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Posts posted by Glunk

  1. i want to have a peaceful friday night at home, but my bedroom is in the front of the house and there are kids SCREAMING and running around on the front lawn and wrestling. and some of the screams are of the high-pitched blood curdling variety. holy fuck i hate children


    *starts turning green*

  2. Made some gingerdeadmen for the little tikes that come round on Halloween.


    Not one has come round so far and now it's raining. Looks like I've got about 10 of these to eat...





    It is tasty though.


    thats some cute


    but i wouldnt eat your poision dead men i mean cmon how did they die

  3. wowow, creepshots was shut down. good news.

    someone revealed the identity of the guy who started it too. yaya justice porn.

    still lots of other creepy subreddits and misogyny on ther internet though



    kill meh plaz


    coffee stopped working and i drank a shit load of coffee today and now i ave really bad heartburn my agh i ate like 6 zantacs and still


    my craziness inhibitor is about to explode now see y'all on the other side

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