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the latest goldpile from cardan

Guest cardan

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Guest cardan

28_ok hoobjoob up in the yes alright yes ok good


i'm not too sure about this one cuz at first when i was doing it i thought it was going to be good and a longer track and would be slightly danceable despite its time sig, but i lost patience and attention and focus and all that like i frequently do and so i made it end maybe abruptly? and then added some small stuff, turned some knobs, etc, and then did the end part. weird cuz this track is the same exact length as the last one i did... totally didn't even have that in mind... whoa bro its like comsological alignment and like planets and my soul and divinity and shit boy do i have to poop right now and maybe i should try to have more patience with stuff i do and like learn to hold my creative connection to a single thing for longer than 1 sitting length...


so what do you think? :undecided:



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