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Posts posted by guidewire

    1. Ok... this has been bugging me a little bit... have people talked about these tracks ending with T#
    2. It seems like it's version numbers and key. Also it seemed like MOST of the T ending tracks are in caps... what ever that means.


    1. XMAS_EVE T10
    2. CIRCLON T6A
    3. CIRCLON T14
    4. syro u473 t8+e
    5. PAPA T4
    6. marchrom t30a


  1. Colour coding has become really useful to find the tracks I really thought had something worth building on.

    I use Abletons "open recent set" to keep up to all my current work churning around.


    Do you think having a project deadline or label helps focus efforts. I was talking to an artist where everything he works on is to be published where as I have lots of experiments but nowhere to put it.


    I've also been hitting some issues with linkages to audio files breaking because I don't consolidate every project. Protools gives you the option to either have a reference or import... it would be nice if Ableton had something like that.


    Anyway, I have tracks I've been returning to for years and sometimes it seems like I need some kind of trick to get them out the door and into peoples ears. I guess also deciding whether it's for my pure enjoyment or meant for others.

  2. sorry for bringing this up again,.... but

    Was just thinking about Autechre and how they said ( from what I remember) they had one folder for works in progress...


    I've started organizing files also by using OSx color coding to help bring out the projects that seemed more interesting.


    periodically I will label the Key that the project is in. Some times I make multiple tracks inside the same Ableton project and wonder if people generally extract songs out to their own projects or work on them within the same project.

  3. Would you play at Mutek in Montreal any time soon?


    Would you guys ever write a book about your process? Morton Subotnick is apparently writing a book... so maybe you have some time to think about it.


    How do you feel about mentorship and passing on your musical knowledge in more formal ways?


    Have you read any of Curtis Roads books or listened to his album Point Line Cloud?

  4. I had started watching this guys vids.


    I know a certain level of theory, but I always feel like I don't know where to get more "useful" information rather than dig through tradition. i suppose it's also about process too. Some of it is also more about mentorship and having someone guide you through listening and practice.


    That book looks like an interesting start.


    Also maybe spending more time on http://www.musictheory.net/ too

  5. So, I'm curious about how people organize their work. I've been organizing all my files by month. Every month gest a new folder. Do you organize by style? until you hit a track limit? A theme? How does one deside that a certain collection gets published? I'm curious.

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