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Guest Demerzel

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Guest Demerzel

Four new shiny tracks for your enjoyment, hopefully.






Please the constructive critcism.


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Guest Demerzel

I have never played that game, however a quick wikipedia tells me:

... the soundtrack received positive reviews from critics. Chudah's Corner summarized its review by stating that the soundtrack is an "astoundingly memorable classic of videogame music".[66] This is also supported by other professional reviews, such as by an RPGFan reviewer that "don't believe that any other soundtrack known to man surpasses it" ...[67][68]

Whilst I am surely overjoyed at the job prospects which must now await me, how about I apologise to you for the lack of beats and move on.

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They we're ok... definitely sounds like videogame music, or soundtrack music of some kind. It has a very cinematic feel to it. Which is cool... not always my thing (I generally like soundtracks that defy the typical cinematic feel) but I don't hear a lot of electronic music with that kinda feel (although I've been told some of my music sounds very cinematic so perhaps I'm being hypocritical...)


The songs all feel a little unfinished though which is my problem... not so much in song structure, you have a superb ear for melody... more so in sound design. Again... nothing wrong with lo-fi ness... I just feel like these are all basic demos for something really big you're planning... like you had the idea and you had to quickly jot them down, but never got round to doing anything with them from there.


I think... try varying the sounds within the song, not having every tune played with the same sound, make the sounds less midi-ish, more interesting. Layer things a bit more, put more depth in the sound... some highs and lows and middles... not everything just smooshed in one place, and some little subtleties too...


I don't mean to sound overly negative... just that I hear a lot of potential, these are some really beautiful, melancholic tunes... it just sounds like they haven't reached their potential and I'd like to hear you do more with it.

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Guest vodor

i think it's brilliant as is. i loved it. i like the simplicity of the tones and the minimalism. awesome melodies indeed.


springy's ideas might be worth investigating, but i like it as it is. it would be something else entirely if you started embellishing and adding accents and effects and layers and higher frequencies. it might be really cool, but it would be something different.


listen next time is awesome. very emotionally affecting. i can imagine it being a top 40 hit if that main melody line was vocal, with some mournful/angsty lyrics. i guess it'd need some groovy beats too though. maybe the top 40 isn't ready.


spider has quite a different mood than the other tracks, so it felt out of place. i also didn't like it as much as the others.

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Listen Next Time was nice a simple beat wouldn't hurt.

Decision also would be nice with a beat but a DRILL beat it'd be cool.

The World is good as is very good yeah reminds me of Alice in Wonderland with the queen of hearts.

Spider also was good you should add some sea sounds like seagulls and waves yeah mother fucker.


Good tunes.

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Guest tht! tne

i don't really have more to add that Springymajig and vodor didn't cover

that was a really incisive idea about how to make listen next time a top 40 hit

though overall these are a little too emotional and simple for me

definitely would like to hear them reworked some

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Guest Demerzel

Thanks for the comments guys.

I definitely know what you mean. I wouldn't say all of the sounds were particularly "midi-ish" but I was going for something quite reminiscient of late eighties, early nineties DOS-game music after a discussion with someone about doing so. I hear what you're saying about putting in more high layers for sure but I dont really like when music has too many lows other than percussion and/or a bassline. I'm definitely guilty of trying to do too much with the mids.


I am not too sure what you mean by cinematic.


thanks. I'm glad you appreciated the minimalistic touch. It's interesting that you say that about Listen Next Time because originally I planned to write out guitar and bass tabs, have words written, and PLAY that song in the band. Perhaps I ought to. :P


And yeah, spider is a bit of a different mood but to me I think it sort of fits after those tracks in terms of describing a time in my life as documented by music. But I guess it makes sense that that does not translate well. Any particular reason you didnt like it as much?


I tried drums in LNT and I felt it wasnt working for me. Spider is something I wanted drums in but couldnt really get fitting. I think they both stand up alright. It's interesting you seem to like The World more. I'd say it was the simplest track of them all.


Interestingly I can hear what you're saying about spider in my head and ... hmm, I might try that. possibly too cliche but fuck it I'm still writing in scales from ancient greece.


I get what you're saying yeah.


hmm. I think I'm going to go off and work on these tracks some based on your feedback and come back with some updated stuff.

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