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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. My favorite dream was one I had earlier this year, right after seeing Portishead in concert. I dreamt that my girlfriend and I were walking around looking for a place to eat. Suddenly we were in the parking lot of a restaurant called the "Gaping Ass Cafe". So naturally I asked her if she wanted to eat at the Gaping Ass Cafe. She said it didn't look that appealing to her. I figured she just didn't like the decor, so i said "that's okay, there's another one just a few blocks away. We can eat at that one." It never occurred to me that she just might not want to eat at the Gaping Ass Cafe. There were maybe a dozen patrons standing outside with severe expressions on their faces. Everyone looked miserable. There was one butch woman who frowned at us with her arms folded as we passed. Then I woke up. Gaping Ass Cafe.
  2. ...and on Meshuggah's recommendation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obv1vb6AwFQ
  3. I haven't listened to music like that in a while. I must say they do it very very well. omgomgnewmeshuggahfuckyes!! I am so getting my tickets for the Van show tomorrow. You going, essines?
  4. I seem to have lost the ability to fall back to sleep after waking up since moving into my new apartment. This was never a problem prior to now. On the upside, it's not like I'm waking up in the middle of the night, just 2-3 hours earlier than I usually intend. Also, coffee's cold, need to get up and reheat it. FML.
  5. Thanks to both of you! My girlfriend mentioned the dehumidifier thing as well, may look into that. Cranking the heat is something I hadn't considered. i thought the big contrast in temperature between the heat in our apartment and the freezing temperature outside would somehow worsen the problem. But yeah, I suppose if the heat is drastic enough evaporation will work its magic. I'm not so sold on the drafty windows idea, they already let a lot of cold in.
  6. My new apartment gets crazy amounts of condensation collecting on the windows. It's so bad that it pools around on the interior windowsill. The temporary solutions I've come up are: 1. cloth off the condensation, 2. air out the place a couple times a day, 3. keep the bathroom door closed after showers. But ideally I would not need to do any of those things, the apartment would just be built well enough that it were never a problem. I'm letting the landlord know tomorrow. Anyone have other tips on fixing or at least reducing this problem?
  7. I need to find a moving company who will be willing to move a piano on New Year's day for relatively cheap. I'm not having much luck.
  8. The worst is frantically searching for shoes when you have a bus to catch. Actually I'm not sure that specific scenario has happened to me, but frantically searching for shoes sucks, and adding public transit to the equation would make it that much worse. I'm dealing with a terrible cup of coffee. Fuck. This ruins my morning.
  9. I just spent 15 minutes frantically searching for a bag that was slung over my shoulder the whole time...
  10. I don't normally schedule anything for before 1PM, and any time I do I remember why I don't. Everything is irritating as hell to me before noon hits. And why do my eyes itch??? God I don't know how you morning people do it...
  11. It does resemble one that I found at a bus stop, but it's not cardboard and it sounds like satan. I still need to put it to use in a track.
  12. You should have been there. I'm typing this from a sparking tangle of wires that used to be my lap top. Cat's been put down.
  13. My cat's sitting on my soft acoustic guitar case inside of which is my acoustic guitar which is no doubt being crushed by her fat cuteness FUCKING WHORE! *throws lap top across the room*
  14. Fuuuuuuck, that's the worst... my friend lost all his music related files when he was cleaning up his hard drive, just deleted a very important folder in a moment of carelessness. He tried to look at it as a fresh start. I feel obliged to make posters for a show I have on Friday in spite of the fact that I think it's futile and a waste of effort (first show with this band so it will just be an unrecognized name on a poster to anyone who sees it. I still think there will be 50+ people who get drawn out because of the facebook page). I really wish I enjoyed the promo side of music.
  15. If you are still using a discman i don't respect you at all... get with the program hipster! My first world problem is some internet random doesn't respect me and called me a hipster. Also, too many babies, not enough kittens.
  16. I'm 16 minutes into a 20+ minute Merzbow track, my ears have had enough, but I'm too stubborn to stop listening until it's done. Also my cat just stood on my discman like an asshole. Actually, it was cute.
  17. I wanted to know for sure if I actually heard the soft click of my electric kettle switching off from several rooms away underneath the noise of whateverthefuck those road workers are doing outside, but because the kettle had boiled by the time I got there I have no way of knowing whether it had JUST clicked off or had been off for a minute prior to me thinking I heard the soft click of the switch going off. That sentence was the longest sentence I ever wrote and I don't care if it hurt to read. First world problems.
  18. I was looking forward to listening to the third Merbox CD on my walk home, only to find I had grabbed the first one which I had already listened to earlier in the day (I didn't account for the CD-Rom and other mystery CD when selecting from the booklet), and it's definitely not the sort of CD you listen to twice in one day. Instead I listened to the Gescom CD that sounds like it was made during the Chiastic Slide era, which was awesome, BUT it was way too easy to digest considering what I had planned originally.
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