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kaini, i agree that the same thing that happened to D&B will happen to dubstep, but why are so many people thinking the genre is going to die such a quick death? aren't these two outcomes mutually exclusive?


kode9 and shackleton are my weathervane


the former is rapidly moving on to funky, wonky, and stuff

the latter is winding up skull disco :(


not to say it's dying, just evolving and drawing influence from other stuff

the same as wot electronic music did didn't



edit: actually i retract that. the reason "electronic music" is mostly dying on its arse is because of a lack of that mutability

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Guest Soothsayer

Frankly, I just see people's obsession with dubstep's "death" as cynicism and pompous "tastemaking"(Blackdown...)


Actually, fuck it, I'll bite my tongue on dsf, not here. Fuck Blackdown's blog, and fuck all of his writing on this genre. Dude is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Kode9, is incredibly divisive(and so fucking NEEDLESSLY, at that), and so venomous against what he doesn't like in the culture that to think that *he's* somehow a hallowed opinion on this subject pisses me off quite a bit.

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i disagree. martin's blog simply reflects his musical taste changing, dude is simply listening to different stuff now. there's no disputing his love for the music, he just thinks the scene is stagnating, and it's an honest opinion.


i'm not a HUGE fan of his album, but the wiki dubstep article would be about three paragraphs without his invaluable pitchfork columns and the like.

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I love the record but agree with Soothsayer.....


He's the ego within dubstep that I think should tone down.....


electronic music always has had an elitist ego but we were all nerds, freaks, and diverse personality types....


MRK 1 threw down a nice set but looked like Carson Daly on a beach vacation....


Hatcha ripped it up as well but I wanted set up a football corner kick for him........

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i can only base my opinion on my personal interactions with the man, and he has never been anything but a huge help to wiki editors wanting to spread the word...

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I actually own the cd...




so I support him and Dusk as well.......


and would definitely see them live....


if I were in Britain....


don't think they are coming to Austin anytime soon...

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Guest Soothsayer

I haven't said anything about the man's musical productions. Mind you, I quite like his production work.


I am very averse to his position as an authority/influence in his position as a writer in the scene. His own blog is a bit less extreme, but the pfork column *really* irks me. Whether one likes it or not, that blog is quite a portal to folks who aren't familiar with the scene. In saying that, I think his prattling on and on about how shitty things are getting and how derivative it all is seems to fuel a certain negative attitude towards the music on the whole. Him flat out admitting he hadn't listened to the Matty G album(he did admit this on dsf, btw) when he gave his "year in review" blog but just shitting on anything that wasn't based out of 2-step was irresponsible. Also, one cannot deny how downright lop-sided the ratio of attention to Hyperdub than *any* other dubstep label(esp, again, in the pfork column). Just wack...

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Guest nene multiple assgasms
***** *********************************************

What mainstream sources have you heard a dubstep like bass warble and/or straight up unmistakable dubstep emanating from?

commercial? TV show? MTV segwey? big league Rap production?



a promo on logo (the gay channel) had some midrange wobbly stuff.

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he is afraid of Matty G......


like Clapton feared Hendrix..........


Blackdown > Clapton


sorry that I even brought his name onto this board.....and this thread

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Guest Soothsayer

I think, in the end, dude is well-informed and his opinion is perfectly respectable. I just don't dig on the guy's own tastes being treated with such objectivity. My own motives for his removing himself from his influence would be pretty counter to most others, though(I'd actually like to see dubstep become more popular, I'm not quite so enamored w/the idea of it being some small, exclusive community).

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no, we tried that and look what happened...





Had fun....and am still


but electronic music is too exclusive, people can understand bass.....


not like Caspa....


but they can feel it...


rhythms and lazer sounds are a bit harder for most people to relate to..........

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Actually, fuck it, I'll bite my tongue on dsf, not here. Fuck Blackdown's blog, and fuck all of his writing on this genre. Dude is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Kode9, is incredibly divisive(and so fucking NEEDLESSLY, at that), and so venomous against what he doesn't like in the culture that to think that *he's* somehow a hallowed opinion on this subject pisses me off quite a bit.


thinking about this (not to be reopening cans of worms)


bar martin, kode is the only other person kinda documenting the scene and its evolution in a serious manner (as in, something other than forum posts).

i don't see venom, and in fact what i think you see is a systemic bias induced by this lack of documentation

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Guest Soothsayer

Either way, if it's unintended(which frankly, I don't buy into), he shows his failures as a good journalist to transcend that kind of bias.


As far as those two being the only ones documenting the scene in any meaningful way, that's an interesting thought. I guess in text, you're probably right(other than including yourself, which I mean in all sincerity). Outside of that though, I'd consider folks like Mary Anne Hobbs doing a lot to push the scene forward, as well. I do think that should be considered in this conversation. She's much more well-rounded in her vision of dubstep.


My original opinion still stands, I see Blackdown's blog as very partisan and detrimental to the culture of dubstep on the whole. He's so negative about anything he doesn't like that it instantly grows a stigma(which then gets accepted on dubstepforum and other communities). I disagree not only with that, but with how he further goes to put a greater stigma on what he doesn't like/understand as somehow "unoriginal" or something that's going to eventually "kill" the scene.

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i did a bit of an overhaul on 2-step tonight, it's looking nicer




also i guess this is the thread to complain about kode making a run of a couple hundred hyperdub tshirts (cafepress quality) and then charging THIRTY FUCKING QUID for em. that was a bit cuntish

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already has. sold out faster than a bunch of analord binders in a room full of afx fanbois.



also as regards documentation, props are due to georgina cook, who has been photographing this stuff since day dot. i just wish she'd loosen the creative commons terms on much of her stuff on flickr, then i could use it :(


she also did a bunch of stuff for hyperdub, i think :P




err yes we know steve. do you not read the man's blog?

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Guest Soothsayer

yet another big-up to Kulture. the 12" w/"Babylon" got released, been wanting that track ever since the MAH Generation Bass show. That song destroys...

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  • 2 weeks later...




this seems to be a 'thing' at the moment

the JME one is actually pretty effin good



also, we allllll know your feelings on martin, idi, but some nice photography here


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Guest Soothsayer

Yeah, that is cool photography...I like the fact the photographer tried to give a sociological background to them, as well(it was a bit lacking, but I'm happy he tried, as the subject matter is fascinating).

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