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Posts posted by Glunk

  1. i think it takes longer than 3 months to truly love someone, but heck, who knows?

    a lot of couples also break up after moving in together.

    i know that the "passion phase" of a relationship peters out after about 2 years. it's scientific. a lot of relationships end after that point but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it. still, if the passion is accompanied by great companionship, i think it could stand the test of time.

    and sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith.
  2. i fear the same thing about one of my closest friends. she's very underweight, has rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, and doesn't even get her period. whenever we go out to eat together she tells me she hasn't eaten all day, then she gets the smallest portion available and doesn't even finish it. i have no idea how to approach it without offending her, though. about ~7 years ago she used to complain about people asking her if she was anorexic. she claims that she just likes bland food.


    all of my friends have exhibited disordered eating at some point. it's fucked up. i think i'm the only one who can eat a giant meal and not complain afterwards. but then i feel some amount of guilt for not complaining. what the hell is wrong with us.

  3. i was at a really pathetic, sort of post-apocalyptic theme park where the attractions became progressively more nightmarish as i went on. i can't remember much except that the sky was blue-black with silhouetted buildings that i was hopping along like a platformer game. i saw someone i knew and followed them into a cat-drawing seminar. ended up in some maze-like building with old broken electronics scattered on tables. there was one particular small L-shaped room that i eerily felt like i had been in before. as i was leaving the theme park daytime approached and everyone was gathered at an amphitheatre with fell beasts from lord of the rings. they would fly out and grab members of the audience and throw them into the sky but nobody ran away or exhibited any fear.

  4. one of the guys from work secretly started his own business in direct competition with ours, withholding this information from my boss. we have been completely nice to them and my boss wished them the best, even though they sneakily left and had been lying about this for months.

    i had given his assistant the password to the site i use to make the mailing lists. this was a year ago and she made one really shitty looking email and never used it again, so i had completely forgotten about it.

    i try to log into the website today and the password has been changed.

    i fucking hate people.

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