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Everything posted by vertsk8er419

  1. my 20 (in no order): 1 Chink 101 Sams Car 1 Human Rotation 14 07 B 7 ?ƒ? [rough mix] 13 High Hats Tune Tamclap Orig 8 Lush Ambulance 2 28 organ 15 Sekonda 14 Floating? [swimming in god mix] Notting Hill Bus Cottage3 E 5 just fall asleep 24 Tsim 2 2 fogbeak 34 ibiza spliff 14 Cornish Spreek5b [st. Nectan S Glen Waterfalls Mix] Cheetah3 Teac Pretend Analog Extmix 2b Nightmail 1
  2. dank (posted with the purpose of ending this page)
  3. this one too :-): https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/33-synthi-rhy-q one of the happiest tracks he's ever made, this and summer2
  4. and [tigercubdelay] : 1998 he's readin this thread obv edit: posted in it a couple of times too ;)
  5. your avatar is an especially unpleasantly moist one
  6. forreal, fucking bimbongo doe... lushest underrated gem 2015 (edit:it even has a boccy vignette at the end!)
  7. bimbongo, lannerlog, and mind the gap all feature those synths. what are they, and where can i find more of that?
  8. what? i heard CC has some like weird grudge against rdj or summat. shame cause they create some really great videostuffs together, and this would be a huge blow to.. wait, why do i care?
  9. anyone ask why he and chris cunningham had a falling out yet?
  10. very glad i took an interest in this type of music... feeds the imagination so well, these artists very deep-founded
  11. alcyonidae is obviously chris cunningham and i'm excited at all this recent mysterious activity, account deletion or not...
  12. david wilcock is such a goober lol, a lot his ideas are mindblowing stuff, but half of them aren't his own, and though he studies an interesting field, he plays with too many important ideas, arranging them in his own slightly crazy way, which gets people interested in these topics/phenomena but misleads them and or discredits them somehow. these aren't easily integratable ideas into the general consciousness of our society and the way he presents himself and his beliefs of being the reincarnation of edgar cayce or whatever is kinda off-putting for me, and i'm sure many others. i believe in past lives and the akashic records and most definitely edgar cayce, but i don't see david wilcock as having the same authority to prophesize the way he does...jussayin...
  13. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/24-tsim-2 RAAAVE
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