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Guest Iain C

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I used to have dreams about soft pillows stuffed so full they become rock hard. Sort of like the walls in a padded cell. Very worrying. It was never particularly threatening, just frustrating. Strange shit the mind.


Anyway, it's from Italian Spiderman. Youtube it.

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Okay, to embellish: these pillows were very much like the walls of a padded cell, uniform in pattern. But they'd pulsate and grow like a living organism. For a while I thought of them as flesh as I think they had the texture of warm skin. But as the dream carried on they'd become so full and rigid it'd become dangerous and, as they closed in around me, I'd find myself feeling claustrophobic.

These dreams mainly occurred in the few weeks I had major migraines and had about two weeks off school. Freaky times. My sister is witness to me hallucinating that I was a cat during this period. Fucked up shit, man. I'm probably a nut, but who hadn't guessed?

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Guest El_Chemso

I'll chip in here. You know what job I do, at the start of the year I saw this one situation shall we say that was bad, I mean BAD and I was a bit shocked but ok, about 3-4months later I had what can only be described as pretty fucking graphic nightmare about it, which woke me up, I havent had it again but I am aware that all my dreams are not all bunny filled. But lately all I dream of is my girl so that seems to be a pretty solid fix for me.


Dont diss the late nights, Ive been having late nights for years and its not late once your body clock adjusts.

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you're a fireman now right?

and a lifeguard before?


i really admire those professions, you put yourself at risk to help others. that's fucking awesome.

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I tried to explore that concept earlier, as I've had many frustrating dreams where simple concepts just don't seem to work. I was irked by your image and couldn't decide whether it was the act of intrusion or the audacity and size of the intrusion which effected me most.

I think it's purely a matter of frustration more than anything else. In dreams, the size (large concrete block) can be terrifying and immovable, but I think the intruding object alone is the point.


I used have those frustrating dreams a lot when I was younger. I have them less often now, or at least in a less visceral sense. Those immovable objects are the most terrifying images in nightmares.


i had lots of these dreams as a kid and they'd last forever and sounded horrible. loud and pulsating and low-pitched

massive/heavy featureless objects, from very close-by

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Woke up quite a few times last night, I wouldn't call my dreams nightmares though. In one I ruined a funeral, which I felt pretty bad about, but whose idea was it to have a funeral in a theme park? In another, my throat kept closing up and I couldn't breathe, but it always stopped before I really panicked. In my last dream of the night, I fell into the Thames from a bridge and it was disgusting, but then a load of my male and female friends joined me in the river, which suddenly grew a beach, and everyone got naked. That was excellent but I woke up from it to find I'd overslept.


Oh and in another one I had, Dan C and I tried to infiltrate the Republican National Convention, but I started shouting anti-McCain epithets before we even got past security so we both got arrested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I ate half a Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate bar before going to sleep, and had the second worst nightmare I've had in a while.


I was a camp counselor at a lodge, and my wife was there, and one of the counselors was an ex-mob member that had killed a lot of Jews in New York, and his brother came looking for him, which resulted in a chase/shootout.


I grabbed a kid that couldn't be older than 11, more than likely about eight, and crouched into a corner outside the lodge (it was brick at five feet and down) with the only shotgun around, and most of the shooting was going on the other side of the house.  This fat lady (a bossy counselor moron-type) tried to take the kid from me, but I didn't want him running around during the shooting, so I told her to fuck off, and ended up pointing the gun at her to get her to go away.  The kid told me that was sad, since she's usually nice.  Then a friend of mine tried to take him, so I pointed the gun at her and told her to fuck off.  Another friend of mine showed up with a periscope, and held it around the corner to see another counselor girl there, and confirmed that the shooting was over, so he took the gun from me, then told me my wife was dead.


I woke myself up crying hysterically, then got pissed at myself for not being a lucid dreamer.

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So I ate half a Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate bar before going to sleep, and had the second worst nightmare I've had in a while.


Not sure there's any truth in the stories about what you eat before sleep. Could be wrong though



I remember my dreams most nights but i hardly ever have bad ones. One i remember though, was meeting myself when i was about 6 and i was dressed in my school uniform and wearing the same coat i used to wear for school. The atmosphere in the dream was really bad and it was like the young me was like a demon or something. Then i came.


True story. Except the bit about the coat.

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  • 3 months later...

Had another nightmare last night, but I only remember the end of it.


This guy was killing people, and he was about to bury them, and I was trying to watch from a distance, but he saw me and came after me with the shovel.  When he cut me off coming around a corner I tried to yell "no" and woke myself up.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had one of the worst nightmares last night.



In my dream (which was lucid basically, I knew I was dreaming), I looked up at the moonlight on my wall, and I saw the cover of some Squarepusher album being projected on that same spot (Ultravisitor or something but I'm not sure lol).


But suddenly, the next thing that happened was a beep coming up in my right ear (the ones that you get when you have been at a concert or something), and next thing I knew, I was paralyzed, I wanted to sit up, because I was aware of what was happening, but it took me an enormous amount of effort. I tried to scream but I wasn't able to make a sound. It was like there was an entity in my room, trying to put me back into sleep, which was terrifying. I had to struggle to not fall asleep.


I woke up simply lying in my bed, turned on the lights. I felt kind of safe again so I went back to sleep.


I found out that more people have experienced this sort of dream (almost in the exact same way, the beep was there etc etc), and what I was going through has most likely been sleep paralysis.




But there's more. When I went back to sleep, I experienced another dream, I saw my dad dressed up like some kind of Taliban warrior (fucking lol) and we were laughing at him, it was not scary or anything. Right after that, however, I was lying in bed again (still dreaming), and my mum was standing next to my bed. I felt like I would be going through the same shit again, so I immediately told my mum, to get me out of my sleep. I woke up and nobody was in my room. I went back to sleep again, and was relieved I didn't have anymore dreams of the same nature (if any) that night.



Well, off for a cup of coffee now.

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the first time i had sleep paralysis i was also looking at the moonlight on my wall and ceiling. the shadows turned in to people dancing around a fire (as shadows) and then there was a beep (only had it the first time). it got louder the more i panicked/tried to move, and i'd sink in to my bed. i couldn't wake up, i kept thinking i'd woken up but i was still asleep and paralyzed. eventually i relaxed and the beep faded, i floated up towards the ceiling and then actually woke up.


it's pretty cool waking up from sleep paralysis and seeing the hallucinations fade away.

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i used to be a really troubled kid with a large imagination so i'd constantly get night terrors, waking up in cold sweats, thinking i saw things in my room in the corner of my eye

i'm now able to steer myself away of oncoming scary situations just by will. the only thing close to a nightmare nowadays for me are scenarios like it's my first day of school and can't find my class, a bit of a panic type thing. definitely no nightmares anymore

i've had some truly terrorfiying dreams though. one of them was a continuing dream that i was in my house alone and a poltergeist would levitate items and then throw them at me, fucking terrorfiying

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  • 1 month later...

I had the weirdest quasi-nightmare the other night about a woman that made her husband chop up her baby daughter and fed the pieces to the birds, but the pieces were only big enough to choke the birds to death.  Then the woman killed another woman to take her son, and when the town she lived in found out about it, the town's children put on grey robes and horse's heads with human faces strapped over the mouths and had a parade to watch her arrest.


There was something else to do with a house bleeding lava lamp wax and a guy that used it as ink to make whatever word he wrote come into reality, but I don't remember the specifics.

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i'm getting more nightmares involving an invisible entity that hides in my dreams and charges out at me, cept i haven't actually seen it... it's the whole generic scared of the dark situation it seems but fuck , not cool

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