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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. lol yeah definitely caught the sun today... I'll work on the waders thing...might also wear ANOTHER SHIRT
  2. thanks everyone I love you all, had a fantastic day chilling by the pool, swimming in the pool and drinking a lot of the all-inclusive alcohol. just eaten a very nice greek meal and will shortly go for a stroll down to the sea. holidays, gotta love 'em :)
  3. I have many shirts. I just happen to wear this one a lot. That picture was taken before I had a chance to get into my room and changed etc. I'm now rocking shorts and not much else by the pool.
  4. I've jizzed over my own pictures up in here at least 7 times. Don't give a fuck.
  5. BCM


    cheers dudes! I think the downbeat drum placement thing is just what I'd call the groove of the track...the whole rhythmic feel, and funkiness of it...nothing specific I've done I don't think, just where the beats/groove naturally placed themselves in my head and therefore ended up on the track...
  6. BCM


    did this on my korg volcas earlier whilst pissed. sorry about the shit mixing. https://soundcloud.com/b-c-m/trewatacid45dcnt
  7. Does not compute. Yeah, those 3 words together make no sense to me. Could you rephrase the question? am i going to die of a heart attack before i'm 50?
  8. bit unorthodox this one due to the cheese being underneath the burger rather than on top, but have just had a bbq and did burgers amongst other things... do I eat too many burgers?
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