks in this age


    part words?


    stay healthy and give it a dick.

    • Farnsworth 1
  7. i met up with sean booth, one half of autechre (ae) and talked about everything from the duo's new album to horror films, even to what his mum's favorite sarny is innit.


    so, how does oversteps compare to your previous records?


    well, it's much better. we use a lot of melodies and wrote it on a kyma system MIDI'd up to some old roland drum machines we bought from moby. that bloke is a vegan, lol


    would you say it's more emotional than, say, Quaristice?




    what was different about your work methods?


    well, rob and i met back in 2001 and we've been working with pretty much the same equipment over in his dad's attic. so, this time around, we just did the same old shit. i usually make the beats and the melodies and he usually records it into his computer. then i master it and he plays about with his two kids. then i do the artwork.


    under your alias TDR?


    yeah, you've done yer research mate!


    thanks! what records inspired this album?


    ugh, i'd have to say "amber," "incunablua," "drukqs," all by autechre. and i guess mira calix, cuz she's my mate.


    do you buy a lot of new records?


    not really,...well, yeah, i by 'em off discogs a lot. i've got like every atom tm record. but mostly i buy mp3s off itunes. itunes is lush!


    do you think it's possible to make music after 9/11?




    how do you cope with the trauma of war?


    work on tracks, innit?


    are you going to tour in america for this album?


    no, just europe and mexico. mexico is fucking lush!


    are you working on any new tracks at the moment?




    are they any good?


    yeah. i've got one with this epic crescendo, like huge, fucking half hour crescendo. i'm calling it "bolero" by ravel.


    ever read watmm?


    yeah, i'm ET on there. lol

    what else is going on in your life these days?


    i'm making some kids with the missus, that's well lush. rob and i are doing yoga together too but with the distance we have to do it together on skype. nirvana is lush.


    when's the next album coming out?


    later this year, autumn prob. autumn is lush.


    thanks for talking with me!


    lush mate.

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