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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by xox

  1. is have a feeling that burial will turn into the caretaker eventually; the same idea regurgitated endlessly to the point of disintegration and oblivion. with the caretaker that makes sense, bc that's exactly the idea. unless burial is playing with the same idea, i must confess that i dont understand it  

    ; take this first track for an example, degrade it with distortion and filters you'll get just that - the caretaker's world, just not by evoking the early 20th century but the '90-ies with bonus sounds of vintage video games, vinyl crackle and zippos 


    • Like 3
  2. On 1/25/2024 at 10:29 AM, IDEM said:

    A shampoo/styling gel line would not go unappreciated. Hell, "Eraserhead", "Blue Velvet", "Wild at Heart", "Fire Walk With Me", even "Twin Peaks" are all pretty decent names for haircare products! Not so sure 'bout "Elephant Man", but for diversity's sake ...


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  3. the author is sharing some dl codes (these are exclusive to watmm); it would be a shame not to grab this beautiful ambient:



  4. I really don't like those trendy videos where they talk about how the state of izrael or at least the government will fall, how it will all backfire on them, how America is also on the brink and similar, because that narrative only softens the opposition against the state by giving some false hope that the war will end soon and that people will get at least some satisfaction/compensation. I see these videos as part of a wider zionist propaganda, whether they are intentionally doing it or not.

    • Like 1
  5. Fak alien 3!!!
    I mean fincher was great as always but what kind of a moron kills newt and hicks?!  🤦‍♂️ sadistic fak decided to fak us all a I should play along?! no

    “It wasn't until a script draft written by Vincent Ward that the idea of killing off Hicks and Newt was first introduced, although they were originally killed by Xenomorphs aboard the Sulaco. Ward later revealed that killing Newt was one of his first priorities, as the character had annoyed him. He also wanted Ripley to be suffering from intense loss and on a quest for redemption, which he felt necessitated getting her Aliens comrades out of the way. It seems Ward wasn't the only writer who disliked Newt, as the majority of unmade Alien 3 scripts find a way to either kill her or otherwise remove her from the plot.”


    • Facepalm 1
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  6. 6 hours ago, Wunderbar said:

    Like after listening to some instrumental music do you care about a meaning ? I feel like in music we only really care about the feeling why is that so different with visual art?

    quite complex and difficult to explain! i tried to write about it on watmm several times but didn’t find much understanding; my broken english didn’t help 

    you can find explanations in kant’s and schopenhauer’s works on aesthetics 

    try to google: “kant on music” and “schopenhauer on music” and maybe you’ll find some interesting articles 

    recommended books (there are others too but these are the best i know of): critique of judgment by kant (whole book) and the world as will and representation by schopenhauer (chapter “on genius”) - don’t read nothing modern bc those authors just repeat the same thing, badly, at best

    after kant and schoppy comes sufism, something like ibn arabi 

    • Big Brain 2
  7. spacer.png


    what's actually the right facial expression to have when listening to shoegaze?



    learn how to shoegaze yourself in few easy to learn steps!



  8. 10 minutes ago, mcbpete said:

    Thanks - Wouldn't call it bitching, they do seem to delve deep into it and try and grab positives from it

    maybe but i found it funny that they said they get the music, just they didn't like it. however, as they explained more and more what exactly they understood, it became increasingly obvious how little they had actually grasped 

    well ...imo

    p.s. imagine them listening to merzbient

    p.p.s. fak im so arrogant lol

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