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Posts posted by splesh

  1. I was in class yesterday and the professor was telling us about these assignments we have to do where we review experimental design/graphic kinda work and he's going through a list of things we should check out and I thought I was hallucinating (it's a 4 hour class) when I saw the GANTZ GRAF video on the REQUIRED VIEWING list!!?? He spelled it wrong (ganz graf :facepalm:), but still.. awesome! I was going crazy on the inside! Also says we're going to view it in class... can't wait for that.


    " 'Ganz' Graf" makes me think someone should mash up a movie starring Bruno Ganz, like Downfall, with the Gantz Graf music video.


    Not really, though


  2. I can't remember if I posted this story before or not. But one time I was stoned with one of my friends and I put on the Gantz Graf music video for him. He looked at me and said "This is melting my brain" :blink: I couldn't help but :emotawesomepm9: and laugh at him.

  3. Acid Mothers Temple have some pretty sweet albums; at times droney, at others, insanely crushing waves of heavy psych.. they're from Japan.


    same with boris, expect everything from noise to shoegaze to garage rock to psychedelia to doom metal from album to album and sometimes from track to track... for psych-rocky stuff i suppose smile (japanese release) is a good starting point. and an excuse to post a picture of wata



    A fellow WATMMER who shares my crush on Wata! Mind if I add you as a friend on my profile? :emotawesomepm9:

  4. Acid Mothers Temple have some pretty sweet albums; at times droney, at others, insanely crushing waves of heavy psych.. they're from Japan.


    I'm currently immersing myself in Japanese psychedelic rock, there's this last.fm group "psychedelic Japan"...

  5. I decided awhile ago that I wouldn't listen to Oversteps again until it arrived in the mail. Should be here later today or at some point tomorrow. :emotawesomepm9: Now listening to Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich and it's reminding me of parts of Oversteps..just how its so minimal and yet rich with emotions and feeling.

  6. Got my japanese Oversteps today! Fucking terrific sound!


    It has an insert booklet that folds out to a flyer-sized one-sheet. Can't read japanese, but it seems to have some sort of discussion about their work, with references to Quaristice. The outside had a sticker promoting a june show in Japan with Juan Atkins.


    I will say that the bonus track feels exactly like a bonus track, not essential. It kinda needed a couple minutes more to develop. It might even be a snippet/version of another track, maybe?


    I would be beyond happy if could see Ae and Juan Atkins do a show together.

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