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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Goiter Sanchez is in my living room watching the horrible shit passing ass to mouth scene from Human Centipede 2, on Ecstasy.
  2. haha, I hate when that happens. My music is getting more and more catchy, and I find myself humming the melodies from my own songs while at work. I guess this is a good thing though! It's usually a good thing, but these ones were total cheeseball (deliberately so!). Luckily I watched a doc about some LA crack dealer which managed to put them out of my head. Today they've successfully been vanquished from memory! Instead I have one of the songs a buddy did for the same project in my head, which is more tolerable though still not ideal.
  3. Dreamt that I went to put on coffee, but instead of making it I just put a spoonful of coffee grinds in my mouth. When I realized my mistake I still wanted a cup but was concerned I'd be too caffeinated.
  4. Spent 10 hours today writing and recording three very insipid indie style songs for an instructional video of some sort, and now they're stuck in my head on repeat. Sleep will not come easy tonight...
  5. Woke up hungover and got this message from my friend's nephew: "This is jamies nephew dante you p00p allot Its weird your poo looks like 7 inch sundae. In a out house see ya poo face" ...and I really don't know what to say to that.
  6. Since i was a kid I've almost never gotten nervous about performing music in front of an audience, but my cousin's getting me to play two instrumental acoustic songs for her wedding and I'm nervous weeks in advance. Probably something to do with the fact that it's two songs I'd never ordinarily play in a style I'd never ordinarily play. I'm worried it's going to suck.
  7. Woke up at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep (while living in a reasonably nice neighborhood). This is the second time in the last three days that I've had around 5 hours sleep, which I guess is still pretty good, but i still think it's bullshit. I was always able to fall back to sleep when I needed it back in the day. Then this year rolled around and that ability vanished. I think it signifies the end of my youth or something.
  8. Interesting. I like this theory that my body was actually doing something useful!
  9. I have a strange sensation of having recently swallowed a pill without water, but I have not done that recently. That feeling's just been in my throat right now for the last half hour or so. I'm chalking it up to the late night coffee mocha I had a couple hours ago mixed with the couple glasses of champagne I had prior to that. This post is weird.
  10. My "smart phone" frequently plays a happy little jingle as though I've received a text, but then it turns out to be absolutely nothing whatsoever. To add insult to injury, I thought I dropped it off an abnormally high bunk bed onto a hard floor and shattered it, but turns out that was only a dream.
  11. Yowza! Dreamt I went to some cafe in Vancouver with my girlfriend where she got a gross looking hot dog. I asked the cashier where I could find the best cup of coffee in town. That's it. That's my dream.
  12. I finally accepted a facebook app request for maybe the first time ever, and of course it was a bullshit scam that's going around, "enable dislike". Should've known it was too good to be true. Now I feel like a stupid asshole.
  13. hi5, was waiting for someone to say this. I think it was their best album. why Al has decided to resurrect Ministry now when their newer material is increasingly subpar is just beyond me. last one I could get into was Houses of the Molé. if you haven't heard the Buck Satan & The 666 Shooters album, you've missed Al's comeback, album is genius. Sweet, wasn't even aware of that project. Al's take on Country. Apparently it's been in existence since the 80's. Yeah I'll definitely be looking into that, thanks! I think Rape and Honey is still my favorite Ministry album. I haven't liked anything he's done after Psalm 69. Anytime I listen to a new Ministry album I'm blown away by how awful it sounds, but everything he did between '85 and '93 was magic. I guess I should include Twitch on my list too. As for Kraftwerk, they're probably my favorite band that I haven't caught up with yet. I like everything I've heard from them to the point that I just want to go straight to the box set, which is why I still haven't bought any of their albums. I like knowing that I still have all of Kraftwerk's discography ahead of me to spooge over in the future.
  14. Hmmm... I have a lot of catching up to do as far as 80's music goes. I just got into The Cure and can't wait to acquire Disintegration --it's next on my list. Some favorites that come to mind: My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything Michael Jackson - Thriller Slayer - Reign in Blood Metallica - ...And justice For All Metallica - Master of the Puppets Ministry - Land of Rape and Honey Ministry - The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste NIN - Broken Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
  15. Can't figure out which Ween album is the best Ween album.
  16. I'm going to a fair where the primary attraction is the rides with someone who gets motion sick really easily and won't go on rides. It's okay though, because I'll still enjoy the irony (even if it's not technically irony since it'll be exactly what I expect). My new FWP is that there isn't a word for that version of irony that everyone tosses around that isn't actually irony. It's so common there should really be a word for it, or some catchy phrase... or an umlaut over the o. Can we make that a thing? The iröny of that would be that the pronunciation would remian the same.
  17. Just had a turkey Benny at an all day breakfast joint near my apartment, and it was as unfitting a combo as it sounds. Who put these fried eggs in my thanksgiving dinner? Fuuuuck. The last time i ordered something that sounded kind of wrong from the same joint it ended up being pretty good, so I thought I'd try my luck again.
  18. Anyone else loving the new Napalm Death? If I had to pick one album as the perfect soundtrack to beating myself up, Utilitarian would be it. The album trailer sums it up pretty nicely. It bears a lot of stylistic and sonic similarities to the last couple Converge albums. Oh, and apparently they are releasing (have released?) a split release together! Just found out about that in my search for the bonus track, one of my favorites on the album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrKU5mFSdXw New Converge on the way this year too as it so turns out. Fucking rad.
  19. Aye, Axe to Fall is a glorious album... maybe my favorite metal album of the last 5 years. Maybe. And No Heroes would be my favorite for the last 5 years before that. Maybe.
  20. My groceries cost about $10 more than I feel they should have. Thrifty's is bullshit.
  21. I started watching Bram Stoker's Dracula on netflix last night but had to stop half way through due to being way too tired to keep my eyes open. Aside from every time Keanu Reeves talked, it was quite good. I definitely want to finish watching it, but I don't like watching movies during the day and will probably end up watching something else on netflix with my girlfriend tonight, breaking up my BS's Dracula watching experience quite significantly. I think there's a few first world problems in there somewhere. But seriously, Francis Ford Coppola: Keanu Reeves as Jonathan? Really? That has to be a top 5 all time worst casting decision... it's really hard to watch all of his scenes. That wasn't even my first world problem that I came here to gripe about, but it's a pretty big problem. I feel disgusted.
  22. Dreamt a thread from 2009 got locked.
  23. Couldn't find any documented cases of siamese twins joined at the anus or dick.
  24. Dreamt a guy I used to be friends with wrote a book that wasn't very good, but I was still surprised and impressed that he wrote a book. Some other guy I run into occassionally waved to me from a cab. A+ dream.
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