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Everything posted by Capsaicin

  1. Lightly toasted white bread Bacon Lettuce (crunchy kind, like iceberg) Kinda thinly cut tomatoes Turkey slices More bacon that's all I can think of. Pretty much blt
  2. Capsaicin

    Now Reading

    I finished Johhny Got His Gun, it was very good
  3. Ween - The Goin' Gets Tough from the Getgo
  4. Global Systems Silently Moving - Movement Three
  5. I'm properly listening to Draft 7.30 for the first time. Great album.
  6. Gescom - Key Nell 1 Great song, it's my favorite on the cd
  7. Brian Eno - Cindy Tells Me I'm disappointed nobody posted 444 on the last page
  8. Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World I haven't listened to this album for almost two years now
  9. DJ Shadow - What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 2)
  10. Xyrofen has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

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