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Guest Chris Martin

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Guest Chris Martin
lovely stuff dude


dont really got any critique just make it longer.


Thanks! I'm still working on that but it's hard to get anything done with school consuming most of my time :unhappy:

I'll definitely keep going though as this is probably my favorite track thus far.

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Oh now this is sweet!!! Very smooth drums and atmosphere's you have going on here. I like the stretched out clarinet sound you had going throughout the track...and of course it has to have some more structure, and an ending. I would recommend you have a breakdown section shortly after the part you ended at, with some sparse drums, then bring the glitched up clarinet sound and funny bass into a kind of conversation...then bring the track back into full force for a couple measures and end it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i like aspects of this, its soft and kind of flows well, but i hate the drums so much and after i listen to it nothing sticks out in my mind, its the kind of song that should be 4 or 5 minutes with alot of changes in the drums and melodies. it sounds so much like old four tet, you should put some rolling jazz drums in it.

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The begining is really smooth and when the vocal comes in you already have excellent first part.

Perhaps it would be easier to end the track if you would make the ending part before you start to work on the middle. I think the track is really wicked, it reminded me of BoC and DJ Qbert, smooth and ambient.

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Guest silencide

imo, you should use electronic sounds for the drum part... this is the only bad point I've found :)

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