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Posts posted by TwiddleBot

  1. Weird, I bought this off the aphex store and had no idea bleep was missing one of the tracks. Odd. Ah, I'm on my first listen and just getting to it now, and it's a remix of track 1.. huh.


    Anyway only one listen in, but this is the most I've enjoyed a new aphex release probably since drukqs or at least analord 10.. this is going to get played a lot


    japanese minimalist releases of like two beating sine waves

    got any suggestions? I'm big into Ryoji Ikeda, but what else is out there?



    Ryoji Ikeda is great but I was thinking of Sachiko M's releases, some of which pretty much do sound basically like having tinnitus and make Ikeda sound like a maximalist by comparison







    I'm not sure how, but end all is a sickeningly depressing track. It's like the sound of the world ending or something.


    to me the only depressing thing about it is that it's probably the least inspired thing they ever released. ever.


    (sorry, luv u ae :( )



    Melve tho?


    i fucking adore melve and the whole of lp5. it is one if not the fav of mine. the very least you can say about melve, even if you don't dig it, is that it was fresh (as in: not sampled from another track) and it has more than 1 notes (yeah a chord is technically more than one note, bite me).



    While I wouldn't say that all end has any particular musical variety, there's certainly more than just the one chord. All throughout the track you have a slow, deep, rumbling bassline and higher treble melodies that fizzle in and out of existence right at the fringe of the track. It's certainly more than just one chord, although granted it's not much more than that.


    yeah there sure are some intricacies to it and i do get the idea behind minimalism. actually i enjoyed pretty much all their tracks with a rather minimalistic approach so far like perlence subrange, eastre, TBM... fuck pendulu casual is maybe my fav track off elseq. this one... yeah it's not even a bad ambient track in itself. nothing particularly special but it sure does have impact and well... it's a nice chord lol. obviously it features some interesting emotional ambiguity. but: it's still literally just the ending of an older track stretched out period. i have a hard time getting over that fact i don't feel very good about it myself but yeah, that's just how it is atm. the hv moda reprise on 1 at least had a new twist to it and it wasn't a freaking hour long. it's just disappointing as an "end all" to me. if this was academia i guess there could be points made about them deconstructing themselves as bladelores was some kinda emo hit off exia etc. ... but yeah whatevs.


    hearing 4 from beginning with cans. frane is pretty fucking cool.



    But now imagine yourself hearing these whole 8 hrs as one chunk. And now imagine it's only 7 hrs, only that the last chord of the last bit of the last hour is stretched over another hour. I think that's pretty cool



    Basically if I was still theoretically young and still theoretically traveling to the moon every now and then (alas, those days are behind me), I'd start t1a1 when peaking, making all end the perfect comedown music.


    I dunno. I didn't know what to think at first, but so far I like it. I doubt I'd listen to it all as active music, but in the background when working on stuff, this is lush. I really like subtle minimalism--in technojargon--the chord changes and the granular synthesis/timestretching bringing out little harmonic subcomponents that come and go--in poetic jargon, it's hypnagogic and dreamy.


    But I'm the kind of person who will listen to japanese minimalist releases of like two beating sine waves, so by that kind of minimalist standard, this is busy af.

  4. Only started listening but wow, column thirteen was gorgeous and so far shimripl casual would make a perfect cyberpunk soundtrack. Of course I just played >observer_ over the past few days so ambient cyberpunk is fresh on the brain. 


    Have yet to start on the longest AE track aside from perlence subrange

  5. I kind of love that there are tracks on here that I wouldn't even be able to identify as AE if I didn't know. There's acid mwan idle, then there's g131 and nineFLY both of which could easily be mistaken for coil outtakes if not for their signature production, and shimripl air. It's exactly what I like the most about listening to AE and what I've been missing for the past couple releases (as good as they were)..


    I suspect this one is going to get a lot more plays.

  6. I use Focal Spirits. Love them, and yeah, they feel pretty close to right to me. looking forward to setting up my Focal monitors as well, hoping for a similar feel.


    I just picked up a pair of Focal Spirit Pros to replace my failing 7506's (I like having one decent pair of closed-back cans for music listening and making on the go). Since Focal discontinued them, I got a substantial discount. These are good cans.

  7. Finally made it to the end of ep 4. I always like Autechre aesthetically and Exai was top for that, but this is the first time I've had a visceral reaction to Autechre like this in years.


    I like short tight composed stuff but personally I also like the whole long form jam vibe. Maybe because I spend so much of my own time tweaking knobs and jamming. This is what self releases on the net are all about, the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want.

  8. I hear it, but when it happens again 10 seconds later there's continuous drones overtop some of those parts, so i think it's intentional. just sounds like a glitch effect to me


    Does 13x0 step "skip" for anyone else at a few parts (such as at 0:43)? It doesn't sound intentional.

  9. I like it so far. The jammy vibes somehow make it feel more personal.

    I suspect I'm going to like it a lot after a few listens. Best surprise ever to have this in my inbox today!

  10. Yeah the previews are really promising. This album (if i can call it that) is all over the place but arranged so nicely at first skim. Going to pick this up immediately




    am i the only one that didnt like the analord series and doesnt have that high expectations?

    That's why he released it under AFX.


    ? :cerious:


    i think he was more proud of his Analord series than anything else since he kept doing music in the same way ever since,


    i hear you, Analord was a radical change and not everyone enjoyed it, but to me it was revolutionary,

    the eclecticism of this selection, the complex melodies, and the FUCKING SOUND QUALITY !


    anyway, question of taste but AFX/RDJ whatever doesn't chose his names like this, i mean lol

    you obviously don't know the full story



    Not all Analord is AFX anyway... Analord 10 is Aphex Twin, and those are pretty standout tracks, worth checking out even if you don't like the rest of the series.

  12. So either everyone else conspired to steal his ideas or he's right, or both, or possibly he is a bit of a control freak who is impossible to work with. He wouldn't be the first talented artist to fall into that category.

    It's not like they totally fell apart after he left (tho I can't really get into anything the orb has done post-90s), but certainly he isn't the only member of the group that had talent.

    Anyway these are all possibilities. Y


    Thatch, as resident orb expert had always maintained that LX could barely do anything technically. This I can believe. However everyone else's output- fehlmann, youth, cauty, what-have-you has always lacked a certain vibe and panache that makes orb-- u know... Orb.

    Seems also possible that he was a real pain in the studio next to real studio and technical wizards but I refuse to admit that he did nothing


    Pretty much sums it up, and agreed with the latter point after reading the whole blog. It might be a bit of both. To be perfectly honest he sounds a bit like a control freak at some points in the rant.. hacks ruining my tracks and 'my band' don't fuck with my beds yo! No wonder it didn't work out, especially if the rest of the band was just wanting to get high as kittens and jam. Also the technical production on Orblivion is a step up from previous releases, and even if I think musically Orbus is far, far more interesting, it hardly paints the rest of the crew as inept.


    You'd think this would be fairly easy to verify if anyone related from that period chimed in (which I assume they won't).

    Oh well, interesting to know that one of my fave electronic albums of the 90s (OT) has some serious controversy behind it. Either way Thrash got our attention, and I will be curious to hear his new material. :)

  13. unlike exai l-event is pretty dark and the last track is really sad too...to me


    someone said it sounds like a soundtrack for the upcoming blade runner movie but i doubt they could make a movie to match the sf feeling of l-event


    If movies had soundtracks like l-event (instead of endless carl orff clones with a drum and an ooh ahh choir) you couldn't keep me out of the theatre.

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