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Posts posted by crono3

  1. Just listened to this album tonight. I've been going back through all their work since hearing about Exai and I saved Draft for next to last. Like others here, I really appreciate the album and most of the tracks, but it just doesn't excite me as an album. Every time I go back to it I get a little excited because the cover is awesome and it's autechre I haven't listened to recently, but I have the same reaction to it afterward every time as well.


    And V-PROC is one of my favs here along with Xylin, 6IE and Surripere!

  2. This was actually the first autechre album I heard... probably not even all the way through since I HATED it - couldn't stand it. I had heard great things about autechre and this was their latest record so I gave it a spin. When Quaristice came out I decided to give them another go and that one did it for me. I listened to way more electronic music in between there so I think I was finally ' mentally ready' for autechre. Funny thing is, now... after getting all of their albums and EPs, Untilted is my fav! The first 4 tracks of that album are the greatest block of autechre tracks recorded on disc for me... the rest of it took even longer for me to get into, but now I absolutely adore the whole thing.


    It's also my favorite cover & packaging... love that silver!


    As for live, I've only heard the School of Art 2005 show from this era and the only part I like better live was Pro Radii... that version absolutely KILLS! Wish it was on the album like that :music:

  3. LOL.. too funny about keyosc!! Incredible :emotawesomepm9:


    As for the impending leak... I also say I'm going to wait for the physical release, but it never happens with autechre. I think I listened to oversteps the same night it leaked :sad: And really, why wait? If it's a high-quality leak, I'd rather just give it a listen when I decide it's the perfect time than to wait and wait and wait. Also, it's way more fun to read all the reactions when I've also heard it for myself.


    Bring it on! :music:

  4. I gave most of this album a listen last night after reading such great things about it here... I just wasn't feeling it. Really just sounded like a mess to me. A few moments stood out but no complete tracks... I wonder what I'm missing.


    I don't understand the BOC references either... doesn't remind me of them at all.



  5. I was in class yesterday and the professor was telling us about these assignments we have to do where we review experimental design/graphic kinda work and he's going through a list of things we should check out and I thought I was hallucinating (it's a 4 hour class) when I saw the GANTZ GRAF video on the REQUIRED VIEWING list!!?? He spelled it wrong (ganz graf :facepalm:), but still.. awesome! I was going crazy on the inside! Also says we're going to view it in class... can't wait for that.

  6. What work? They've copied that tracks from recycle bin.


    Quite a few people are actually enjoying oversteps... myself included. But let me understand this... do you also think see on see & ilanders are fake from the radio station promo or do you think those are real - then ae threw together a fake album & included those 2 real songs they just played on it to fool everyone?

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