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Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest Iain C

You can manufacture a reasonable analogue of fun by replacing the "100000" in that link with any other number you like (<100000 for best results) and seeing what amazing post results.


For example:


the stammering whore



except there's no cs 80 in the first two boc albums... the ones that everyone claims has the cs-80 as the signature sound.


no cs80.


how's that for boc obsessive.(more sound source obsessive.)



I am sooo much better than this person, I forgot how to use contractions!


but she is a very high-quality woman!


so you must be premium quality one


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Guest Gary C
yep, also martin tresseder, bradley strider, power-pill, gak and the aphex twin...


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You can manufacture a reasonable analogue of fun by replacing the "100000" in that link with any other number you like (<100000 for best results) and seeing what amazing post results.


I still don't understand how 997,715=1000000, but what happens if you replace the number with a number greater than 1000000?

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Guest Iain C

You'll get a more recent post. Unless it's a post that hasn't been written yet, in which case you'll contact the future and you have to tell us all what it's like.

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Guest Gary C

You're likely to bring back blank quotes, I guess. We're probably up to 1025000 or something since then.

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You'll get a more recent post. Unless it's a post that hasn't been written yet, in which case you'll contact the future and you have to tell us all what it's like.


I tried it, it looked like this:




Okay, now he's gone. Let's get this gangbang started!




I fucking love you guys!

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Guest ms-dos



Is this the game where you're tootling down the M55 in a little car and then some cunt comes past you doing the wanker sign, but only doing it as they overtake you and laughing and showing off to his mate who he's probably going to fuck later on with lager. They think you've got a shit car but little do they realise that this is a 12L turbo force fucking black hell machine. So you let them have their fun, the bellendish driver and his gormless counterpart, and you can just drift in their slipstream for 2.1 miles or so and then, when you see police flashing in your rearviews, you smash the accelerator into the past, narrowly missing the wet breath of your nemesis, and you do the wanker sign back, but slow it down to make it more antagonising. The angry fuckwit can not abide this and he puts hits hairy and clueless foot down. You concede defeat and pull over and he hurtles past doing a vigorous wanker sign, expending much more energy than before. His monkey is laughing and rolling cigarettes using papers. 165 seconds later you pass them on the hard-shoulder getting an stern telling off from the fuzz and looking sheepish. You're in the slow lane and manage to creep past doing the slowest wanker sign imaginable and they go mad and jump and point at you and the copper just turns round with this look on his face that means that he doesn't believe their lies and you drive off into the sunrise grasping a silver chalice full of blood and glory.


If so, I got stuck on the tutorial.

lol :beer:


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Guest abusivegeorge


Is this the game where you're tootling down the M55 in a little car and then some cunt comes past you doing the wanker sign, but only doing it as they overtake you and laughing and showing off to his mate who he's probably going to fuck later on with lager. They think you've got a shit car but little do they realise that this is a 12L turbo force fucking black hell machine. So you let them have their fun, the bellendish driver and his gormless counterpart, and you can just drift in their slipstream for 2.1 miles or so and then, when you see police flashing in your rearviews, you smash the accelerator into the past, narrowly missing the wet breath of your nemesis, and you do the wanker sign back, but slow it down to make it more antagonising. The angry fuckwit can not abide this and he puts hits hairy and clueless foot down. You concede defeat and pull over and he hurtles past doing a vigorous wanker sign, expending much more energy than before. His monkey is laughing and rolling cigarettes using papers. 165 seconds later you pass them on the hard-shoulder getting an stern telling off from the fuzz and looking sheepish. You're in the slow lane and manage to creep past doing the slowest wanker sign imaginable and they go mad and jump and point at you and the copper just turns round with this look on his face that means that he doesn't believe their lies and you drive off into the sunrise grasping a silver chalice full of blood and glory.


If so, I got stuck on the tutorial.

lol :beer:


LOL, brilliant.

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Guest idrn


Is this the game where you're tootling down the M55 in a little car and then some cunt comes past you doing the wanker sign, but only doing it as they overtake you and laughing and showing off to his mate who he's probably going to fuck later on with lager. They think you've got a shit car but little do they realise that this is a 12L turbo force fucking black hell machine. So you let them have their fun, the bellendish driver and his gormless counterpart, and you can just drift in their slipstream for 2.1 miles or so and then, when you see police flashing in your rearviews, you smash the accelerator into the past, narrowly missing the wet breath of your nemesis, and you do the wanker sign back, but slow it down to make it more antagonising. The angry fuckwit can not abide this and he puts hits hairy and clueless foot down. You concede defeat and pull over and he hurtles past doing a vigorous wanker sign, expending much more energy than before. His monkey is laughing and rolling cigarettes using papers. 165 seconds later you pass them on the hard-shoulder getting an stern telling off from the fuzz and looking sheepish. You're in the slow lane and manage to creep past doing the slowest wanker sign imaginable and they go mad and jump and point at you and the copper just turns round with this look on his face that means that he doesn't believe their lies and you drive off into the sunrise grasping a silver chalice full of blood and glory.


If so, I got stuck on the tutorial.

lol :beer:


LOL, brilliant.



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I guess it depends how you count it, but note the number at the end of this link: http://forum.watmm.com/index.php?act=Post&...mp;qpid=1000000


I guess Gary's was the technical millionth post, but what with Joyrex's Stalinesque rewriting of internet history, I'll probably be warned for suggesting it.


Keep the game up mate, watch how fast the hammer drops. Seriously.


In fact, head on over to Theo's Forum™ now and save me the trouble, OK? I don't appreciate being compared to a person who killed millions of innocent people. I run an internet forum, of which you are a guest of. You don't like the way I run things, now there's an alternative.


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