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jesus fucking christ

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

im in too much pain atm to hunt down my salsa thread, but

i'd just like to let you know that my local beer/wine shop

called the vintage cellar happens to stock a shelf of

ridiculously hot, hot sauces notably the blair's 3AM and 6AM

line of sauces. however, i went with the vicious viper sauce

and put a tablespoon into my habanero salsa and holy fucking

cunt shit this stuff is hot, and it's only rated at 500,000 scoville

units. a fresh habanero is rated at about 200k to 300k scoville



my next purchase will be the blair's 3AM which is rated at

1.5 to 2.0 million scoville units, and when the specialty bottles

of 6AM and Special Reserve become available, i'll have my hands

on 10.3 -16 and a certified 16 million scoville unit sauces.


:getlost: :devil:


highly recommended.

i feel like a dragon and snot is running down my nose like a river.

staight endorphin shot to the head.

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that bottle reminds me of when i was flown out to play a show in canada.


after i got of the plane after being dicked around by airport security the promoter and i went to dinner.


we went to some pub and i had asked for some tobasco for i can eat it with my fries and ketchup.


the waiter said that they didn't have any tabasco for customers, that it was only availible for fucking bloody mary drinks.

i was kind of bummed because i love hot sauce with anything and everything.


the waiter then told me that on the other side of the place was a shelf that could cater to my needs, i walked over there curious and i found a shelf filled with novelty hot sauce.


ha it was awesome.

i saw some teryaki ones, texas ones. and alls orts of hot sauces.


so i got the one that appealed most to me.


the one a drawing of a guy farting out flames.



it wasn't that hot but it did the job =)



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Guest fiznuthian

hah, nice!

hot sauce is so awesome. :cry:

im sorry essines, i really am.



i've read in some reviews of this viper sauce that people would eat a spoonful of it and they would either puke immediately or get nauseous then puke while in a painful flaming agony. blair's 6AM is so hot, a drop on the end of a toothpick will ignite an entire gallon of chili into fiery pain.

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Guest abusivegeorge

My friend once consumed a bottle of hot sauce for a dare in our local pool club. More than one cloth needed replacing.

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Guest abusivegeorge

It was like that episode of Family Guy, and the more he tried to scramble to the toilet the more he puked. God love you Chris.

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