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You should expand your sound palette. Don't just use the same five drum sounds. Vary the hihats and snares.


Also, melodies are a good idea.

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I really liked all three, mainly the first and the third one...


The first one, even though the drums don't variate in terms of sounds, I still really like the way the rhythm variates (is that a word?). To me it works in the minimalist sense because I like that kind of sound, but at the same time I agree with Braintree that melodies would be nice. A second version with some nice synth sounds would work really well.


The third one, I love the synths you're using, but I think adding a really deep kick drum that follows the snares would be really great, especially after that first kick drum comes in.

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Guest Asterix

enjoyed 1 + 2, really liked the woozy synth on track 3 - what synth is that and how did you get the woozy effect?


the overall sound is 'in your face' all the way through, perhaps modulate the loudness levels a bit. quiet parts would then make the loud parts sound extra loud by contrast.


good work!

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in "chelou" i was thinking all the time "when does the intro ends" :\; i like the syncopation towards the end, with the hihats. "killergroove" sounds a little too much distorted for my taste.


overall, i think you nailed it with the choice of sound for the drumkit and synths, good use of reverb too. nice, uhmm, "atmosphere". it is good to make these kind of experiments to adopt a certain "texture" if you like. the next step it's to play around musically, creating melodies, etc. that i would like to hear from your tracks :)

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