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Posts posted by fenton

  1. think it's a watmm prerequisite. i for one love the fact that people make websites for ordering things without talking to no-one at all. socialising without being social. etc. forums 4 lyf. fuyck you real life

    spiral: cafe oto is a strange entity. on one hand, never go there, you will become one of them. on the other hand, how will they become one of us without it?


    /thinking face

  2. Withdrawing from interviews before being interviewed after doubts creep in. Wasting the employers time. Sorry employers.



    I find that people overthink when they read job specs. And then don't apply for jobs they think they can't do. When the truth is the job hardly ever matches the spec, so they should have gone for it and seen what happens. My two cents tho, and not assuming I know your situation just a random waffle.

  3. i wouldn't rate the ms2000r that highly tbh, i owned one for years and years and made several albums with it's help but it sounds cheap as fuck imo. also the 'sequencer' is barely a sequencer, just a way to create automation. the vocoder is out of control tho. really good.


    they are cheap, mind, so what the hell get 2.

  4. awww man people buy lots of stuff for good reasons too.


    you buy 2/3 copies of an LP,. one to keep for mint listening, one to smash out at parties and get scratched and then the backup. growing old and wrinkly. it's not all $$$ loot


    never sold a record in my life tho fuck the matrix

  5. well the magic potion wasn't that much really...

    .3 packs of prawn cocktail discos...

    .About a half bottle of Morgans straight...

    .Then a smoke of o few Gs of weed...

    .25-30 X 10mg Valium...

    .At the pub i maybe had around 6 double Morgans & Coke...

    (keep in mind i have only been drunk less than ten times in the past 12 or so years)


    The atmosphere for others is awkward but i have no care... I then have the ability to make any situation laughable...

    that is a nightmare potion



    thank god you're alive

  6. i really liked that theory that it was like a lunar pattern for mars or something. that was a sick theory.


    my js mates at work just sort of looked at it in disgust 


    but then a tor guru would laugh at a tor link


    and a base64 bitch would decode your mum




    so hard to say whether anything really clever is happening

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