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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. A lot of people still think this will be released Sunday into Monday. I really hope so. Let's look at some time frames:


    1. Disc manufacturing and Vinyl Pressing. Offset printing and packaging.

    2. Shipping times.

    3. Japan


    So, the final run needs to be boxed and shipped from (I'm assuming) the UK to Japan, before Feb 27? Albums in the US that were released on Tuesdays were always shipped to my store on Fridays. So, we're looking at the 22nd? How long is shipping to Japan from the UK? A week? I dont think they'll expedite to there, so that puts us at about two weeks away from now, so like the 15th. Inventory, boxing, order fulfillment, etc... let's say that starts the week before the first roll out. So now we're looking at this upcoming week. Which is to say, if I had to guess, they are only receiving physical product NOW or into the beginning of next week.


    Leaks WILL happen at the manufacturing stage. They always do.


    I'm guessing this upcoming week it will happen.


    Sounds logical and promising. I can't wait another month this needs to leak soon. What if I die suddenly without warning and never get to hear it?



  2. The people who buy this album will buy it whether it leaks or not. The people that don't buy the album are gonna get it illegally whether it leaks or not. I don't see how if they wait another month they will suddenly be inclined to buy the album that they wouldn't buy if it was available today.


    This. The thieves will steal it either way. It not leaking will not affect that in the slightest. As soon as it leaks, legitimate mp3s will be sent to preorderers and as soon as they get them it will be up on soulseek. If it doesn't leak it'll still be on soulseek on launch day so yeah it will make absolutely zero difference.



  3. I get the impression that neither of these tracks are the center of attention on this album. Tuinorizin seems like an intermission because of its' length, and spl9 has that sorta trancy y7 vibe they've had in the odd slow track on each album. We still haven't heard any of the giants and considering this album is supposedly covered in beats in every corner, we'll probably get some Surripere level shit.

    Getting your expectations low almost always improves your impression of the final product though so there is merit there, just in case it doesn't completely blow us away. That being said I think this will be the album we really wanted after Oversteps.

  4. not to be a huge downer or anything but it makes me wonder if these are the 'best' tracks from the album and that's why they were chosen for radio play, while they are good tracks they aren't blowing my mind as much as the stuff i remember coming out early for Quaristice. I remember Simm being one of the earliest tracks from Quaristice to leak, and it's definitely one of the album's highlights, while great tracks like the Plc and Chenc9 were never broadcast before it came out.


    edit: but at the same time 'see on see' was the first track from Oversteps to leak and imo it's one of the least interesting from the album


    Have Autechre ever had bad quality control? Is there a single Autechre album in memory that you could pick two tracks off of that are good and the rest are crap? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you aren't an Autechre fan we have opinions that differ greatly.

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