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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by zazen

  1. No, its impossible. The tracks that aphex is uploading are at 128kbps, so thats all we can possibly grab. If you havent figured it out yet: when you stream from soundcloud you are just downloading a file into an on-page player. There are firefox and chrome extensions that let you grab the underlying file. These aphex tracks are always turning out to be 128kbps, no-one will do any better than that.
  2. jaspmf seems to have disappeared from thread - thanks mods!
  3. its really really fucking obvious that its not aphex you imbecile now fuck off and stop spamming shit here If you really 'didnt give a fuck' you would have fucked off 50 paged ago last time you were rumbled.
  4. that wasn't afx, the old username has been claimed by someone else
  5. He makes music all the time, but properly releasing it takes a lot of time and effort, so he's got this huge backlog that he can't face organising (he's said several times that he gets overwhelmed when trying to group tracks into possible releases) So what's he gonna do? Sneaky SoundCloud uploads is a good solution. Lots of fun for him and us at 128kbps and maybe get warp or rephlex to release the favourites eventually, a la chosen lords. Hopefully its enjoyable for him to get all this stuff heard and cause a watmm meltdown. Thanks Rich!
  6. Yeah they credit the sleuthing in this thread, nice
  7. I think he changed the name of some tracks after posting, might account for the difference
  8. Thats all I know of. There were some earlier soundcloud accounts back in Nov that got deleted (see page 1 of thread) but I don't know what the conclusion was about those.
  9. Because no-one, absolutely no-one, could mistake that bollocks for afx
  10. It isn't. And it has been posted numerous times before too :) He just posted a track to this one called "Alis Track Thing Remix". Alis Track is 17 on the other SC acct. That seems pretty damning Anyone can post a track called something remix after the fact. Stop posting bollocks in this thread And Read the rules jaspmf
  11. bollocks, and obvious bollocks, mr just-signed-up-to-watmm read the rules
  12. Someone needs to rename this thread to holyshitwqtfbbqaphex!!!!1111111111111
  13. brilliant yeah good work. For the lazy: compare 0:10 in the vid to about 0:50 in the 22 pearls soundcloud
  14. I think they're going for a retro vibe, as with the soundtrack. That poster is totally 80s. (Also, very clear references to original star wars posters)
  15. The music and style seem somewhat Tarantino-esque to me, I guess because that same song was used in Reservior Dogs. Like, they're going for a pop, fun, but Tarantino kind of vibe.
  16. zazen


    ohh! I thinki found it!! Now... how do I go about importing a wallet or whatever? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk There are different Bitcoin clients and I think they might use different .wallet formats. Or they might be compatible, not really sure. The two main ones are Bitcoin-Qt and MultiBit so try them first. http://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet
  17. zazen


    https://blockchain.info/address/13BRTUE2e2Krun67K5otWfa8q3Db5jvPex 0.01 BTC was transferred in to the address on that date, but nothing else. Still, thats $10 or so. Gordo: You would not have needed to be online to receive the money to that address - only the sender needs to be online. Its all to do with the public transaction blockchain etc. So if there were problems they must have been at Funktion's end. Or, he was bluffing and never sent it. Someone sent 0.01 in, for sure. In short: with a normal wallet, to work out how much money you've got, you open it up and have a look. with a bitcoin wallet, to work out how much money you've got, you look at the entire history of bitcoin transactions, count the totals coming into and out of your wallet's addresses, subtract one from the other and thats what you've got. Everything is public except the private keys that lets you send from your wallet's addresses. If you still have the private keys to that wallet's addresses (in the .wallet file) then you still control the wallet.
  18. zazen


    There was a US senate hearing today about virtual currencies, and they generally said positive stuff about it. e.g. see http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-18/u-s-agencies-to-say-bitcoins-offer-legitimate-benefits.html http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304439804579205740125297358 US Govt making positive noises can only fuel the rise. I think it'll break $1000 soon.
  19. zazen


    $4.6m in todays price
  20. zazen


    It hit $197 on Mt Gox today. $180 on the more cool-headed bitstamp.net interesting times
  21. That sorta looks cool but I have no idea whats going on once he gets inside the guys mouth. Why does he turn his head? What kills him? How does microscopic ant-man throw the other guy through the window?
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