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Posts posted by logakght

  1. 1 minute ago, xox said:

    it seems to me that using max for video makes much more sense than using it for audio

    for real time video manipulation yeah. I started to think of Max/MSP more of an studio instrument rather than something to "play live"—definitely there's a "scientific" approach when creating sounds in Max...

  2. 2 hours ago, Crazing said:

    Problem is that life now is just a rehearsal for social media. One of the kids I taught became a content creator and moved to l.a The school was all like but he's missing school and what about his attendance and grades. I'm thinking but the only reason u exist is to make him mr money bags and he's that at 15 so job done. Shut it. He's passed the stupid business exam irl. Even if he is just contributing to the utter cultural shite being factoried out ad infinitum he beat the dumb marketing cnts at the school who spend more effort on social media pr than education anyway. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, auxien said:

    good thoughts here

    but i'm honestly not sure if he's quite right. if someone trains some AI/ML prog with enough jam sessions (like, man, idk, the tens of thousands of hours of recordings that already exist of live jazz, Grateful Dead/Phish/etc., folk, etc....) then you could probably get some AI jamming pretty well.

    there's more to his argument tho. music as a verb, music as a collective human experience & conversation, players being constrained and influenced by their physical bodies, and so on. i thought it was a really nice take.

    What AI will never understand is the "symbolic" and "imaginary" dimensions of art creation. It is as real as you and me creating music, but it lives in another realm of "enjoyment".

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