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Everything posted by vertsk8er419

  1. fuck you yeah wtf. i accidentally posted my most recent burger and quickly deleted it, and typed that jargon instead. shit happens.
  2. i burger kinged it today. i ordered so fast i forgot what it was i even ordered. big texas burger or someshit like that was goddamn delicious. the fries totally sucked though
  3. ,l;'l; edit: lol to anyone who saw tht (wrong thread post deleted)
  4. i wanna hear what the squidge that came from venus looks like!
  5. th1 sounds like it's in reverse or something. strange track
  6. hail sagan in 1337 speak is actually the wifi password at my house, so if you're ever in the area
  7. damn man... fmsubbass sounds like it'd be quite the banger... : /
  8. I'm sayin' Perhaps there is more trickery afoot than initially suspected. i wouldn't look too deep into it. i think he was just have fun with his imagination n stuff
  9. who cares if those 4 tracks don't have downloads activated? i'm sure he'll get around to it eventually, besides...
  10. wtf i just noticed the super high frequencies eerily complimenting the chord changes throughout Red Calx... such lush.
  11. That's actually my favorite of the lot so far. amazing track 2tone too, hasn't gotten much lovex and is sooo good!
  12. ahh, *stretches*... afternoon my fellow window peepers... *19 [slo]w early morning clissold sunrise *
  13. 8 Lush Ambulance 2 is playing fine for me. don't overlook this beauty
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