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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. I still don't rate TH even almost five years after its release. For me, it's the weakest thing in their catalogue. Too much filler and treading water. There are a few good moments but they phoned that one in, IMO. It doesn't help that their sound has been endlessly copied so many other artists (to greater or lesser degrees) that TH sounded like a pastiche, a tribute album.


    The brief moments of brilliance in TH like the melody in Jacquard Causeway show that they can still do that sound better than anyone else. If they just dove deeper into that MHTRTC style I'm sure they could do something really great.

  2. I've decided that latentcall from 7;30 onwards is the best thing on this album, and possibly some of the best work they've done to date. Those pad stabs that lay this fractured background of melody that drones on for a while painting the background followed by the gradual structuring rhythm. Absolutely top notch stuff, totally fresh sounding but also so essentially Autechre sounding. Incredible. The short little bass line at 8:35 absolutely slays me.




    (...) when it came time to the record they just hit record and jammed them out akin to how they do their live sets.


    Curious how others feel about this.


    on tracks like feed1, c7, eastre, TBM and pendulu c mayyybe... the rest? don't think so, no way in hell. i mean c'mon 13x0 is a fucking opera in itself...



    You could say the same thing about a huge chunk of AE_LIVE but that didn't stop them from doing it on the spot in front of an audience, no?

  4. On the topic of AE's mention that they were really close to being able to spit out an album in real-time, I kinda get the feeling that the tracks on elseq were largely spat out in a single go with very little revision/iteration there.


    Obviously there is some amount of iteration in the patch design process, but there's a really improvisational feel to the tracks here, and coupled with their previous statement it makes me thing they spent the majority of the time setting up the patches, but when it came time to the record they just hit record and jammed them out akin to how they do their live sets.


    Curious how others feel about this. Do you guys sense their meticulous iterative design has been pushed to the side in favor of the more emergent quality that their live setup can give their music?



    There it is. The Pitchforks have spoken: http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/21950-elseq-1-5/


    I'm sure it's not just me who thinks this, but rating music on a 1-10 scale is the dumbest thing ever. It makes sense for video games, movies, tv shows, but music is far less constrained than those media. Apart from the mastering and sound quality, there's almost no objective qualities of music.


    In the end all art is subjective, even cinema and video games. Yes, you can try to be as objective as possible, but it's still art in the end.


    I don't think a 1-10 scale is supposed to be some objective rating. People who claim it is are misrepresenting it. The scale is just a subjective measure of the reviewer's own enjoyment of that piece of art.


    I love rating things on a 1-10 scale. I do it for every movie I watch and album I listen to, and I like keeping track of my ratings and ordering them. I would never be stupid enough to claim it is objective in any way. It is based on my own values and criteria, and in the end the number only represents my own enjoyment. Things I give a 10 I love most and know I could listen to forever. Things I give a 7 are pretty good, but missing something to be great, so I might listen to it occasionally. It is just for my own purposes because I like organizing it.



    Well in video games, there are plenty of objective things that you can score that won't be so tightly constrained to opinion. For example you could talk about graphic fidelity, game performance, control responsiveness, the presence or lack of content, how comprehensive the settings are, and things like that. Sure there will still be lots of subjective things such as fun factor, art style, etc but there is at least some objective difference between a game rated 2/10 vs a game rated 10/10. With music it almost entirely comes down to subjective opinion of the art since there's a lot less technical aspects to assess.


    I guess what I'm saying is the difference between a poorly, sloppily made video game and an expertly crafted one is something that more people will agree with but that's not necessarily the case when it comes to music.



    they're five separate EPs, there's really no obligation to listen to them in order


    They are literally numbered sequentially


    gotta distinguish them somehow



    They could just have different names, or suffixes or something.

  7. This thread is a bit zany in parts. People thinking this will bring Autechre back into the mainstream? That it's accessible and approachable? Lol, what am I reading. I think you (us?) guys have a skewed perception of reality... there's no way this is anything other than the super imposing to anyone other than the fans. Which is fine by me!


    Yeah I think once you become really accustomed to Autechre's output it can be easy to hear a track as relatively mainstream when it couldn't be farther from mainstream. I know from time to time I hear an Ae track that sounds really normal and easily digestible to me, and I show it to my friends thinking it might get them interested in Ae but the response is the usual "this is just random noise".


    Pretty much the only track on elseq that I think the average person would find at least vaguely interesting is TBM2.


    If Ae ever released an album that approached mainstream appeal, I'm not sure if I'd be happy that people are into Ae or worried that they shaved off their edge.

  8. This isn't even mentioned on Bleep




    If this were THE official AE release it would just have an entry on bleep with downloads available but no physical items available. I think this is just like Quaristice versions kind of leading up to an official physical release. Even if it's not I'm still BAEYOND satisfied, but I just don't think it is.


    New official LP release from one of Warp's top acts and it's not even mentioned on Bleep? Nah. It's a set of EPs on the side which will be followed up with a main release, that's what I think at least.


    New Ae release June 27th confirmed?

  9. Jev you're a real buzzkill bro


    This. I appreciate your opinions Jev but this is supposed to be a thread about circlejerky autechre jizzing and you're stinkin' up the place with your negativity.

  10. pendulu hv moda and curvcaten got me head nodding like very few Ae track did. Finally tracks with the new sound palette I'm really digging. I'm lovin' the first elseq volume. Perfect soundtrack for my old school Doom session ha !


    Did not made the mistake of buying everything at once to really leave time for each volume to sink in but god I'm very looking forward hearing the remaining tracks !!


    Haha I dunno if it was the timing but I definitely got a tiny bit of a Doom vibe from the first elseq 1. Been rocking brutal doom co-op with a buddy all week.


    Probably going to have to blast some of this new autechre while we slay demons tonight.


    Because the ideas are huge and are not finished.



    I don't disagree but you could say the same thing about nearly every track they've made. I'm glad they didn't spend this whole release re-treading old ground. I'd still enjoy it if it was versions of tracks from the live releases, but brand new stuff is much much more interesting to me.

  12. elyc6 0nset sounds like the theme of cyber terrorists.


    I don't mean like hackers up to no good, I mean like Al Qaida with bionic arms and implants and shit.


    At this point they might as well drop a couple quaristice and oversteps soundboards amirite?


    not to be party pooping, but i wouldn't get my hopes up. they stated in a recent interview that this set was conceived with a release in mind, which obviously wasn't the case in the past... but who knows?



    Yeah I know, I'm not. I'd love to check out that interview if you have a link to it though.

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