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Posts posted by TwiddleBot

  1. Hardly original criticism there.

    Indeed, but then again, when is the last time you read original or even interesting praise of Tolkien's gibberish?


    For more on Tolkien's shitness:


    It's kind of easy to portray Tolkien as a knee-jerk neo-luddite meanwhile forgetting that LOTR is probably heavily influenced by his traumatic experiences during the Great War. Some of the thematic content is probably more obvious than others (like returning home to discover you no longer relate to your past). Anyway rather than posting a tl;dr thread check this out if you wish..


    Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth


    Anyway as far as entertainment and readability goes, Hobbit wins for me hands down over LOTR, and I much prefer the darker (pre raped-by-disney) germanic folklore/faerie tales. The problem with LOTR is that it has been ripped off so endlessly, it has become -the- formula for fantasy and has lost its impact.. people assume fantasy equals wizards, elves and dwarves. Also when it comes to sexless, well, we are still recovering from the neuroses of the puritanical era.. meh... underslept, not enough coffee, out of here before i ramble

  2. 16 vs 24 bit sound - I can't tell any difference whatsoever. But in a studio situation with post-EQ, distortion, compression, 24 bit is a very welcome and very audible improvement.


    of course. it's better to do everything in your production chain in as high quality as you can..


    it's conceivably possible to tell the difference between 16 and 24-bit in theory. 24-bit gives you I forget, 144dB dynamic range versus 96dB dynamic range for 16-bit. for example 24-bit could reproduce the ~130dB dynamic range of an orchestra if you had proper amplification.


    in practice though mixes don't ever use that kind of dynamic range.


    i still prefer to have everything at my disposal at as high a quality as possible, as it opens things up to other uses (like remixing, etc)

  3. Things i'm most proud of that I did in high school:

    -I made an fm-synthesis tracker in turbo pascal/assembly for the two-op soundblaster fm chip. On my 286. Then I made a really sucky video game with the music. I did everything, the graphics program, the 2d tile engine. blah blah.

    -Taking on and irritating my censoring douchy boot-camp alpha male anti-art principal (he almost drove his daughter who was my classmate nuts) as frequently as possible, writing letters to the local news and compiling lists of signatures to protest the way things were being done. I think in my entire three decades on this planet I've met perhaps three people I genuinely hate and at least one if not two of them I've forgiven. Not this dude.


    Thing I'm least proud of:

    -I had two ladies I totally had massive knockout crushes on hit on me (separately) but both repeatedly over a span of months and despite being agreeable.. I was too inept/repressed to respond. Fucking religious upbringing. :facepalm:

  4. religion is a huge factor in racism too, imo. the concept of racism is hard-wired into many religious doctrines


    agreed.. i think the problem is that humans are tribal creatures, we all get locked into our little circles and dehumanize the outsiders


    this applies to religion, hardcore ideologically-driven political groups, nationalist ideology and yeah race as well

  5. i don't think i was ever considered "popular" because i would usually insult the people i thought were stupid.


    i used to do that in early high school. i was a scrawny little dude with huge glasses bigger than my face and when you are insulting people with twice your body weight and they threaten to punch a hole thru your face and leave you hanging by your undies from the classroom coat rack it's amazing the incentive you find to quit

  6. I was totally a geek but not unpopular.. just a misfit. I think I spent most of high school making crazy b-movies with friends and drawing comic books in social and health classes (I found school way too easy mostly) and making splatter-fest computer games in qbasic, as well as arguing with my technophobic teachers constantly. Aside from that overly religulous, repressed, depressed, confused, nihilistic sense of humor, but somehow I wasn't too much of a loner. I keep in touch with a few of my high school buddies but we've changed a lot.. even so it's always fun to catch up now and then.

  7. there's a lot of different kinds of migraines (as there are a lot of major nerves in the skull) and while one solution might work for one type, it won't work for all. biofeedback worked for my grandma.

  8. wow, so many people with migraines.. they suck.. had my first cluster headache this winter, lasted a good week and a half. hopefully never again. headache is a gross understatement.


    i do get optical migraines all the time which don't hurt, thank god. just constant warbling zigzags in my peripheral vision for at least an hour or 2 per diem

  9. Absolutely one of my favorite electronic albums ever, possibly my favorite. About once or twice a year I put it on and get obsessed with it all over again. Years later I'm still hearing new things in it from time to time.


    (funny how i didn't get it at all when it first came out)


    -edit- Yeah.. it's just the layers.. they go on and on and on.. and I just love the shifting rhythms, the sounds. This album just doesn't really seem to date IMO, it just gets better

  10. I love ANS. Fucking beautiful album, which is lucky cause the creation of it was essentially random.


    It's such a long release.. I've made it through the dvd a couple times but have yet to get through all 3 cds!


    -edit- back to the IDM topic, nasa arab as well along with first dark ride..

  11. CSO is hideously elaborate though!!


    I really don't think Coil would have a problem selling vinyl, considering other 'underground' experimental acts like nurse with wound pretty much sell out every vinyl they print almost immediately

  12. I think it's a myth that you have to start people not into this stuff on Autechre's earliest albums.


    Agreed.. it depends on the person.. if I still had similar tastes in music to what I have today and someone lent me Autechre's earliest releases, I probably wouldn't be too blown away, would just have the nostalgia bone tickled a bit.


    It depends, for my friends who listen to hours of manufacturer's synth presets ahem boring trance i've passed autechre's earlier releases as they are more melodic (and trance-inducing), even though it's still kind of pointless.. old autechre is still waaay too subtle and goes whooosh

  13. quadrange is ace. glad to see the love for losid 2 and subrange 3, those were also my two initial favorites on the release.. (i really like the plc ccc and 6-36 too.. even though it's a bit of a commitment)


    if they ever put out any of this on 12" i'd scoop it up in a heartbeat ;)

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