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Posts posted by Jamesqdot


    I didn't care much for the elseq artwork either, but it's really grown on me... It's like a bunch of black holes eating eachother with squares added as sort of filled in and fractured graphing spots...



    ... But the music!!!


    This album has done to me what Download's Furnace did to me over a decade ago. It's completely changed the way I view and listen to music...


    Phenomenal album.



    I'm starting to think tDR are scumbags, these post cards are an absolute rinse. Combined with the price of the posters? Absolute jokers.



    In fairness, they're not posters, they're screenprints, and almost everyone charges a bomb for those. The poster on the Ae store is just a regular printed poster and is far less expensive.


    Frankly, I'd be happy with poster repros of these screenprints, like the stuff they used to release on thepeoplesbureau.com, but it's clearly not going to happen. :(

  2. I've had a CD copy of My Yellow Wise Rug (which, annoyingly, I can't currently find anywhere and consequently can't stick it on my Sonos and other devices) since its original release on GPR. Oddly, I only remember it from back when I was a student as being quite good, and had kind of written it off since.


    I see now, having been reminded of it by this new release, that this was a foolish thing to have done. This stuff is just blissful. Someone on Discogs describes some of it as being like Global Communication meets Kenny Larkin, which actually sums it up rather well. Can't wait for my vinyl copy to arrive.


    Maybe we will see the re-release of those two albums if Ostgut Ton can license them. I really hope so, but if this series of Chronicles ends up covering the, completely I'll still be happy.

  3. freulaeux is such a chill track

    Indeed. I've just discovered this one and it's now a favourite. Remind me a little of 'y7'.

  4. oneum is a masterful closer, not only to elseq 5 but to the whole thing. I get simmilar vibes from it as I do from VLetrmx21. only oneum is much more visual for me. those high frequencies are just gorgeous.

    This. One of my favourite tracks of the whole series. Evocative as fuck.

  5. yeah i recall a lengthy segment similar to c16 deep tread being in there. all the other overlaps i've noticed were brief and i thought they got the idea from ae live then went a different direction with it later, or its just a consequence of using the same patches or whatever\


    im probably not recalling a bunch from those 9 hours


    anyway you listened to krakow all the way through right? that's the one to start with imo. then maybe grafeninchen, but its hard to say


    Yeah, started with Krakow and wasn't sure where to go next. Was trying to skim and find the least similar set to follow that up with. Will give Grafeninchen a try next, thanks. :)


    Agree regarding the patches as well, but for me the overall sound of AE_Live and elseq are very much connected. The beauty of elseq, though, is how refined it sounds by comparison.


    For that reason alone, I think my wallet is going to take another hit shortly. :D


    Okay, this is disturbing me. I've been listening to Elseq 1-5 on and off since release. It's highly addictive.


    The references people here have been making to the AE_Live albums got me curious. I was originally as put off by the samples of the AE_Live albums as I was by those for Elseq 1-5 so I never actually bought them. I was wrong about Elseq 1-5 so I went back and skimmed through the AE_Live previes on the Ae Store again.


    In the Krakow, Brussels and Utretcht albums alone I've heard the live equivalents of a pretty good chunk of the material on Elseq 1-5, so was this basically them touring new material prior to honing it down for these EPs?


    More worryingly, can we expect Elseq 6-10 sometime soon do you think? It's just too much to process! :)




    my impression was that there were a handful of brief parts that bore similarity but really the vast majority of elseq is not on on ae_live at all.



    Oh I'm not saying that stuff on elseq 1-5 has been lifted wholesale out of AE_Live, but there's numerous "mixes", variations or the root of a number of elseq 1-5 tracks in there, and they're often far from brief.


    "c16 deep tread" is present in one form or another on multiple live sets (mostly at round about the same time in each set too), as are very brief elements of "latentcall" and "oneum".


    I can also hear "13x0 step," "pendulu hv moda", "elyc6 onset", "7th slip," "mesh cinereaL," and "curvcaten" to one degree or another just by skimming through.


    As far as I can tell, elseq 1-5 has at least in part been built up from a lot of the elements they used in those live sets. It just makes me wonder who much more elseq quality stuff there is to be derived from those live sets alone. :D

  7. Okay, this is disturbing me. I've been listening to Elseq 1-5 on and off since release. It's highly addictive.


    The references people here have been making to the AE_Live albums got me curious. I was originally as put off by the samples of the AE_Live albums as I was by those for Elseq 1-5 so I never actually bought them. I was wrong about Elseq 1-5 so I went back and skimmed through the AE_Live previes on the Ae Store again.


    In the Krakow, Brussels and Utretcht albums alone I've heard the live equivalents of a pretty good chunk of the material on Elseq 1-5, so was this basically them touring new material prior to honing it down for these EPs?


    More worryingly, can we expect Elseq 6-10 sometime soon do you think? It's just too much to process! :)


    Oh for fuck's sake!


    There I was convincing myself on the basis of previewing the elseq EP's that it was all going to be Untilted-levels of inaccessible (please don't hate me when I say that album is nothing more than eight unbearable ice cream headaches to me), AND that it was just too expensive.


    And what happens? I can't get the damn thing off my mind all weekend. I simply couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I read this entire thread and caved yesterday evening.


    Good god, this thing is utterly incredible.

    Untilted is everything I love about ae. I'm curious what your fav album is?



    Having been a reader of this forum for quite a long time, I can completely understand that. For me, however, everything between 'Confield' and 'Quaristice' leaves me cold.


    I suspect it will reveal far too much about what type of Autechre listener I am by saying that my favourite albums are:


    • 'Incunabula' - I was old enough to be around when nobody had really heard of Autechre, and I was able to buy a brand-spanking-new copy of the silver vinyl edition because I was simply trusting that everything Warp released in the Artificial Intelligence series was going to be amazing.


    • 'Oversteps' - For me their return to form after the clinical Confield+ era, for these reasons.

    I'll understand if you want to throw me out of here now. ;-)

  9. Oh for fuck's sake!


    There I was convincing myself on the basis of previewing the elseq EP's that it was all going to be Untilted-levels of inaccessible (please don't hate me when I say that album is nothing more than eight unbearable ice cream headaches to me), AND that it was just too expensive.


    And what happens? I can't get the damn thing off my mind all weekend. I simply couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I read this entire thread and caved yesterday evening.


    Good god, this thing is utterly incredible.

  10. The wording on the official Warp newsletter: "Autechre have released ‘elseq 1-5’, a collection of new music, available now exclusively on AE_STORE."


    Not sure whether that precludes some abbreviated physical release...

  11. I know there's been a lot of problems but has anyone received any physical orders yet?


    I ordered '7/8/9', '10/11/12' & Altering Illusions cds back in September & the 'Echoes In Space' DVD library in October but i haven't received anything yet.

    The Deepchord CDs are delayed until February.

    The other stuff will apparently start shipping next week.

  12. I find them to be very invasive and new age sounding, even the prominent vocals on white clouds. Background vocals are cool I guess but I feel like the ones that take center stage are overbearing. They don't seem necessary.

    Fair enough. I don't personally find them new agey in general, though I'll agree they sometimes head in that direction.


    I'd find many tracks rather dull without them, since they often deliberately take centre stage.


    Then again, I'm not really in the "doesn't like vocals" camp generally.

  13. Splendid. It was more the lack (?) of track lists as well as the fact that the physical was originally stated to be shipping (??) but in fact did not ship (???) or maybe it did but is now waiting for more stock and is therefore in preorder again but oh by the way ALSO some of the tracks were previously released and also by the way there is apparently a previous cv313 12" called Dimensional Space listed on discogs that perhaps is related but maybe not (????) and either way its not an LP anyway that I found confusing.



    EDIT: Jus sayin

    Oh. Yes. That. ;-)


    The 12" having the same title is a bit confusing but it was released years ago. And both the tracks on it are part of the digital download.


    Re the stocking of the item, Stephen has had massive trouble with the CD plant and has had to switch to a different one. There was a lot of explanatory detail about delays included in a recent email sent to all on their mailing list.


    The physical orders will soon be fulfilled by the sounds of things.


    Zoom in on the new artwork for Dimensional Space and you can see (just about) the 2CD track list.

  14. I'm not sure exactly what is confusing about it, but yes. Pre-order the physical and get the different digital version immediately.


    I would guess that once the label-direct copies are sold out and the CD is actually released you'd get both versions as a download if purchasing from the Bandcamp site.

  15. Nice. What's interesting is that as suspected, the digital files have none of the tube distortion ruining the tracks, like on the vinyl. It still makes me laugh that this so called "audiophile" Vinyl Factory have absolutely no quality control when it comes to pressing music. It really was one of the worst presses I think I've heard in modern music, especially for a high-profile release and the ridiculous price.


    Anyway, the music is still great!

    Indeed. The Vinyl Factory are some of the most flagrant and offensive rip off merchants in the entire industry. Did you see how much they charged for that latest Pet Shop Boys box set? They then failed to deliver the product on time (its still not finished) and only just managed to bother to tell those that had ordered it about it.


    Good news that these are available digitally at last.

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