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Guest the televisor

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Guest the televisor
i was just under the impression that fruity loops isn't possible of making complex stuff like that, but im just ignorant cause ive never used it myself just what ive heard of it, and I guess the name "fruity loops" doesn't really sound like something you would make great music with

two words: orange dust. an artist you should definitely check out. makes his music entirely in fruityloops, also lives in perth, and blows the televisor out of the fucking water.


.. sorry junglist_jon, but orangedust is superior.


i didnt know it was a fuckin competition, i make music for fun and for the achievement and enjoyment of listening back to my tracks, which is a pretty big achievement considering ive only been producing about a year and know fuck all about electronic music when i first started, eg how the fuck to structure a song.

I swear you have a little dig at me in any of my threads on my tracks. Iz it coz i iz english?

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Guest the televisor

Im in Australia yes, but im a born & bread englishman, with a very small part scottish in me, which is where the name Televisor came from.

John Logie Baird, believe it or not, i couldnt give a fuck if you do or dont, is my ancestor. He invented 'The Televisor', or the television as its nowhere days, which was the first machine that produced moving picture. my myspace picture is a picture from the first moving picture ha. I thought it would be a pretty good idea to call myself it because im related, i think its an alright name, and our birthdays are on the same day, which is quite fuckin strange... and we're both called John!

and the music video on my myspace page is footage from The Televisor in action. SO theres my big secret that never was a secret in the first place...........................moved here in 2006 unfortuneately.


Thanks for your feedback scones to die for

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im interested in your drums, post a direct dl if you can, if you cant ill host your shit.


are you seriously 16? thats fucked up


also, fuck you to the person that dissed on orange dust

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i didnt know it was a fuckin competition, i make music for fun and for the achievement and enjoyment of listening back to my tracks, which is a pretty big achievement considering ive only been producing about a year and know fuck all about electronic music when i first started, eg how the fuck to structure a song.

I swear you have a little dig at me in any of my threads on my tracks. Iz it coz i iz english?

no it's because you're so easy to pick on.

take it easy man, i wasn't 'having a little dig', i was just saying that fruityloops isn't as shitty as everyone says. maybe i shouldn't have said that od's stuff blows yours out of the water, but i've seen the guy make tracks, he's a fuckin' machine.

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Guest Promo
i didnt know it was a fuckin competition, i make music for fun and for the achievement and enjoyment of listening back to my tracks, which is a pretty big achievement considering ive only been producing about a year and know fuck all about electronic music when i first started, eg how the fuck to structure a song.

I swear you have a little dig at me in any of my threads on my tracks. Iz it coz i iz english?

no it's because you're so easy to pick on.

take it easy man, i wasn't 'having a little dig', i was just saying that fruityloops isn't as shitty as everyone says. maybe i shouldn't have said that od's stuff blows yours out of the water, but i've seen the guy make tracks, he's a fuckin' machine.

He should really start making tunes again.


I was always amazed that he had no keyboard and just programmed all the melodies/beats/basses etc in.

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i didnt know it was a fuckin competition, i make music for fun and for the achievement and enjoyment of listening back to my tracks, which is a pretty big achievement considering ive only been producing about a year and know fuck all about electronic music when i first started, eg how the fuck to structure a song.

I swear you have a little dig at me in any of my threads on my tracks. Iz it coz i iz english?

no it's because you're so easy to pick on.

take it easy man, i wasn't 'having a little dig', i was just saying that fruityloops isn't as shitty as everyone says. maybe i shouldn't have said that od's stuff blows yours out of the water, but i've seen the guy make tracks, he's a fuckin' machine.

He should really start making tunes again.


I was always amazed that he had no keyboard and just programmed all the melodies/beats/basses etc in.

yeah, it's strange that he can't actually play any instruments. he seems to be an exception to the general rule that the best beat programmers tend to be actual drummers.

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Guest the televisor
i didnt know it was a fuckin competition, i make music for fun and for the achievement and enjoyment of listening back to my tracks, which is a pretty big achievement considering ive only been producing about a year and know fuck all about electronic music when i first started, eg how the fuck to structure a song.

I swear you have a little dig at me in any of my threads on my tracks. Iz it coz i iz english?

no it's because you're so easy to pick on.

take it easy man, i wasn't 'having a little dig', i was just saying that fruityloops isn't as shitty as everyone says. maybe i shouldn't have said that od's stuff blows yours out of the water, but i've seen the guy make tracks, he's a fuckin' machine.


id of thought people would have other things to do than pick on a teenager over the internet haha but w.e tickles you pickle mate;)

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really not seeing what everyone is so hyped on this orange dust dude except for the sick ill dj graffiti

the real gold is in his mid-skool stuff.



get "exceed data purge", "every crap electronic music song i've heard in rekkid stores", "pressure gates", and "what is intelligence, anyway?"

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