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Posts posted by joshuatxuk

  1. i loved Nevermind when it came out. there's some brilliant, catchy, pop-rock songs on there and i think the songs and style at that time went well with Butch Vig's production. just like the Pumpkins 'Siamese Dream' sounded really good produced by Butch, too.


    True, especially the SP track "Soma." But I think it's interesting to compare Albini's production on In Utero with Vig's, it does make some of Vig's multi-guitar track mixing seem utterly pointless on Nevermind.




    at least it helped put an end to guns n roses hair/cock/spandex ego metal


    true, even if grunge become appropriated and morphed into its own caricature, it at least killed the arena rockstar bullshit, or made it truly look like a joke

  2. Black people need their own specially formulated low-brow art now? They couldn't possibly contemplate something as complicated and intellectual as Biz Markie making funny burpy noises.

    Hardly. I don't believe that black people can only listen to low-brow music, and I never tried to say such a thing. I didn't say that out of racial prejudice, I am just very frustrated recently, with being surrounded by white college students IRL who listen to nothing but Tribe Called Quest and Biz Markie, and people on the internet who will go on for pages about how great MF Doom is. Biz Markie is no great intellectual in the field of rap or hard to comprehend. Also, sorry, "made for white people" is bad wording. It just feels like that after you hear a bunch of white skater kids praise the hell out of Odd Future, and proceed to complain about how 90% of rap is stupid and worthless.


    Also, I do not think of southern rap as "low-brow." There is quite a lot of intelligent southern rap, as has been mentioned in this thread, and I do not think it should be panned as a whole. I happen to also quite like stuff like Gucci Mayne though, so I am not one who needs to be constantly intellectually stimulated I guess. I mean, the way it's kind sounding to me is that you're saying that black people who do listen to southern rap and not MF Doom or w/e the fuck, are low-brow, because they can listen to intellectual rap as it is indeed for black people too.

    idk. not trying to twist your words against you or accuse you of being racist, so feel free to ignore that last sentence.


    I get where you're coming from here.


    Like, this, I love this song, it's not brilliant or anything, but the production is good, the rappings alright, and it's about fucking tuning your ride, a fairly universal working-class concept (ohh that sounded a tad too academic). It's also a cool video (worth the shitty 15 sec ad) Yet this could easily be labeled as crappy Southern Top 40 Hip-Hop.




    There's a lot of terrible mainstream rap and club music and likewise a lot of rather lame indie/underground hip-hop as well. Let's not forget a lot of rock, country, and even electronic music is absolute garbage...yet many of the people who listen to those broad genres bash hip-hop as a whole, and vice-versa, often with stereotypical or even racist overtones.

  3. don't worry my wise friend, I know I am a philistine :wink:

    I am hardly wise, I just hate it when people make generalizations about something I love. I don't go stomping into the stoner metal thread and talk about how lame and wanky it is, when I don't know a single thing about it.


    ^fuck yeah well said


    I love these threads because the provide such a great jumping point for me to explore genres I of which I wouldn't know where to start.


    man there's a lot of bitterness going on in this thread. especially since most of the featured artists are guilty of the same shit. BoC? National Film Board of Canada. Because... you know... they are radiophonic-esque. Ehehe. And Ae are the worst offenders (if we consider this an offense)... they mashed a fucking keyboard and then touched up what came out a little so it sounded techy.


    I'm not saying that the above are damnable acts in any way. Just trying to inject a little bit of perspective into what's become a snowball of passionate bitterness.


    Com Truise... i liked the name instantly. I think it serves to evoke the feel of his music quite effectively. The Tom Cruise reference, the "Com" thing (as in communications) are quit apt at relaying the retro aesthetic. The music is ultimately what put me off him, not the name, and not because of it being bad, oh no, but because it is ultimately too BoC. His LP though is doing well to redeem that and I'm getting back into him.


    My point is: there are artists who are as "good with words" as they are at making tunes. They will probably ponder their moniker intensely and come up with something that is equally phonetically effective, memorable, and close to their heart, or at least a summation of their aesthetic or inner mythology. Other artists will be very "traditional" about it and just use their given names (given that they are lucky enough to have a decent/easy to pronounce one). And other artists, who are bad at that, will just do a pisstake, and get it out of the way... i hate names like Samiyam, Yppah, Teebs, The Bloody Beetroots, i hate names that are unpronounceable, i hate names that just sound "off", i hate names from Raster Noton that are just sciency bullshit, i hate shit with triangles in it etc... but it's not going to deter me from paying attention to their music and being generally respectful of how they choose to present themselves. And if initials-subtitution, or an anagram, or any sort of gimmick is what is needed to arrive at a DECENT artist name, that's only a plus in my book. Hell, even some jokey one-offs from this thread could be good artist names IMO. Even "Venetian Snares", which i thing is a fantastic moniker and quite fitting for the music, is just something Aaron found in some random book and thought sounded cool. Not every micro-literary success in this world is achieved via sweat and blood.


    And that should be taken to heart especially on this board where I've yet to encounter a moniker that's really stricken me. Except maybe for Akkad the Orphic Priest and that's just cause it gets a lot of insanity points. Fluorescent Grey is clever, and untouchable critically, but I still don't like it cause of random subjective quirks of mine (not memorable enough i guess... seems to evoke something too banal to do the music justice... i feel the same way about Plaid for instance). "Mitch Murder" i hated until data jokingly made if French, "Michel Meurtre", now i kinda get it and i see how it fits his music but i much prefer the French variant. And all of these are people whose music I like (love in Mitch's case) and I try not to get dissuaded by my own subjective feelings about the name. Which isn't the most important thing ultimately - the music is.


    Many times I'm taken aback by how good a board handle is and how shit the artist name is and I'm puzzled as to why they didn't just use the board handle. I don't refuse to name other names, and the biggest offenders, but i think it would be detrimental to good vibes, and you know who you are. Try to measure yourself on the "Tht Tne!" scale, where "Tht Tne!" is the shittiest moniker ever conceived and the name least akin to "Tht Tne!" is the best name ever thought up.


    Trolling aside, my point is the "pot is calling the kettle black" etc...


    "Wevie Stonder" is fucking retarded though and i refuse to listen to his music on account of his name. For some reason, THAT ONE is just too much for me. A phonetic abortion. So i guess I'm no better.



    You've made good points on this post. it is a bit broader though than switching letters around or adding an extra duran or just straight up lifting a well known artist/figure name (IE: Hype Williams, DJ Rollie Fingers, etc.). I fell victim to this once a few years ago when I was going to use Cecile Cooper as a side alias but decided against it and went with quiliuq instead.


    On the other hand, I don't see a problem with names pulled from a story, book, news, movies, location (where I get most of my track names).


    I just remembered when I was in high school there was a talent show and there was a band that got turned away because they were called "McDonalds Massacre" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Ysidro_McDonald's_massacre)


    Perhaps we're all taking this moniker biz a bit too seriously.


    Love me an epic Luke Saibot post.


    Please tell me McDonalds Massacre were something other than a grindcore band, b/c that's quite brutal. Reminds me of when I heard someone say that after the Branch Davidian massacre people would joke that Waco stood for "What A Cook Out." I guess "Dead Kennedys" would be up there if it wasn't meant to be satirical.

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_for_30


    a must for ANY sports fan. ive seen around 10 of them and they're all totally amazing.. even if im not really into that sport.


    Holy shit, same here. The Two Escobars was fascinating, one of the best docs I've ever seen.




    Off the top of my head...




    ^not super moving or anything, but good little doc



    ^and I'm not even that much of a stones fan



    I a love a good war documentary, but I can't think of any specific mini-series that stands out. I also enjoyed Jesus Camp but it's so depressing I rather just watch Saved!. There are so many I need to watch, as this thread is reminding me. Man On Wire, Little Dieter Needs to Fly, The Bridge...

  6. indeeed Josh,


    also check the labels: Hessle, Berkane Sol, Tectonic, Argon, Gamma Audio, L25, Apple Pips, Aus Music, for more amazing bass music, not wobble inundated broski jams....


    yeah.....perhaps my last post in this thread, twas fun!


    ^ Hessle, completely forgot!

  7. LOL yeah, I'm pretty sure I am too insecure/hipster to jump on the dubstep bag wagon at this point dear god. It's got pretty ridiculous. Most of the dumbest people I know are getting way into it, amongst many other things about the dupstep craze it's pretty off putting. I can understand it a bit but I am downloading this Dubstep documentary Bassweight to hopefully get some laughs and at least not be ignorant to the phenomenon.


    Bassweight 2010 DVDRip XviD-FiCO


    It's a good doc about the origins and development of the original scene. Dubstep has met the fate of most genres: it's gone mainstream because of contrived, superficial shit producers. Morons are mostly listening to shit like Skillex or Bassnecter.


    It's frustrating saying I like dubstep w/out either saying "the good stuff" or telling someone that what they think is "dubstep" is shit. Oh well, that's the problem with being an electronic music fan in a nutshell - most people only know the inferior musicians.


    Check out anything on Hyperdub, Tempa, Night Slugs, Skull Disco, Hotflush, Planet Mu. Those are pretty solid record labels.

  8. I think he's too busy to actually make music anymore.


    He still finds time to tour with Björk whenever she goes out... Which I can quite understand!


    what exactly was his role in bjork's tours?


    i saw him with bjork at a music festival when she was touring volta.

    he was alternating back and forth between a fairly small synth/sequencer/fx combo, and a reactable.

    he was bashing the reactable with such force i was surprised he didn't break it for 'declare independence'. it was awesome.


    basically an lfo track with bjork vocals :emotawesomepm9:


    Yeah, saw her on the same tour in Austin, TX and Mark Bell was working the reactable with some other guy, Damien Taylor I think. They fucking busted out that Homogenic track "Pluto" and it sounded sick! On top of that some speaker caught on fire and made this shape that looked like the tour font of Volta, almost looked intentional at first.


    Here's footage (thank god for this guy filming so close)



  9. Seefeel

    The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa


    LSD and the Search for God

    The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (if you're into twee)



    Also Shoegaze + a bit of black metal = :emotawesomepm9:






    Écailles de Lune is just beautiful, one of the best albums of 2010


    Good recommendation, would of made it myself if you hadn't.


    I thought this was kind of in the same vein as Alcest...just a lot more anguished sounding...



  10. 4 - i remember the first time i heard that spewing freakout moment toward the end (before it goes back to the tranquility again), it scared the shit out of me. once again it's a genious way of mixing beauty with abrasiveness, like Rich has done many times before.



    This is the first Aphex Twin track, or hell any RDJ track, I ever listened to. It was probably the most overwhelming experience I've had listening to anything. Even after listening to everything else in his discography, this is still my favorite album. Someone mentioned it's well paced and I agree.


    I don't have much to add, though I have to say To Cure a Weakling Child is one of the most brilliant recordings he's ever made. The breakdown in the middle is mind-blowing, where the percussion imitates the melody.


    Logan Rock Witch is an odd closer, but I've always had the version with the Girl/Boy EP tracks, so it never bothered me. I remember a thread once were someone was asking what "genre" had tracks that sounded like LRW, and I thought it sounded like freak folk...maybe...


    Girl/Boy EP


    Girl/Boy (NLS Mix) - Just flat-out epic, the strings and beats are each great in their own right, and the composition itself is more sincere than any other song I've heard of the breakbeat + orchestral melody formula in breakcore and IDM.


    Milkman - gimmicky, but really pleasant track to listen to, a lot more restrained than the other "drill n' bass" tracks.


    INKEY$ - way too short!


    Girl/Boy (£18 Snare Rush Mix) - percussion is kind of Luke Vibert-y or like that remix of Die Fantastischen Vier off 26 remixes for cash. Really dig changes in tempo during this track.


    Beetles - easily the most "childlike" track off either release. Dey come out and dey eat...in da 'heat.


    Girl/Boy (Redruth Mix) - nothing too special, love the vocals after the music.

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