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J e a n J a c q u e s P e r r e y

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Guest Mr. Magoo

how does jean jacques perrey get those sounds in his music, namely at the start of EVA, the high-rise sound that gradualy gets higher and faster???


i've been on the arturia minimoog trying to re-create similar sounds, but have gotten nowhere in terms of sound/form


please watmm, your my only hope!!!


the bubblely sound?

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Guest Mr. Magoo

nope its more complex, something like eg-vca ---> vco3 , etc... :confused:


but the pitch changes as well as the speed of the bubbeling!!!

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nope its more complex, something like eg-vca ---> vco3 , etc... :confused:


but the pitch changes as well as the speed of the bubbeling!!!



well, i didn't listen to the exampe, but it sounds like you're talking about an lfo hooked to a filter with keytrk enabled...


ala, increase in pitch, increase in the freq of the lfo...


not sure if minimogue has this...but most softsynths do.

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nope its more complex, something like eg-vca ---> vco3 , etc... :confused:


but the pitch changes as well as the speed of the bubbeling!!!

it sounds like you're talking about an lfo hooked to a filter with keytrk enabled...

ala, increase in pitch, increase in the freq of the lfo...

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Guest version2006

I saw JJP a few weeks ago. It was hilarious. he was playing "chords" on a minimoog that wasn't plugged in. Then Dana countryman started bangin away on this giant synthesizers.com modular that was plugged in but didn't have any sound coming out of it.


Then, to top it all off, the "backup CD" stopped playing and then nothing made sounds except for the microphones, which, apparently, were real. Dana apologized that the backup band was malfunctioning.


no sweat, though, JJP, you are a genious and outstanding in your field. Thank you. You always make me smile, and did that night as well.


There was a nice little asian man selling bear there



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