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Posts posted by crono3


    Yeah I'm not seeing anything either. You can also arrange the covers in any order and they match up well... too many possibilities

    Yes. The point that you can rearrange them in any order basically says it's bullshit to look for hidden messages or anything, IMO. I mean, the idea that they somehow are ingeniously made to fit in a specific order is nonsense. The pattern which is used allows for any order to match perfectly. There is no specific order which works better, because they all look like they fit.



    Yup, and when they release more shows if they decide to keep the same theme throughout the new designs can easily fit in as well. Pretty cool... I actually like this design more than the last few things TDR did for them.

  2. For me each one seemed to be better than the last... Really hard to judge them against each other though. I'd say Utrecht & Dublin were my favs, but who really knows. Whatever one I'm listening to at the moment is the best thing ever lol

  3. how blasphemous would it be to cut these up in tracks, watmm? can we agree to some cuepoints or something? yay or nay?


    I thought about it briefly while listening to Brussels on my drive to work this morning, but I wouldn't want to mess with their files... plus, I would never just listen to certain segments – it'd always be a full play through so why even bother.

  4. So has their live set changed much since these were recorded? If not I reckon I'll hold off on listening until after I've seen them in November.

    I'd say maybe about half of the parts I recognized in some form from the recent NA tour, but they were still different and at different points in the set. Listening to these might actually enhance your enjoyment of the show because you'll be able to hear more details since some of it will be in your head. Go for it man!

  5. i cannot stress how good these are! fuck!


    also seems like reissues and an extensive merch line are pretty much confirmed due to the store being a thing



    Yeah, the fact that they created a whole AE store means there must be lots of stuff coming... this is exciting! I can see myself checking that site all the time lol

  6. Pixel... don't worry about trying to 'prove' anything. It's impossible to prove and any 'proof' given wouldn't satisfy anyone doubting it anyways. I'm pretty sure most of us believe you. And if anyone doesn't then they don't have to listen to your opinions. Simple, no?


    As for me, I greatly appreciate the time you've spent answering questions and giving your opinions here... it's made the wait much more bearable!

  7. Am


    as long as people don't start saying there are heaps of tracks that "sound like Steels from Quaristice" i'll be happy ...



    you don't like listening to a robot court hearing?


    Am I really one of the only people here that loves Steels?? That's been one of my fav tracks off Quaristice since I first heard it. It's one of those tracks that almost 'defines' autechre for me. Do you guys hate Fol3 as well?

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