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How long does it take to get good at illustration / graphic design?

Guest my usernames always really suck

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Guest abusivegeorge
am i to be known as the one who shits?




From this day fourth you will be known as the legend.

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  • 6 months later...

Is there a font browser plug in for adobe illustrator that allows me to easily try out different fonts and see the results with vector effects that are already in place? The inbuilt text changer/ browser is too finicky..

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Guest Adjective

if you want passion and creativity, get yourself raped and abused


oh i guess this thread is old now, how did things work out for the OP?

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Guest Fishtank

I'd say there's nothing really intuitive about using Illustrator seeing as how you're basically plotting points and bending the lines between them. It can produce good results though especially if you have a rough sketch of somthing, just use illustrator and trace over it.

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Guest El_Chemso

The mistake you made here was to ask a serious question on WATMM and hope for genuine responses. Some people do and some people just derail.


I can't draw at all, but I can use Graphic design and 3D programs to make pretty good stuff. I think the difference is that with computer aided design you can constantly tweak it till you get it how you like it. I do think drawing is a natural skill, but its lesser to that design flair that people who can draw seem to have.


Bottom line, you can learn to draw if you keep at it, same way you can learn to do anything with enough time.



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Guest Adjective

better off just going straight to Nicodemus in the rose bush, unless you have time for the Owl show... thinks he's so great...

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