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Posts posted by psn

  1. Linear and nonlinear editing are terms from the film world, aren't they? Film is nonlinear in that it can be cut and spliced freely, frame by frame and off-line, while videotape needs to have all clips prepared and sequenced in secondary storage before they are commited to the master tape in real-time. 

    Anyway, there's music gear that lets you work in both ways, like the Monomachine and the Machinedrum. You work "linearly" on the patterns (ie plotting in each event into their alloted 1/16th time slot), and then the song mode lets you skip freely/nonlinearly within each pattern, looping any sub-pattern as you wish, changing the tempo as you wish, etc.

    Very powerful stuff for a classic hardware sequencer. You can do real polyrhythms (not just polymeters) or remix a single 16 step pattern into endless variations. Unfortunately Elektron have ditched these features in all their boxes since the Octatrack. 

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  2. Eight consecutive Twitter reposts in an hour would make anyone seem kinda manic, not to mention dubious in the middle of a propaganda war. Time for a little break? Consider if you're coming across as spammy and obnoxious? 

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